Page:Rudin - a novel (IA rudinnovel00turgrich).pdf/86

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‘How do you say that there are none then? Here you have one at the very first turn.’

All in the room smiled and looked at one another.

‘One minute, one minute, but———,’ Pigasov was beginning.

But Darya Mihailovna clapped her hands crying, ‘Bravo, bravo, Pigasov’s beaten!’ and she gently took Rudin’s hat from his hand.

‘Defer your delight a little, madam; there’s plenty of time!’ Pigasov began with annoyance. ‘It’s not sufficient to say a witty word, with a show of superiority; you must prove, refute. We had wandered from the subject of our discussion.’

‘With your permission,’ remarked Rudin, coolly, ‘the matter is very simple. You do not believe in the value of general propositions—you do not believe in convictions?’

‘I don’t believe in them, I don’t believe in them a bit!’

‘Very good. You are a sceptic.’

‘I see no necessity for using such a learned word. However———’

‘Don’t interrupt!’ interposed Darya Mihailovna.