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Answered the snap of a closing lock—the jar of a gun-butt slid,But the tender fog shut fold on fold to hide the wrong they did.The weeping fog rolled fold on fold the wrath of man to cloak,And the flame-spurts pale ran down the rail as the sealing-rifles spoke.The bullets bit on bend and butt, the splinter slivered free(Little they trust to sparrow-dust that stop the seal in his sea!),The thick smoke hung and would not shift, leaden it lay and blue,But three were down on the Baltic's deck and two of the Stralsund's crew.An arm's-length out and overside the banked fog held them bound,But, as they heard or groan or word, they fired at the sound.For one cried out on the Name of God, and one to have him cease,And the questing volley found them both and bade them hold their peace;And one called out on a heathen joss and one on the Virgin's Name,And the schooling bullet leaped across and showed them whence they came.And in the waiting silences the rudder whined beneath,And each man drew his watchful breath slow taken 'tween the teeth—Trigger and ear and eye acock, knit brow and hard-drawn lips—Bracing his feet by chock and cleat for the rolling of the ships.Till they heard the cough of a wounded man that fought in the fog for breath,Till they heard the torment of Reuben Paine that wailed upon his death: