INCLUSIVE EDITION, 1885-1918 507
Accordin' as commanded.
From Kohat to Singapore, But I wish that I might see them
In my Mother-Lodge once more!
I wish that I might see them,
My Brethren black an' brown, With the trichies smellin' pleasant
An' the hog-darn 1 passin' down; An' the old khansamah 2 snorin'
On the bottle-khan a 3 floor, Like a Master in good standing
With my Mother-Lodge once more.
Outside " Sergeant ! Sir ! Salute ! Salaam ! " Inside "Brother" an it doesn't do no 'arm. We met upon the Level an' we parted on the Square, An' I was Junior Deacon in my Mother-Lodge out there !
was no one like 'im, 'Orse or Foot, Nor any o' the Guns I knew;
An' because it was so, why, o' course 'e went an' died, Which is just what the best men do.
So it's knock out your pipes an' follow me ! An' it's finish up your swipes an' follow me I 0/z, 'ark to the big drum calling Follow me follow me 'ome !
'Cigar-lighter. 'Butler. 'Pantry.