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Page:Rudyard Kipling's verse - Inclusive Edition 1885-1918.djvu/643

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INCLUSIVE EDITION, 1885-1918 625

Man must finish off his work Right or wrong, his daily work And without excuses.

Servants of the Staff and chain,

Mine and fuse and grapnel Some, before the face of Kings, Stand before the face of Kings; Bearing gifts to divers Kings

Gifts of case and shrapnel.

This we learned from famous men

Teaching in our borders, Who declared it was best, Safest, easiest, and best Expeditious, wise, and best

To obey your orders.

Some beneath the further stars

Bear the greater burden: Set to serve the lands they rule, (Save he serve no man may rule), Serve and love the lands they rule;

Seeking praise nor guerdon.

This we learned from famous men,

Knowing not we learned it. Only, as the years went by Lonely, as the years went by Far from help as years went by.

Plainer we discerned it.

Wherefore praise we famous men

From whose bays we borrow They that put aside To-day All the joys of their To-day And with toil of their To-day

Bought for us To-morrow !