INCLUSIVE EDITION, 1885-1918 689
THE KING. Look not! Wait till I tell you, dearest. . . . Air! . . .
"Loosed to adventure early" . . . I go late. (Dies.)
Gow. So! God hath cut off the Prince in his pleasures. Gow, to save the King, hath silenced one poor fool who knew how it befell, and, now the King's dead,' needs only that the Queen should kill Gow and all's safe for her this side o' the Judgment. . . . Senor Ferdinand, the wind's easterly. I'm for the road.
FERDINAND. My horse is at the gate. God speed you. Whither?
Gow. To the Duke, if the Queen does not lay hands on me before. However it goes, I charge you bear witness, Senor Ferdinand, I served the old King faithfully. To the death, Senor Ferdinand to the death!
T IFE'S all getting and giving,
~* I've only myself to give. What shall I do for a living? I've only one life to live. End it? I'll not find another. Spend it? But how shall I best? Sure the wise plan is to live like a man And Luck may look after the rest! Largesse! Largesse, Fortune! Give or hold at your will. If I've no care for Fortune
Fortune must follow me still.