A. D. 1275, Anno tertio Edwardi I. C. 41, 55 Cotton MS. dre, ou efchier per mort daunceftre, ou dautre, qe fi le tenant vouche a garraunt, & le demandaunt lecountre plede, & voille averrir per affile, ou per pais, on en autre manere, ficome le Court le Roi agardera, qe le tenaunt, ou fon aunceftre qe heir il eft, fuift le primer qi entra apres la mort cely de qi feifine il demaunde ; (bit laverrement del de- maundant refceu, fi le tenant le voille attendre ; & fi ceo non, foit bote outre a autre refpounfe, fil neit fon garraunt en prcfent, qe lui voille ga- rauntier de fon gree, & meintenant entre en re- fpounfe ; fauve al demaundant fes exceptiouns councre lui, fil voille voucher outre, come il avoit avaunt, contre le primer tenant. Derechief en toute manere des briefs dentre, que fount mentioun de degrees, qe nul deforemes ne vouche hors de la lyne ; & en autres briefs dentre, ou nul mention eft fait de degrees, les queux briefs ne font fufte- nuz fqrs la ou les avantditz briefs de degrees ne pount gifer, ne leu tenir : En brief du droit pur- veu eft, qe fi le tenant vcuche a garant, & le de- mandant le voille contrepledir, & foit preft de averir per pais, que celui qeft vouche, eu fes aun- ceftres unqes naveient feifine de la terre, ou del tenement demaunde, fee, ne fervife per la main le tenant, ou de fes aunceftres, puis le temps a celui de qi feifinele demaundant counte, jefqes al temps qe le brief fuift purchace & le plee meu [moeve] per quoi il poet avoir le tenant, ou fes aunceftres, feffe ; foit la verrement al demaundant refceu,. fi le tenant le voille attendre ; fi ceo non, foit le te- nant bote a autre refpons, fil nek fon garrant en prefent, qi voille garauntier de fon gree, & main- tenant entrer en refpouns, fauve al demaundant fes exceptions a countre lui, ficome il avoit avaunt encountre le primer tenant : & lavantdite excep- tion eit lieu en brief de mort daunceftre, & en au- tres briefs devant nomez, auxibien come en briefs qe touchent droit : & fi le tenant per cas eit char- tre de garauntie dautre homme de coft, qe ceo foit oblige en nulle de les avantditz cas a la garauntie de fon ein degree ; fauve lui foit Ion recoverir per brief de garauntie de chartre de la Chauncellerie le Roi, quaunt il le voudra purchacerj mes que le plee ne foit pur ceo delaie. e A P. XLI any Anceftor, or otherwife, if the Tenant vouch to Bro. Pari. 34 , Warranty, and the Demandant counterpleadeth him, Fitz - C "" nttr - and will aver by Affife, or by the Country, or other- f'" "jf ^ ouct " vyife, as the Court will award, That the Tenant, or g? j ' 6 A' his Anceftor, (whofe Heir he is) was the firft that ick>, entered after the Death of him, of whofe Seifin he demandeth ; the Averment of the Demandant fhall be received, if the Tenant will abide thereupon ; (2) and if not, he fhall be further compelled to an- other Arifwer, if he have not his Warrantor prefent, that will warrant him freely, and incontinent enter into the Warranty ; faving unto the Demandant his Exceptions againft him, if he will vouch further, as he had before againft the firft Tenant. (3) From Where in Wri» henceforth in all Manner of Writs of Entry, which of Entr y no make mention of Degrees, none fhall vouch out of X!n"<£X .» t • • .i. iir ■ r t^ i the Line malice.- the Line: or in other Writs of Entry, where no Hob. 22.. mention is made of Degrees, which Writ fhall not be maintained, but in Cafes where the other Writs, of Degrees cannot lie, nor hold Place : (4) and in a Counterpleading Writ of Right it is provided, That if the Tenants » Voucher in vouch to Warranty, and the Demandant will coun- Writof Right, ter-plead him, and be ready to aver by the Country, that he that- is vouched to Warranty, nor his Ancef- Fit*. Counter- tors, had never Seifin of the Land or Tenement de- P lea > * c - 3> 4i manded, nor Fe nant, or hi whofe Seif Time that the Writ was purchafed, and the Plea 48. 49> 5 ? > S9> moved, whereby he might have infeofFed the Tenant, *j°> 6 3> 6 5> a S>' or his Anceftors, then let the Averment of the De- j^ 94, II4 ' mandant be received, if the Tenant will abide there- upon ; (5) if not, the Tenant fhall be further com- SeaoEd. 1. pelled unto another Anfwer, if he be not prefent that/'"' '■ of^ucb'-- will warrant him freely, and incontinent enter in ""!' Av "f unt Anfwer, faving unto the Demandant his Exceptions °Lll7e a dmhicd againft him, as he had afore againft the firft Tenant, whether Party.' (6) And the faid Exception fhall have Place in a -vouched be ah- Writ of Mortdaumejlor, and in the other Writs be- f e "' or P"fi>><- fore named, as well as in Writs that concern Right, f^f ' * EJ -3" (7) And if percafe the Tenant have a Deed, fixi-V^ton Avcmett-. comprifeth Warranty of another Man, which is Jbatl h received; bound in none of thefe Cafes before mentioned to the if>at fbucbu'w Warranty of an elder Degree'; his Recovery, by. a ,{c '" i > £fr- Writ of Warranty of Charters out of the King's f£ z ; Exccut ' Chancery, fhall be faved to him at what Time foever Fax. Gar. de he will purchafe it ; howbeit the Plea fhall not be de- charters, 3, 4,. layed therefore. 5; 7, 8, 9, 10, ij, ii, 13, 19,. 20, ii, ii, 26,, 28, 29, 30, 31, The Champion's Oath in a Writ of Right. DE ferement as Champions eft purveu, pur ceo que rerement avent qe le Champion al' de- mandant ne foit perjurs en ceo qil jure, qil ou fon aunceftre, qe fon pier [yi/i la feifine fon feignour, vu de fon aunceftre, cjf fon pier] lui comanda faire le darrein ; qe mes ne foit le Champion al de- maundant deftreint a ceo jurere ; mes foit le fere- ment garde en touz les autres pointz. TOuching the Oaths of Champions, it is thus provided, becaufe it feldom happened, but that the Champion of the Defendant is forfworn, in that he fweareth, that, he or his Father faw the Seifin of. his Lord, or. his Anceftor, and that his Father com- manded him to dereign that Right ; that from hence- forth the Champion of the Demandant fhall not be; compelled fo to fwear : Neverthelefs his Oath fhall; be kept in all other Points,! 1. Inft. 14ft CA P..