Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/133

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A. D. 1285. Anno decimo tettio Edwardi I. Stat. 1, «7 Ex Rot. /w.Tarr.Xond. brevi ifto quam in brevi de Amenfuratione pafture celerior quam prius decetero fit proceflus Itatmod cum perventum :fuerit ad magnam diftridtionem dentur dies infra quos duo comitatus teneanturad quos publica fiat proclamatio quod defendens veniat ad diem in brevi contentum querenti refponfurus ad quern diem fi venerit procedat placitum inter eos Et fi non venerit & proclamatio fupradieto modo per vicecomitem teftificata fuerit procedatur per defaltam ad amenfurationem faciendam, ' ought to be admeafured by the Law of England. (3)

  • And as well in this Writ, as in a Writ of Admeafure- 7 „ E i j 4, M '

l ment of Pafture, more fpeedy Procefs {hall be awarded 3 ' 3 °' ' than hath been ufed hitherto ; (4.) fo that when it is ' come unto the great Diftrefs, Days fhal! be given, ' within which two Counties may be holden, at the ' which open Proclamation fhall be made, that the De- ' fendant {hall come in at the Day contained in the

  • Writ, to anfwer to the Plaintiff; at which Day, if.

' he come in* the Plea {hall pafs between them; (5) ' and if he do not come, and the Proclamation be tef- ' tified by the Sheriff in manner abovefaid, upon his RegJrt.^z^, ' Default they {hall make Admeasurement.' - Inft - 3 6 7- C A P. VIII. In- what Cafe a Secunda fuperoneratione Paftura (hall be awarded. CUM per placitum motum per breve de Amen- furatione pafture paftura fuerit amenfurata ali- quando coram J uftic' aliquarrdo in comitatu coram vicecomite multotiens contingit quod poft hujuf- modi amenfurationem faclram ponit ille qui primo fuperoneravit pafturam plura animalia quam ad ipfum psrtinet habenda nee hucufque provifum effet remedium ftatutum eft quod de fecunda fuper- oneratione "fiat remedium querenti fub hac forma quod conquerens habeat breve de Judicio fi coram Juftic' amenfurata fuerit paftura quod vicecomesin prefentia partium premunitarum fi intereffe volue- rint rnquirat de f.cunda fuperoneratione que fi in- venta fuerit mandetur Juftic' fub figillo vicecomitis & figillis juratorum& Jufticiariiadjudicentdampna conquerenti & ponant in extractis valorem anima- lium que fupersnerans poft amenfurationem fac- "tam/pofuit in pafturam ultra quod debuit &extrac- tas Scaccario ut inde refpon- deant domino regi. Si in comitatu fafta fuerit a- rnenfuratio tunc ad inftantiam querentis exeat bre- ve de cancellaria quod vicecomes inquirat fuper hujufmodi fuperoneratione Et de averiis pofitis in paftura ultra debitum numerum vel de pretio do- mino regi ad fcaccarium fuum refpondeant. Et ne vicecomites fraudem faciant domino Regi in ifto cafu concordatum eft quod omnia hujufmodi brevia de fecunda fuperoneratione que exeunt de cancel- laria irrotulentur & in fine anni mittatur tranferip- tum ad Scaccarium fub figillo Cancellarii ut videant Thefaurarius &Baronesde Scaccario qualiter vice- comites refpondeant de exitibus hujufmodi brevium. Eodem modo irrotulentur brevia de Rediffeifina & mittantur ad Scaccarium in fine anni, " ^![7Hereas by a Plea moved upon a Writ of Ad- ilnft. 369, " VV meafurement of Pafture, the Pafture was fome- Raft - a2 >

    • time admeafured before the Juftices, fometime before

" the Sheriff in the County, (2) and it chanced ma- '" ny times, after fuch Admeafurement made, the Pa- " fture to be overcharged again by him that firft did it, " with more Beafts than he ought to keep, whereupon " no Remedy hath been yet provided ;" ' (3) it is or- c dained, That upon the fecond Overcharge, the Plain- '* tiff fhall have Remedy in this manner : (4) If the ' Admeafurement were before the Juftices, the Plain- ' tiff {hall have a Writ judicial, that the Sheriff in ' Prefence of the Parties being fummoned (if they ' will come) {hall inquire upon the fecond Overcharge j

  • which if it be found, it fhall be returned before the

' Juftices, under the Seals of the Sheriff, and the Seals ' of the Jurors ; ( ; ) and the Juftices fhall award the Admeafurement ' Plaintiff Damages, and {hall put in the Extreats the before J ufti «s. ' Value of the Beafts which were put into the Pafture

  • after fuch Admeafurement more than he ought, and
  • {hall deliver the Extreats unto the Barons of the Ex-

< chequer, whereof they fhall . anfwer unto the King. Aime ^ retxseaf (o) It luch Admeafurement were made in the Coun- in the County ' ty, then, at the Requeft of the Plaintiff, a Writ ' fhall go out of the Chancery, that the Sheriff fhall

  • inquire of fuch Overcharge ; .and for the Beafts put
  • in the Pafture above the due Number, or for the Va-

' lue of them, he fhall anfwer to the King at the Ex- ' chequer. (7) And kft the Sheriff might defraud the* ' King in this Cafe, it is agreed, that all 'fuch Writs ' De fecunda fuperoneratione, that pafs out of the Chan- ' eery, fhall be inrolled, and at the Year's End the ' Tranfcripts fhall be fent into the Exchequer under ' the Chancellor's Seal, that the Treafurer and Ba- ' rons of the Exchequer may fee how the Sheriff" doth ' anfwer of the Iffues of fuch Writs'. (8 j In the fame ' wife Writs of RedifTeifin fhall be inrolled and fent Reglft, 157,. ' into the Exchequer at the Year's End,-' C A P. IX. ; In what: Cafe the Writ of Mefne is to be purfued. CUM capitales domini diftringant feodum fuum pro ferviciis & confuetudinibus fibi debitis & medius fit qui tenentem lacquietare debet 'cum non jaceat in oretenentis poftquam diftrictioncm replegiaverit dedicere demandam capkalis domini curia-domini regis juiram diltridtio- HEN chief Lords diftrain in their Fee for Cuftoms and 'Services to. themdue, and there is a Mean which ought to acq.uit the Tenant, fithence it lieth not in the Mouth of the Tenant,- after that he hath replevied the Diftrefs, todeny the Demand - of the chief Lord, which iwoweth in the: " Kind's 2 Tn/l. 370,