Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/147

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A. D. 1285. Anno decimo tertio Edwardi I, Stat. 1. 101 GAP. XXXIV. It is Felony to commit Rape. A married Woman elopeth. with an Advouterer. for carrying a Nun from her Houfe. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ^Urveu eft que fi homme ravife femme efpoufe damoifelle ou autre femme deforemes par la ou ele ne fe eft affentue ne avaunt ne apres eit jugement de vie & de membre. E enfement par la ou home ravift femme dame efpoufe damoifelle ou autre femme a force tut feit ke ele fe affente apres eit tel jugement come avaunt eft dit fi il feit ateint a la fuite le Rei e la eit le Rei fa fuite. De mulieribus abductis cum bonis viri habeat Rex fectam de bonis fie afportatis. Et uxor ft fponte reliquerit virum fuum & abierit & moretur cum adultero fuo amittat imperpetuum actionem petendi dotem fuam que ei competere poffet de tenemento viri ii fuper hoc convincatur nift vir fuus fponte & abfque cohertione ecclefiaftica earn reconciliet & fecum cohabitare permittat in quo cafu reftituatur ei actio. Qui monialem a domo fua abducat licet monialis confentiat puniatur per prifonam trium annorum & fatisfaciat domui a qua abducta fuerit competenter & nichilominus xedimatur ad volun- tatem Regis. The Penalty IT is provided, That if a Man from henceforth do ravilh a Woman married, Maid, or other, where fhe did not confent, neither before nor after, he fliall have Judgement of Life and of Member. (2) And likewife where a Man ravifheth a Woman married, Lady, Damofel, or other, with Force, although fhe confent after, he fhall have fuch Judgement as before is faid, if he be attainted at the King's Suit, and there the King fhall have the Suit. (3) And of Wo- men carried away with the Goods of their Hufbands, the King fhall have the Suit for the Goods fo taken away. (4) And if a Wife willingly leave her Huf- band, and go away, and continue with her Advou- terer, fhe fhall be barred for ever of Action to de- mand her Dower, that fhe ought to have of her Hufband's Lands, if fhe be convict thereupon, ex- cept that her Hufband willingly, and without Coer- tion of the Church, reconcile her, and fuffer her to dwell with him ; in which Cafe fhe fhall be reftored to her Action. ( 5 ) He that carrieth a Nun from her Houfe, although fhe confent, fhall be punifhed by three Years Imprifonment, and fhall make conve- nient Satisfaction to the Houfe from whence fhe was taken, and nevertheless fhall make Fine at the King's Will.' See 6 R. 2. c. 6. fir the Penalty of the Man and Woman -where the Woman confents. And 18 Elix. c. 7. -which takes a-way Clergy frem Offence! of the Seel, of the fame flat, -which makes it Felony -without Clergy to ha-ue carnal Kno-wledgt of a Woman Child under the Age of ten Tear sRoll»47, 9Ed.4.f.26. Bro. Coron. 203. Dyerz$6. Fitz. Dower, 41, 72, 94, 119, 153. Fitz. Ail. fur le flat. la, 37. CAP. XXXV. In what Cafes do lie a Writ of Ravifhment of Ward, Communi Cujladia, Ejeffione, &c. It is Felony to ravifha Womana 3 Ed. I.e. 13. If a Wife do elope with an Advouterer, (he fhall forfeit her Dower. I Inft. 32, Taking away of a Nun. This Chufe is oh- folete by the 31 H. 8. c. 13. forths Dijjbluticn of Monafleries. Rape. Likewife 1. Regift. 57. ±E pueris five mafculis five femellis quorum maritagium ad aliquem pertineat raptis & ab- ductis fi ille qui rapuit non habens jus in marita- gio licet poftmodum reftituat puerum non mari- tatum vcl de maritagio fatisfecerit puniatur tamen fro tranfgreffione per prifonam duorum annorum X fi non reftituerit vel heredem poft annos nubiles maritaverit Et de maritagio fatisfacere non poterit abjuret regnum vel habeat perpetuam prifonam & fuper hoc habeat querens tale breve : Si A.fecerit ts fecurum de clam' fuo pros' tunc pone per vadium, &c. quod fit coram Jujlic' ' 13 c. ojlenfu- rus quare talem heredem infra etatem exiftentem cujus maritagium ad ipfurn pertinet tali loco inventum rapuit ts 1 abduxit contra voluntatem ipfius A, & contra pa- cem nojlram tsV. Et fi heres fit in eodem comitatu tunc addatur ifta claufula: Et diligenter inquiras ubi_ ille beres fit in balliva tua & ipfurn ubicumque fuerit inventus capias y falvo & fecure cujlodias ha quod eum habeas coram prefatis Juftitiariis ncjlris ad prefatum terminum ad redden- dum cui prediclorum A. vel B. redcli debeat. Et fiat fecta verfus partem de qua queritur quo- ufque per diftrictionem venerit fi habeat per quod poffit diftringi vel" per contumaciam fi non fit ju- ftitiabilis exigatur & ultagetur. Si forte hujufmodi heres due;.': or & transferatur in alium comitatum Concerning Children Males or Females (whofe Marriage belongeth to another) taken and car- ried away, if the Ravifher have no Right in the Mar- riage, though after he reftore the Child unmarried, or elfe pay for the Marriage, he fhall neverthelefs be punifhed for his Offence by two Years Imprifonment ; (2) and if he do not reftore, or do marry the Child after the Years of Confent, and be not able to fatisfy for the Marriage, he fhall abjure the Realm, or have perpetual Imprifonment; (3) and thereupon thePlain- tiff fhall have fuch a Writ :' Si A. fecerit te fecurum de clamore fuo, &c. tunc pone per vadium, &c. B. quod fit coram jufticiariis, &c. oftenfurus, quare talem haeredem infra aetatem ex- iftentem, cujus maritagium ad ipfum pertinet, tali loco inventum rapuit & abduxit contra voluntatem ip- fius A. & contra pacem noftram, &c. ' (4) And if the Heir be in the fame County, then ' this Claufe muft be thereto added :' Et diligenter inquiras, ubi ille hxres fit in balliva tua; & ipfum (ubicunque fuerit inventus) capias, & falvo & fecure cuftodias, ita quod eum habeas coram praefatis jufticiariis noftris ad praefatum terminum, ad reddendum cui praedictorum A. vel B. reddi debeat. ' (5) And Suit fhall be made againft the Party on ' whom Complaint is made, until he come in by Dif- ' trefs, if he have whereby he may be diftrained; or ' elfe for his Contumacy, in cafe he be not juftifiable, ' he fhall be. outlawed, (6) And if percafe the Heir " be ThePunifhment of him that ta- keth away a Ward. 2 Inft. 433. 3 Inft. 171. Fitz. Gard. iS, 25> 2 9>3°. 3'y 32, Il3, 121. Fi'z. Judgm. 102, 116, 123, '5°; >57, >7»> 204. Bro. Ra- vifhment, 33. Co. Lit. 136. b. Kob. 93. 1 Roll 445. 2 Roll 354. A Writ of Ra- vifhment of Ward. Regift-. 163. 9 Co. 71, 74. Fitz. Brief, 823; Raft. 390. 3 Bulft. 275, 278, 2S1. Procefs againft a:i Offender,