A. IX 1285. Anno decimo tertio Edward 1 I. Stat. r. 105 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. vicecomes refpondeat quod returnum fecit ballivis alterius libertatis quam alicujus contente in pre- didfo rotulo ftatim puniatur vicecomes tanquam exheredator Domini Regis & Corone fue. Et fi forte refpondeat quod returnavit ballivis alicujus libertatis que veraciter returnum habet mandetur vicecomiti quod non omittat propter predirfttam li- bertatem quin exequatur preceptum Domini Regis & quod fcire faciat ballivis quibus fecit returnum quod fint ad diem in brevi contentum ad refpon- dendum quare de precepto Domini Regis execu- tionem non fecerunt. Et fi ad diem venerint & fe acquietent quod returnum brevis eis non fuit fac- tum ftatim condempnetur vicecomes domino illius libertatis & fimiliter parti lefe per dilationem in reftitutionem dampnorum. Et fi ballivi ad diem non venerint vel venerint & fupradiito modo fe non acquietaverint in quolibet brevi de Judicio quam diu durat placitum precipiatur vicecomiti quod non omittat propter libertatem, &c. Multo- tiens etiam falfum dant 'refponfum quoad ilium articulum Quod de exhibits, izfc. mandantes ali- quando & mentientes quod nulli funt exitus ali- quando quod parvi funt cum de majoribus refpon- dere poflunt aliquando non facientes mentionem de exitibus propter quod ordinatum eft & concor- datum quod fi querens petat auditum refponfionis vicecomitis concedatur ei & fi offerat verificare ■quod vicecomes de majoribus exitibus refpondere potuit fiat ei breve de Judicio ad JufHtiarios ad af- fifas capiendas aflignatos quod inquirant in prefen - tia vicecomitis fi interefle voluerit de quibus & quantis exitibus vicecomes refpondere potuit a die receptionis brevis ufque ad diem in brevi conten- tum. Et cum inquifitio retornata fuerit fi de pie- no prius non refpondit oneretur de fuperplufagio per extractas liberatas ad fcaccarium &c nichilomi- nus graviter amercietur pro concelamento. Et fciat vicecomes quod redditus blada in grangia & omnia mobilia preter equitaturam indumenta & u- tenfilia domus continentur fub nomine Exituum. Precipit Dominus Rex quod vicecomites pro hu- jufmodi falfis refponfis femel & iterum fi fit necefl'e per Juftic' caftigentur Et fi tertio deliquerint alius non apponat manum quam Dominus Rex. Mul- totiens etiam dant refponfum mandando quod non potuerunt profequi preceptum Regis propter re- •fiftentiam poteftatis alicujus magnatis de quo ca- veant vicecomites decetero quia hujufmodi refpon- fio multum redundat in dedecus Domini Regis. Et quam cito ballivi fui teftificantur quod invene- runt hujufmodi refiftentiam ftatim omnibus omiffis afTumpto fecum poffe comitatus fui eat in propria perfona ad faciendam executionem Et fi inveniat fubballivos mendaces puniat eos per prifonam ita quod alii per eorum penam caftigentur Et fi in- -veniat eos veraces caftiget refiftentes per prifonam a qua non deliberentur fine fpeci ali precepto Do- mini Regis. Et fi forte vicecomes cum venerit re- fiftentiam invenerit certificet curiam de nominibus refiftentium auxiliantium confentientium precipi- entium & fautorum & per breve de Judicio attachi- entur per corpora ad veniendum ad curiam Et fi de Vol. I, hath made Return to aBailiffof another Liberty than is contained in the faid Roll, the Sheriff fliall be forthwith punifhed as a Diftieritor of our Lord the King and his Crown, (iz) And if peradventure he return that he hath delivered the Writ to a Bailiff of fome Liberty that indeed hath Return, the Sheriff fhall be commanded, that he {hall not fpare for the forefaid Liberty, but fhall execute the King's Pre- cept ; and that he f do the Bailiffs to wit, to whom he returned the Writ, that they be ready at a Day contained in the Writ, to anfwer why they did not execute the King's Precept. (13) And if they come at the Day, and acquit themfelves, that no Return was made to them, the Sheriff fliall be forthwith con- demned to the Lord of the fame Liberty, and like- wife to the Party grieved by the Delay, for to render Damages. ( 14) And if the Bailiffs come not in at the Day, or do come, and do not acquit themfelves in Manner aforefaid ; in every judicial Writ, fo long as the Plea hangeth, the Sheriff fliall be commanded that he fhall not fpare for the Liberty, C3°t (15) Many Times alio Sheriffs make falfe Returns as touching thefe Articles, Quod de exhibits, &c. re- turning fometime, and lying, that there be no Iffues, fometime that there are fmall Iffues, when they may return great, and fometime do make mention of no Iffues ; (16) wherefore it is ordained and agreed, That if the Plaintiff demand hearing of the Sheriff's Return, it fhall be granted him ; (17) and if he offer to aver that the Sheriff might have returned greater Iffues unto the King, he fhall have a Writ judicial unto the Juftices arfigned to take Affifes, that they fhall inquire in Prefence of the Sheriff" (if he will be there) of what and how great Iffues the Sheriff might have made Return from the Day of the W"nt pur- chafed unto the Day contained in the Writ. (18) And when the Inqueft is returned, if he have not afore anfwered for the Whole, he fhall be charged with the Overplus by the Extreats of the Juftices de- livered in the Exchequer, and neverthelefs fhall be grievoufly amerced for the Concealment. (19) And let the Sheriff know, that Rents, Corn in the Grange, and all Moveables (except Horfe, Harnefs, and Houf- hold-ftuff) be contained within the Name of IJJites. (20^ And the King hath commanded, that Sheriffs fhall be punifhed by the Juftices once or twice if Need be) for fuch falfe Returns; (21) and if they offend the third Time, none fliall have to do there- with but the King. {zi) They make alfo many Times falfe Anfwers, returning that they could not execute the King's Precept for the Refiftance of fome great Man ; wherefore let the Sheriffs beware from henceforth, for fuch Manner of Anfwers redound much to the Difhonour of the King. (23) And af- foon as his Bailiffs do teftifie that they found fuch Refiftance, forthwith all Things fet apart (taking with him the Power of the Shire) he fliall go in pro- per Perfon to do Execution ; and if he find his Un- derbailiffs falfe, he fhall punifh them by Imprifon- ment, fo that other by their Example may be re- formed ; and if he do find them true, he fliall punifh the Refifters by Imprifonment, from whence they fliall not be delivered without the King's fpecial Commandment. (24) And if percafe the Sheriff when he cometh do find Refiftance, he fhall certifie to the Court the Names of the Refifters, Aiders, Con- fenters, Commanders, and Favourers, and by a Writ judicial they fliall be attached by their Bodies to ap- pear at the King's Court j (25) and if they be con - P ' via Non omittas propter aliquam Jibertatem. 11 Ed. 4. f. 4.
Makz known
U the Bailiffs. The Sheriff** Defaults in re- turning of Kibes. 27 H. 8. f. 3. 10H. 7. f. ir. Fitz. Averment, 16, 26, 43, 45, 47; 48, 49- What ffiall he accounted Ilfues. The Sheriff re- turneth that there was Di- sturbance of Ex- ecution of Pro- cefs. Regift. 83.