A. D. 1285. Anno decimo tertio Edward 1 L Stat. 2. itg Ex Rot. In Tun: Lond. ove les fraunchifes qe funt dedeins le preceynt de meifme la hundred refpoignent de roberie fete. E ft k roberie feit fete en devifes dedenz hundrez re- fpoignent ambedeu6 les hundrez enfemblement ove les fraunchifes e plus long terme ne avera le pais apres la roberie e felonie fete qe xl. jours dedenz les quels il covendra qil facent gre de la roberie e du mefet ou qil refpoignent de cors de mefefurs. 28 Ed. 3. c. n. Cro. Jac. 106, 187, 350, 4.96. Cro. Car. 37. St. Mintniit the firmer. where the Robbery fhall be done, with the Fran- chifes being within the Precinct of the fame Hun 1 dred, fhall be anfwerable for the Robberies done". (4) And if the Robbery be done in the Divifion of two Hundreds, both the Hundreds and the Franchi- fes within them fhall be anfwerable. And after that the Felony or Robbery is done, the Country fhall have no longer Space than forty Days, within which forty Days it fhall behove them to agree for the Rob- bery or Offence, or elfe that they will anfwer for the Bodies of the Offenders.' 8 G. a, c. 16. giving Directions for Purfuit of Hue and Cry. And 2.1 G 7 Co. 6. 4 Inft. 569. By 27 El. c. 13. f. 2. the Hun- dred where frefh Suit is not made fhall anfwer half the Damages. A Robbery don* in the Divifion of Shires. 1 Sid. 11. Tile Coun'ry fhall have but 40 Days. . 2. c. 24. 11/lkh CAP. III. This Act fhall be refpited until Eajter next. EPur ceo que le Rey ne voet pas qe gent fodein- nement feient efpoveri de cefte peyne qe fem- blereit dure a aucune gent graunte qe le ne feit mie meintenaunt encorue mes preigne la peyne refpit deqes a la Pafke procheine venaunt e dedenz eel terme verra le rey coment le pais fe portera e ft cef- ferunt teles roberies e felonies. Apres quel terme tuz feient certeinz qe lavaundite payne curra gene- raument ceo eft afaver qe chefcun vile ceo eft afa- ver genz el pais demoraunz refpoignent des roberies e felonies fetes en lur pais. " A ^ ^ forafmuch as the King will not that hk " a. People fhould be fuddenly impoverished by " reafon of this Penalty, that feemeth very hard to " many j" * the King granteth, That they fhall not ' incur immediately, but it fhall be refpited until Ba~ ' Jier next following, within which Time the King ' may fee how the Country will order themfelves, and ' whether fuch Felonies and Robberies do ceafe. {2) ' After which Term let them all be affured, that the ' forefaid Penalty fhall run generally, that is to fay, ' every Country, that is to wit, the People in the ' Country, .fhall be anfwerable for Felonies and Rob- ' beries done among them.' CAP. IV. 'At what Times the Gates of great Towns fhall be fhut,and when the Night- Watch fhall begin and end. EA plus feurer le pais ad le rey comaunde qe en les graunz viles qe funt clofes les portes feient fermes del folail refcufe deqes au folail levaunt e quel nul home ne herberge en fuburbe ne enforein chiefs -de la vile fi de jour noun ne uncore de jour fi le hofte ne voille pur lui refpundre. E les baillifs de viles chefcune femeine ou ameins quinzeime facent enqueftes de genz herbergez en fuburbes ou enfo- reines chefs de viles. E ill trovent nul herbergour qe refceive ou herberge en autre manere gentdunt fufpeciun feit qil foient gent countre la pes fi en facent les baillifs dreiture. E deforemes eft co- maunde qe veylles foient fetes ifli cum aunciene- menz foleyent eftre ceo eft afaver del jour de la Afcenciun deqes le jour feint Michel en chefcun cite fis homes en chefcune porte en chefcun burgh par xii. homes en chefcune vile en terre par vi. homes ou iiij. folomnumbre des genz qi enhabitent e facent la veille continuelment tute la nuit del fo- lail refcuffe jeqes al folail levaunt. E ft nul e-. ilraunge paffe par eus feit areftu jeqes au matin e fi nule fufpeciun ne feit trove aille quites. E fi cm trove fufpeciun feit livere al vifcunte mainte- jiaunt e faunz daunger le receive e fauvement le garde jeqes ataunt qe en due manere feit delivre. E ft eus ne fe foeffrent pas eftre arefteuz feit heu e cri leve fur eus e ceus qi funt la veille les fiwent Vol, I, AND for the more Surety of the Country, the King hath commanded, that in great Towns, being walled, the Gates fhall be clofed from the Sun- fetting until the Sun-rifing; (2) and that no Man do lodge in Suburbs, nor in any Place out of the Town, from Nine of the Clock until Day, without his Hoft will anfwer for him. (3) And the Bailfffs of Towns every Week, or at the leaft every Fifteenth Day, fhall make Inquiry of all Perfons being lodged in the Suburbs, or in foreign Places of the Towns. (4) And if they do find any that have lodged or re- ceived any Strangers or fufpicious Perfon, againft the Peace, the Bailiffs fhall do Right therein. (5) And the King commandeth, That from henceforth * all Towns be kept as it hath been ufed in Times paffed, that is to wit, from the Day of the Afcenfion unto the Day of St. Michael, in every City Six Men fhall keep at every Gate, in every Borough Twelve Men,, every Town Six or Four, according to the Number of the Inhabitants of the Town, and fhall watch the Town continually all Night, from the Sun-fetting unto the Sun-rifing. (6) And if any Stranger do gals by them, he fhall be arrefted until Morning ; and if no Sufpicion be found, he fhall go quit; (7) and i£ they find Caufe of Sufpicion, they fhall forthwith deliver him to the Sheriff, and the Sheriff may re- ceive him without Damage, and fhall keep him fafe» ly, until he be acquitted in due Manner. (8) And if they will not obey the Arreft, they fhall levy Hue and Cry upon them, and fuch as keep the f Town fhall follow with Hue and Cry with all the Tqwh, Q. « and At what Time great Towns fhall be opened and fhut. 7 Co. 7. • Watches be kept. At what Time the Night- watch fhall be- gin and end. Enforced and amended by 5 Ed. 3. c. 14. Cro El. 204. Savil 83. How tbey fhall be ufed who difobey Arrefls. t Read Watch,