A. D. 1290. Anno decimo octavo Edwardi I. Stat. 2. 123 The Statute of Quo Warranto, made Anno 18 Edw. I. Stat. 2. Anno Dom. 1 2 90. and How they fhall hold their Liberties which claim them by Prefcription or Grant. A §>uo Warranto fhall be pleaded and determined before Juftices in Eyre. Cotton MS. Claudius, D. 2. OUI A brevia de quo Warranto & etiam ju- dicia fuper placitis eorumdem brevium red- denda diutinamceperuntdilationem eo quod Juftic' in judiciis illis reddend' de voluntate domini Regis non fuerunt hucufque certiorati idem domi- nus ad Parliamentum fuum poftPafcha apudWeftm| anno regni fui decimo odtavo de gratia fua fpeciali & etiam propter affedtionem quam habet erga Pre- lates Comites Barones & ceteros de regno fuo con- ■ceflit quod omnes de regno fuo quicumque fuerint tarn viri religiofi quam alii qui per bonam inquifi- tionem patrie autalio modo fufficienti verificare po- terint quod ipfi & eorum antecefiores vel predecef- fores ufi fuerint libertatibus quibufcumque de qui- •bus per brevia fuerint implacitati ante tempus Re- .gis Ricardi confanguinei fui aut toto tempore fuo & hucufque7S»<? interruptione continuarunt & ita quod libertatibus illis non fint abufi quod partes ad- jornentur ulterius coram eifdem juftic' ufque ad certum diem & rationabilem infra quem dominum Regem adire poffint cum recordo Juftic' fub figillo fuo & redire & dominus Rex ftatum eorum affir- mabit per literas fuas. Et ill x qui non poterunt feifinam antecefforum feu predeceflorum fuorum verificare modo quo predictum eft deducantur & judicentur fecundum legem communem. Et ill I -qui habent cartas regales fecundum cartas illas &c -earum plenitudinem judicentur. Preterea dominus Rex de gratia fua fpeciali con- ceffit quod omnia judicia que reddita funt in pla- citis de q uo Warranto per Juftic' fuos apud Weftm' poft Pafcha predicxum & pro ipfo domino Rege ft partes que amiferunt ad ipfum dominum Regem re- venire voluerint tale babebunt remedium de gratia domini R.egis ficut fuperius eft conceflum. Con- cefiit etiam idem dominus Rex ad parcand' mifis & expenfis populi de regno fuo quod placita de quo Warranto de cetero placitentur & terminentur in itineribus Juftic' & quod placita adhuc pendentia readjornentur infingulis fuis Com' ufque adventum Juftic' in partibus illis, & quod interim poft adjor- nationem fie fa£tam remaneant fine die. FOrafmuch as Writs of §hto Warranto, and alfo Judgements given upon Pleas of the fame, were greatly delayed, becaufe the Juftices in giving Judgement were not certified of the King's Pleafure
- therein;" ' (2) our Lord the King, at his Parliament
holden at Wejlminjler, after the Eeaft of Eajler, the eighteenth Year of his Reign, of his fpecial Grace, and for the Affeftion that he beareth unto his Pre- lates, Earls, and Barons, and other of his Realm, hath granted, That all under his Allegiance, what- foever they be, as well fpiritual as other, which can verify by good Enqueft of the Country, or otherwife, that they and their Anceftors or PredecefTors have ufed any Manner of Liberties, whereof they were im- pleaded by the faid Writs, before the Time of King Richard our Coufin, or in all his Time, and have continued hitherto (fo that they have not mifufed fuch Liberties) that the Parties {hall be adjourned further unto a certain Day reafonable before the fame Juftices, within the which they may go to our Lord the King with the Record of the Juftices, figned with their Seal, and alfo return ; and our Lord the King, by his Letters Patents, (hall confirm their Eftate. (3) And they that cannot prove the Seifin of their Anceftors or PredecefTors in fuc,h Manner as is before declared, fhall be ordered and judged after the * Law and Cujlom of the Reabn; (4) and fuch as have the King's Charter fhall be judged according to their Charters.
- II. Moreover, the King of his fpecial Grace hath
f ranted, that all Judgements that are to be given in leas of Quo Wcaranto, by his Juftices at Wejlmin- jler, after the forefaid Eajier, for our Lord the King himfelf, if the Parties grieved will come again before the King, he of his Grace fhall give them fuch Re- medy as before is mentioned, (z) Alfo our faid Lord the King hath granted, for fparing of the Cofts and Expences of the People of his Realm, that Pleas of Quo Warranto from henceforth fhall be pleaded and determined In the Circuit of the Juftices, and that all Pleas now depending fhall be adjourned into then- own Shires, until the coming of the Juftices into thofe Parts.' 2 In (I, ^54, Fitz. Brief, 886. Kel. 137, &c. Bro. Quo War- ranto, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11. Bro. Prefcrip- tion, 10, 14, iS, 3*. 33. 34. 5*> 54. 64. 65. 73. 83,98, 107,108. Bro. Franchise, 4, 10, 14, zz, 26, 37. They which have Liberties by Prefcription fhall enjoy them.
- Read after the
Common Law. Liberties by the K ng's Grant. Fitz. Connfance, 16, 19, 21, 26, 30, 31, 36, 30, 46, 51, 54, 57, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64. Where Pleas of Quo War- ranto fhall be determined. Raft. 540 Another new Statute of Quo Warranto, Stat. 3. made the fame Tear to that Effect. a Cotton MS. Claudius, D. 2. PUR ceo brief qeft dit quo Waranto eftablift noftre Seign' le Roi le jour de la Pentecoft Ian de fon regne xviii. qe touz ceux qi clei- ment avoir quite pofteffion des fraunchifes avant le temps le Roi Richard faunz interrupcion & ceo Concerning the Writ that is called Quo War- liberties by ranio, our Lord the King, at the Feaft of Pen- Prefcription o tecojl, in the eighteeth Year of his Reign, hath the King's eftablifhed, That all thofe which claim to have quiet Grant ' Pofteffion of any Frnnchife before the Time of King « This is taken, from the Seeunda fan veterum Slatutorum, and is inferted in tie Editions of Mr. Juft::; Rallal, &c, R 2 s Richard