A. D. 1 293. Anno vicefimo primo Edwardi I. Stat. r. 129 Cotton MS. II y ad unqore une manere de moneye qefl: fait en Avynein defouz Ie noun Edward Roi Dengleterre qe pois auxi poi ou meins qe la monoie de la mitre & ceo ne poet eftre conue fi ceo ne foit per pois. Lautre faufin qe lem faite en la monoie fi eft qil ad afcuns qi portent plates de peutre ou de plonibe a la fourme dun denier fi les mettent entre deux foilles dargent & puis les ferrount ou en coigne ou en quire ou autre denier bien forge ad efte feru. Les autres auxibien de cea come de la retoundent la bone & loial monoie au damage de toute la co- munalte. Ceftes monoyes qe fount faites ou retounduz hors Dengleterre fount apportez per trefpaffourz & nome- ment per marchauntz Et purceo qils favent bien qe homme les ferche a Dovorr' il les mettent entre draps en bales fi ne viegnent nient a Dovorr' ne a Sandewiz mes ils viegnent a Loundres ou en Effex' ou en Suffex' ou en Lyndefey les queux chofes fi eles fuiflent longement fuffertz celes metteront la monoye Dengleterre toute a nient. Stat. De iis qui ponendi funt in Affifis, made 21 Edw. I. Stat. 1. and AnnoDom. 1293. What Freehold Lands Jurors muft have, which fhall pafs in Trial within the fame County, or without. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 4.1. k UIA Dominus Rex per publicam & fre- quentem querimoniam mediocris populi fui attendens quod quamplures de regno fuo minus fufficientes ad recognitiones juratarum in- quifitionum affifarum &attinc~tarum extra comitatus proprios faciend' per vicecomites ballivos fuos & baliivos libertatum ditioribus & magis fufficienti- bus per quos rei Veritas melius fciri poffet parcen- tes fepius & intolerabiliter fatigantur per quod multa difpendia & incomoda quoad depauperatio- nem populi predidti & exheredationem multorum fimiliter de die in diem, imminent manifefte Idem Dominus Rex indempnitati ejufdem populi profpi- ciens ac falubre remedium in premiflis defiderans adhiberi ad communem utilitatem in parliamento de termino fandti Michaelis anno regni fui vicefi- mo primo incipiente anno fecundo ftatuit in hac parte quod null us vicecomes fubvicecomes vel eo- rum ballivi fenefcalli five ballivi libertatum de ce- tero ponant in aliquibus recognitionibus fupra- diflis aliquem de ballivis fuis extra comitatus fuos proprios faciendis nifi habeat terras aut ten' ad valentiam centum folidorum per annum ad minus. Nee intendit Dominus Rex per ftatutum iftud in- fringere ultimum ftatutum Weftm' in quo fit men- tio de recognitoribus ponendis in juratis & in affi- fis nifi de hiis tantummodo qui extra com' propri- um ire debeant ad recognitiones aliquas faciend' Ita tamen quod infra com' coram Jufticiar' affigna- tis vel aliis miniftris Domini Reg' ad juratas inqui- fitiones feu alias recognitiones capiendas non po- natur aliquis nifi habeat terras vel ten' ad valen- tiam quadraginta folidorum per annum ad minus Et falvo fimiliter quod coram Jufticiar' itineran- , tibus ad communia placita in Itineribus fuis & etiam in Civitatibus Burgis & aliis villis mercato- riis in quibus recognitiones affife jurate feu inqui- fitiones emerferint faciende fuper quibufcumque Civitates Burgos feu villas illas tangentibus fiat "prout temporibus preteritis fieri confuevit, Tefte Vol. I. " XTOrafmuch as our Lord the King, by^ the con- 2 r u 4 j 5t " tinual and grievous Complaint of his inferior " •*- People, doth perceive that divers Perfons, be- " ing of leaft Ability of his Realm, are many Times " intolerably troubled by Sheriffs and their Bailiffs, " Bailiffs of Liberties, which impanel them to the " Recognifances of Affifes, Juries, Inquefts, and At- " taints, triable out of the Shires where they be dwel- " ling ; and do fpare the Rich People, and fuch as be " more able, by whom the Truth of the Matter might " be better known, whereby great Expences and " Trouble doth daily manifeftly enfue, to the Impo- verifliment and utter Diftieriting of many :" (2) ' Our (aid Lord the King, providing for the Indemp- what Freehold ' nity of his People, and defiring to fet convenient Land thofe ju- ' Remedy in the Premiffes for the public Weal of his rors mu( i have ' Realm, in his Parliament holden in the Term of ^'^ P afs in ' Saint Michael, the one and twentieth Year of his K Jj" *' ' Reign, hath ordained in this Behalf, That no She- ijEd.Y.irat.'t. ' riff, Under-fheriff, or their Bailiffs, Stewards, or c. 38. Safar- ' Bailiffs of Liberties, fhall from henceforth put in any tier fir the Qua* ' Recognifance abovefaid, that fhall pafs out of their '£"'£"£ ?"' ' proper Counties, any of their Bailiffs, except he have c „_ ,. Ed.?. ' Lands and Tenements to the yearly Value of an c. 4. 42 Ed. 3". 'hundred Shillings at the leaft. (3) And the King*--"- z H. 5. ' intendeth not by this Statute to reftrain the laft Sta-/ 12 '- 2 - c -3- x R - ' itute of Weftminjter, wherein Mention is made of Re-^*' y "' 7 ' ' cognifors to be put in Juries and Affifes, but of fuch ,.] 3# h.&. c'.c. ' only as ought to pafs in Afiifes, Juries, and Recog- 23 h. 8. e. 13. ' nifances triable out of their proper Counties ; (4) fo35 H -8- c - 6 - ' that within the County before Juftices of our Lord. * & 3 Ed - 1- ' the King, or other Minifters affigned to the taking ]l]'S& .%', ' of any fuch Inquefts, Juries, or other Recognifan- & m. c . 24.? 7 of ' ces, none fhall be impanelled, except he have Lands %W. 3. c. 32. ' or Tenements to the yearly Value of forty Shillings ; 3 G - z - c - *%* ' (5) and likewife faving that before Juftices Errant, And * G " 2 * ' that hold Common Pleas in their Circuit, and alfo "juries ;„ c; t ; e5 ' in Cities, Boroughs, and other Market Towns, or Boroughi. ' where Recognifances, Affifes, and Juries or Inquefts ' do pafs upon any Matter touching the faid Cities, ' Boroughs, and other Towns, it fhall be done like as ' hath been accuftomed in Times paffed, T. R. at the S « Tower