A. D. 1297. Anno vicefimo quinto Edward 1 I, Stat. 1.
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The Statute of the Writ of Confultation, made 24 Edw. I. and Anno Dom. 1296. In what Cafe a Confultation is grantable. Cotton MS. Claudius, D. 2. jUM Judices ecclefiaftici ad profequend' in caufis coram ipfis agitatis per prohibic' Do- mini Regis fepius fuperfedeant in cafibus ubi remedium conquerentibus ad Cur' Domini per breve de Cancellar' fua fieri non poflit propter quod querentes ill i in utraque Cur' tarn Regia quam ec- clefiaftica jure fuo & remedio funt elongati ad grave dampnum ipforum prout Dominus Rex ex gravi querela quorundam intellexit. Dominus Rex vult & precepit quod cum Judices ecclefiaftici per prohibicionem Regiam fibi porrec- tam fuperfedeant in cnfibus predicts quod Cancel- lar' vel Capitalis Juftic' ipfius Domini Regis qui pro tempore fuerit vifo libello illiuscaufe ad inftan- ciam querentis fi viderint quod per breve de Can- cellar' querenti remedium in fuo cafu fieri non poflit fet quod ad Cur' ecclefiafticam pertineat cau- iam illam determinare fcribant Judicibus coram quibus caufa ilia prius fuit agitata quod in caufa ilia pfocedant non obftante prohibicione Regia fibi prius inde dire&a, &c. Dat. anno xviii". HEREAS Ecclefiaftical Judges have often i-s H. 7. f. 2I . furceafed to proceed in Caufes moved be- lH -4- f-9- _ fore them, by Force of the King's Writ of ^ -P^fa? Prohibition, in Cafes whereas * Remedy could not ^/fcw'lfar""' be given to Complainants in the King's Court, by Confutation duly any Writ out of the Chancery, becaufe that f fuch granted. Plaintiffs were deferred of their Right and Remedy * Read ■**«•««, in both Courts, as well Temporal as Spiritual, to + R " dwW -V their great Damage, like as the King hath been ad- veptifed by the grievous Complaint of his Subjects :" (z) Our Lord the King willeth and commandeth, That where Ecclefiaftical Judges do furceafe in the aforefaid Cafes, by the King's Prohibition directed unto them, that the Chancellor, or the Chief Juftice of our Lord the King for the Time being, upon Sight of the Libel of the fame Matter, at the Inftance of the Plaintiff" (if they can fee that the Cafe cannot be redrefled by any Writ out of the Chancery, but that the Spiritual Court ought to determine the Mat- ters) fhall write to the Ecclefiaftical Judges, before whom the Caufe was firft moved, that they proceed R ef ;ft, ^ therein, notwithstanding the King's Prohibition di- Raft. 483/ reeled to them before f.' t ah given in the %tb Year, Statutes made at LONDON the 'Tenth Day of O&ober, Anno 25 Edw. I. * and Anno Dom. 1297 a * *ahsm.x> CAP. I. A Confirmation of the Great Charter, and the Charter of the Foreft:. Ex Rot. in ■T«rr. Lond. m. 38. EDWARD par le grace de Dieu roy dEngle- terre feignur dlrland e Dues dAquitaine a toutz ceus qui ceftes prefentes lettres verront ou orront faluz. Sachiez nous al honeur de Dieu € de feinte eglife e au profit de tut noftre Roiaume aver grante pur nous e pur nos heirs qe la Grand Chartre des Franchifes e la Chartre de la Foreft les queles furent faites par commun affent de tut le Roiaume en tens le rey Henry noftre pere feient tenuz en toutz lour pointz fanz nul blemifement. E voloms qe meifmes celes chartres de futh noftre feal feient envoiez a nos Juftices aufibien de la fo- reft come as autres e a toutz les vifcontes des con- tez e a toutz nos autres miniftres e a totes nos ci- tees parmi la terre enfemblement ove nos briefs en les queux ferra contenu qil facent les avantdites chartres pupplier e qil facent dire au poeple qe nous les avoms grauntees de tenir les en toutz leur pointz E a nos Juftices vifcontes maires e autres miniftres qi la ley de la terre de fouth nous e par nous ountaguier meifmes les chartres en toutz leur EDWARD, by the Grace of God, King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Duke of Guian, to all thofe that thefe prelent Letters fhall hear or fee, Greeting." Know ye that we, to the Ho- nour of God, and of Holy Church, and to the Profit of our Realm, have granted for us and our Heirs, that the Charter of Liberties, and the Charter of the Foreft, which were made by common AfTent of all the Realm, in the Time of King Henry our Father, fhall be kept in every Point without Breach. (2) And we will that the fame Charters fhall be fent un- Farther confirmed der our Seal, as well to our Tuftices of the Foreft, by 28 Ed. 1 itat, as to others, and to all Sheriffs of Shires, and to all 3- c ' '• our other Officers, and to all our Cities throughout the Realm, together with our Writs, in the which it fhall be contained, that they caufe the forefaid Charters to be publifhed, and to declare to the People that we have confirmed them in all Points; (3) and that our Juftices, Sheriffs, Mayors, and other Mini- fters, which under us have the Laws of our Land to guide, fhall allow the faid Charters pleaded before » This is taken from the Setunda fan velerum Statutorum, and is in all the Englifli Editions : It is called Gmfirmath Carlarum. S a « tjjiem