1 82 Stat, .i, 1 Anno decimo feptimo Edwaudi II. A, D. 1324* GAP. XL His Prerogative in having the Wreck of the Sea, Whales, and Sturgeons. •5 Co. 106, yoS. £ sH. 7. f. 23. c SiH. 4. f. 16. t 9 H. 7. f. 20. J.5H..6. f.27. ALSO the King fhall have Wreck of the Sea throughout the Realm, (z) Whales and great Sturgeons taken in the Sea or elfewhere within the Realm, (3) except in certain Places privileged by the King.' Cotton MS. TEM habet Warectum maris pertotumregnum Ballenas et fturgiones captos in man vef alibi infra regnum exceptis quibufdam locis privilegiatis per Reges. CAP. XII. His Prerogative in enjoying the Lands of Normans. .4? Ed. 3. f.ai.
- A"
LSO the King fhall have Efcneats of the Lands of Normans, to whofe Fee foever they belong, faving the Service appertaining to the chief Lords of the fame Fee. And this alfo is to be un- derstood where any Inheritance defcendeth to any that is born in the Parts beyond the Sea, whofe Anceftors were from the Time of King John under the Alle- giance of the Kings of France., and not of the Kings of England, as late it happened by the Barony of Monmouth, after the Death of 'John de Monmouth, whofe Heirs were of Britain and other Places, King Henry by the forefaid Occafion recovered many Ef- cheats of Normans Lands out of the Fees of other Men, and gave them to be holden of the chief Lords of the Fee, by Services due and accuftomed there- unto.' ITEM habet efcaetas de tern's Normannorum de cujufcumque feodo fuerint falvo fervitio quod pertinet ad Capitales dominos feodi illius et hoc limiliter intelligendum eft fi aliqua hereditas defcendat alicui nato in partibus tranfmarinis cujus anteceflbres fuerint ad fidem Regis Francie ut tem- pore Regis Johannis et non ad hdem Regis Anglie ficut contingit de baronia Monemuth poll: mortem Johannis de Monemuta cujus heredes fuerint in Britannia et alibi de feodis aliorum recuperavit Rex Henricus plures efcaetas de terris Normannorum occafione predicta et eas contulit tenendum de ca- pitaLbus dominis per fervitia inde debita et con- fueta. »Sd. I. c. 4. CAP. XIII. OUANDO aliquis qui tenet de Rege in capite in fata decedit et heres ejus ingrediatur tenemenrum quod anteceffor ejus tenuit de Rege die quo obiit antequam fecerit homagium Regi et feifinam fuam re- ceperit per Regem tunc nullum ei accrefcit liberum tenementum et fi obierit feifitus per idem tempus uxor ejus non habebit dotem de tenemento illo ficut contigit de Matilda filia Comitis Hereford uxore Anfelmi Marefcalli qui port Mortem Willielmi Comitis Marefcalli Anglie Fratris fui cepit feifinam Caftri et manerii de Strogill et obiit in eodem Caftro antequam intraffet per Regem et fecilTet ei Homagium et unde confi- deratum fuit quod ipfa non haberet dotem eo quod vir ejus non intravit per Regem imo per intrufionem fet hoc non intelligitur de efcaetis et parvis tenuris. • Read.Wag. His Prerogative in * CAP. XIV. have the Efcheat of Bilhops Freehold Tenants attainted of Felony during the Vacation. ALSO the King fhall have Efcheats of Lands of the Freeholders of Archbifhops and Bifhops, when fuch Tenants be attainted for Felony in Time of Vacation, whiles their Temporalities were in the King's Hands, to give at his Pleafure, faving to fuch Prelates the Service that thereto is due and accuf- t;omed.' TEM habet efcaetas de terris libere tenentium Archiepifcoporum et Epifc.oporum quando ipli tenentes dampnati funt pro felonia fa<Sta tempore vacationis dum temporalia eorundem fuerunt in manu domini Regis conferendas qui voluerit im- perpetuum falvo fervitio quod ad Prelates inde' per- tinet. CAP. XV. His Prerogative, that Knights Fees, Advowfons, and Dowers do not pafs from him without fpecial Words. 16 Co. 63*. Dyer 350. 2R.3. f. 4 . 41 E.l. 3. f. 5. 43 Ed. 3. {. zz F.tz. Quare ' impedit, 3T, 40, < Ttil. Card. 4^. i
- T7HEN our Lord the King giveth or granteth
' V V Land or a Manor with the Appurtenances, ' without he make exprefs Mention in his Deed or ' Writing of Knights Fees, Advowfons of Churches, ' and Dowers when they fall, belonging to fuch Ma- nor or Land, then at this Day the King referveth to 9' nifi i 1UANDO domlnus Rex dat Vel conceditali* quod manerium vel terram cum pertinentiis faciat in carta fua vel fcripto expreflam men- tionem de feodis Militum advocationibus ecclefia- rum & dotibus cum acciderint ad predicta mane* riwm vel terram pertinentibus tunc hiis diebus Rex 4 yefervat