192 Stat. 1. Anno prima Ed wardi III, A. D. 1327. at the King's Will. (10) And from henceforth it fhall be written to them as to the chief Wardens of the Foreft, becaufe they may not be Juftices, nor have any Record but in the Eyre. Dated at Wefl- minjler the Seventh Day of Mrcb, in the firft Year of the Reign of the faid King Edward that now is.' Bx Ret. in Turr. Lond. la prifone & reint a la volunte le Roi. Et defore- mes foit efcrit a eux .^ame a les chiefs gardeins de la forefte pur ceo qe Juftices ne devient il eftre ne record avoir forfqe en Eir. Don a Weftm' le vii. jour de Marz Ian du iegne le dit Roi Edward qore eft primer. • Knjiat.z. 0^^ Statutes made at Weftminfter the fame Firft Tear of Edw. III. * and Anno Dom. 1327. TO the Honour of God and of holy Church, and to the Redrefs of the Oppreffions of the People, King Edward the Third, at his Parliament holden at Wejlminfter after the Purifica- tion of our Lady, in the firft Year of his Reign, at the Requeft of the Commonalty of his Realm, by their Petition made before him and his Council in the Parliament, by Aflent of the Prelates, Earls, Barons, and other great Men afTembled at the faid Parliament, hath granted for him and his Heirs for ever thefe Articles underwritten." Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 20. L honeur de Dieu & de feint Eglife & en amendement des oppreffions du poeple le Roi Edward fiuz le Roi Edward filz au Roi Edward filz le Roi Henri a fon parlement qil tynt a Weftmonfter apres la fefte de la Purifica- cion de noftre Dame Ian de fon regne primer a la requefte de la -commune de fon Roialme par lor petitions mys devant luy & fon confeil en le dit parlement par afTent des Prelatz Countes Barons & autres grantz au dit parlement afTemblez ad graunte pur luy & fes heires a toutz jours les articles fout- zefcritz. CAP. I. A Confirmation of the Great Charter, and the Charter of the Forefl. Forefts. Perambulations of See 16 Car. I. c. c iS.fir afrertain- c ing the Boundl if Forejit. FIRST, That the Great Charter of the Liber- ties, and the Charter of the Foreft be obferved and kept in every Article. (2) And that the Peram- bulations of the Foreft in time of King Edward, Grandfather to the King that now is, be from hence- forth holden in the like Form as it was then riden and bounded; {■>.) and thereupon a Charter to be made to every Shire where it was riden and bounded. (4) And in fuch Places where it was not bounded, the King will that it fhall be bounded by good Men and lawful, and that a Charter be thereupon made as afore is faid.' jj N primes qe la grande chartre des Fraunchifes IL & la chartre de la Forefte foient gardes en toutz les pointz. Et qe la puralee qe eftoit chi- vauche en temps le Roi Edward ael le Roi qor eft fe tiegne en la forme qele eftoit chivachee & bundee e qe fur ceo foit chartre fait a chefcun countee ou ele fuft chi /ache. Et par la ou ele ne feuft my chivschee le Roi voet qe ele foit chivauche par bons & loialx & qe chartre fur ce foit faite come defus eft dit. CAP. II. ^ n r, 11. How every Perfon may ufe his Woods within the Foreft. Seifing of Bilhops Temporalties. ITEM, Every Man that hath any Wood within the Foreft may take Houfeboot and Heyboot in
- his faid Wood, without being attached for the fame
' by any Minifters of the Foreft, fo that he do the fame 4 by the View of the Forefters.' " (2) And becaufe " before this Time, in the Time of King Edward, " Father to the King that now is, the King by evil " Counfellors caufed to be feifed into his Hands the " Temporalties of divers Bifhops, with all their Goods " and Chatties therein found, without any Caufe, and " the fame held in his Hands by a long Seafon, and " continually thereof took the Profits, to the great " Damage of the fame Bilhops, Walks and Deftruc- " tions of all their Caftles, Manors, Parks, and Enforced b s 14 << Woods," ( the King will and granteth, That from Ed. i-ft-*- « henceforth it fhall not be done.' t. 3. 25 to. 3. Sit. 5. c 6. f.-ibiiin Purveyor! /rem taking Timber in or about any Perfon's Houfi. TEM qe chefcun homme qe eit boys deinz I. forefte poet prendre en fon boys demeigne houfbote & heybote fanz eftre attache par miniftres de la forefte iffint qils le face par veue de forefters. Et pur ce qe avant ces houres en temps le Roi pier au Roi qore eft le Roy par malveys confeillers fanz caufe & areynement fift prendre en fa meyn les temporalites des divers Evefqes od toutz les biens & chateux en les dites temporalitees troveez & mefmes les temporalitees tynt en fa meyn par long temps & prift toutz les ifTues en mefmes le temps a grant damages des ditz Evefqes vallz & deftruftions de lour chafteux manoirs parks & boys le Roi graunt & voet qe (Jeforemes ne foit fait. CAP.