Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/247

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A. D. 1328. Anno fecundo Edward 1 III. C. 16, 17. 201 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. qe trove ferra duement qe les Seignurs les ount te- nuz plus longemcnt qils deveront ou qe les mar- chauntz ount fts outre le temps iffint publiez et criez. into the King's Hands, there to remain till they have made a Fine to the King for the Offence, after it be duly found, that the Lords held the fame Fairs longer than they ought, or that the Merchants have fitten Enfceedby 3 Ed, above the Time fo cried and published.' 3- c S- CAP. XVI. Nifi Prim may be granted as well at the Tenants Suit as the Demandants: ET come en un eftatut fait a Everwyk en temps le piere noftre Seignur le Roi qore eft foit cOn- tenuz qe les enqueftes & jurees qe font & ferront aprendre qe ne font rhie de grant exarhinement foient prifes devantun Juftice de la place ou la plee eft aflbcie a lui un prodhome du pais chivaler ou autre iffint qe certein jour foit done en Bank & cer- tein jour & lieu en pais en prefence de parties fi le demandant le prie & auxint les enqueftes & jurees en plee de terre qe demandent grant examinement foient prifes en pais en la forme fufditedevant deux Juftices du Bank acorde eft & eftabli qe totes tiels enqueftes qe font ou en temps avenir a prendre fer- ront en plee de terre foient prifes auxibien a la priere le tenant come le demandant toutlautre pro- ces .acorde en le dit ftatut en tieu cas fauve& garde. See 14 Ed. 3. flat. I. c. 16. Jefl. S . Fcrferl&er Regulations concerning NiJI Prim TEM, Whereas in a Statute made at York, in the Time of the Father of our Lord the King that now. is, it is contained that Inquefts and Juries, which be and fhall be hereafter taken, requiring no great Examination, fhall be taken before one Juftice Of the Place where the Plea is, adjoining to him one difcreet Man of the Country, Knight or other, fo that a certain Day be given in the Bench, and a cer- ♦ tain Day and Place in the Country, in the Prefence of the Parties, if the Demandant pray the fame ; (2) and alfo the Inquefts and Juries in Plea of Land, which require great Examination, (hall be taken in the Country in the faid Form before two Juftices of the Bench:" ' (3) It is acorded and enacted, That all fuch Inquefts which are, or in Time to come fhall be taken, in Plea of Land, fhall be taken as well at the Requeftofthe Tenant as the Demandant; (4.) all other Procefs according to the faid Statufcrin l£%%p a '*?' fuch Cafe faved and kept' J ™J y h 'J % gr J2 % d, fee 14 H, 6. c. 1. 35#.8.f,6. is Geo, 1. c. 31. end t^ Geo, z. c. lS«  CAP. XVII. A Writ of Deceit fhall be maintainable in Cafe of Garnilhment in Plea of Land. AUxint eft acorde & eftabli qe brief de Deceit foit meintenu & lieu tiegne auxibien en cas de garniffement qe touche plee de terre ou tieu garniflement eft done come en cas de fomons en plee de terre. ' T TEM it is enaded, That a Writ of Deceit fhall ' JL be maintainable, and hold Place, as well in the ' Cafe of Garnishment touching Plea of Land, where ' fuch Garnifhment is given, as in cafe of Summons ' in Plea of Land. Dated at Northampton.' REX vicecomiti Northamptonie falutem. Quoddam ftatutum per nos et confilium noftrum in pleno parliaments noftro apud Northampton convocato ad emendationem ftatus populi regni noftri editum flgillo noftro confignatum tibi mittimus mandantes quod ftatutum illud et omnes articulos in eo contentos in pleno comitatu tuoet in civitatibus burgis villis mercatoriis et aliis lofcis in ballivatua ubi expedire videris tarn infra libertates quam extra legi et publice proclamari et obfervari facias. T. R. apud Northampton xxii. ■die Junii. Memorandum quod Eodem modo mandatum eji ' Jingulis vlcecomitibus per Angliam. Iflud Jiatututn mijfum fult in Hiberniam in forma patent! cum quodam brevi inferius fequcnti* Statutes made at ^ Weflminfter, 27 Novemb% Anno 4EDW. III. & Anno Dom. 1330. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. tj. AU parlement fomons a Weftmonftierle Lun- dy profcheyn apres le fefte de Seinte Kate- rine Ian du regne noftre Seignur le Roi Ed- ward tierz apres le conqueft quart Si font les cho- fes foutzefcriptez a la requefte de la communalte affentuz & acordez par noftre Seignur le Roi Pre- latz Countes Barons & autres grantz de mefme le parlement les queux chofes noftre Seignur le Roi voet qen touz les counteez de Engleterre foient n&ndez a publier & fermement garder. Vol. I, Hath " t T the Parliament fummoned at TVeJi " f Monday next after the Feaft of St. " *■ ■*• in the Fourth Year of the Reigr " Edward the Third after the Conqueft, thefe Things " underwritten, at the Requeft of the Commons, be " eftablifhed and enacfted by our Lord the King, his " Prelates, Earls, and Barons, and other of the fame " Parliament; which Things our Lord the King will " to be published, and furely obferved in all his Coun- " ties of England," D d CAR