A. D. 134.0. Anno decimo quarto Edwardi IU. Stat. 1. 229 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. a mal enfample & affrai des bones gentz & loialx par quoi les larons & meffefours font comfortez af- faire lour roberies & homicides & les fount de jour en autre & plus font efbaudiz a le faire par caufe de efpoir davoir lour chartres de pardoun legere- ment fi eft affentuz acorde & eftabli qe nul chartre de pardon de mort de homme ne dautre felonie ne ne foit defore enavant grante a nul forfqe en cas ou le Roi poet faire fauvant le ferement de (a corone fi come eft contenuz en les eftatutz avant ces houres faitz et ii nulla chartre foit defore grante conti'e les ditz eftatutz qele foit tenu pur nulle. " Manflayers, to the evil Example and Fear of good M People and lawful, whereby Thieves, Felons, and 6 Co. 13. " Offenders be comforted to do their Robberies and ioEd. 3. ftat.z. " Man-flaughter, and the fame do from Day to Day, c ' 2l " and the more be encouraged to do the fame, becaufe " of Hope eafily to have their Charters of Pardon ;" ' (2) it is aftented, eftablifhed, and accorded, That ' no Charter of Pardon of the Death of a Man, nor ' of other Felony, fhall be from henceforth granted to ' any Man, but in cafe where the King may the fame ' do faving the Oath of his Crown, as it is contained ' in the Statutes made before this Time; (3} and if ' any Charter be from henceforth granted againft the ' faid Statutes, the fame fhall be holden for none.' CAP. XVI. Before what Perfons Nifi Prius may be granted. ■ITEM come avant ces houres foit eftabli qe les A enqueftes & jurrez qe font aprendre auffibien de Bank le Roi come de commune Bank fuiffent pris devant un ou deux Juftices de meifmes les place? ficome eft contenuz en meifme les eftabliffementz & ja fi eft notoriement veu & conu qe diverfes en- queftes & jurrees ont efte aprendre & encore font en divers contees Engleterre ou nul Juftice neft venu a grant meichief des parties qe fuent & auffi des bones gentz du pays qe ibnt mys en panel par quoi eft affentuz & eftabli qe qi qe ce foit qe de- manded e Nifi prius en Bank le R.oi auffibien a la feute le defendant come de pleintifF come avant ces hures ad efte fait par forme deftatut qe lui foit le Nifi prius grante devant afcun Juftice de la place ou le plee pent fi afcun de la place peuffe bone- ment aler en celles parties & fi nemy adonqes foit grante le Nifi prius devant afcun Juftice du com- mune Bank au certein jour qe poet eftre acorde & tenor du record a lui liveree ou mande defoutz le feal de chief de la Place a queu jour il preigne len- quefte & retourne le verdit defoutz fon feal ovefqe le brief la tenour & le panell lequel foit receu en. B^nk le Roi & illoeqes enroule & fur ce jugjement rendu folonc le verdit de mefme lenquefte Et eit le dit Juftice. du commune Bank poair de recorder defautes 5c nounfeutes auxi avant come le Nifi prius euft efte grante devant afcun Juftice du Bank le Roi apres queux defautes iffint recordez & retournez en Bank le Roi aillent les Juftices a juggement rendre de mefme le Record. En mefme la manere foit fait de toutz les plees qe font ou ferront en commune Bank dont les enqueftes & jureez font ou ferront aprendre en pays parle Nifi prius. Si nul des Ju- ftices de meifme la place ne y aille foit le Nifi prius grante devant afcun Juftice du Bank le Roi affaire come devant eft dit des Juftices de commune Bank & la tenour du record a meifme celui Juftice maun- de qi eit autiel poair come devant eft dit de Juftice du commune Bank qeft ailigne aprendre les en- queftes & jurrees du Bank le Roi. Et ill aveigne qe nul des Juftices del un Bank ne del autre ne puifle venir en pais la ou enqueftes & jurrees font aprendre. adonqes foit le Nifi prius grante devant TEM, Whereas before this Time it was efta- blifned, That the inquefts and Juries which be- to be taken, as well of the King's Bench as of the ' Common Bench, fhould be taken before one or more
- Juftices of the fame Place, as it is contained in the
- faid Eftablifhment; and now it is notorioufly feen
- and known, that divers Inquefts and Juries have
- been* taken, and yet be in divers Counties of Eng-
- land, where no Juftice did come, to the great Mif-
' chief of the Parties that do fue, and alfo of the
- good People of the Country which be impanelled:"
(2) Wherefore it is aflented and ftablifhed, That whofo demandeth the Nifi prius in the King's Bench, as well at the Suit of the Defendant, as of the Plain- tiff (as before this Time hath been done by the Form of the Statute) the Nifi prius fhall be granted before any Juftice of the Place where the Plea dependeth, if any of the fame Place may well go into thofe Parts; (3) and if not, then the Nifi prius fhall be granted before any Juftice of the Common Bench, at a certain Day, which may be accorded, and to de- liver or fend the Tenor of the Record to him under the Seal of the chief Juftice of the Place, at which Day he fhall take the lnqueft, and return the Verdicl under his Seal with the Writ, the Tenor, and the Panel, which fhall be received in the King's Bench, and there enrolled, and thereupon Judgement given according to the Verdict of the fame inqueft. (4) And the faid Juftice of the Common Bench fhall have Power to record Defaults and Nonfuits, as far forth as if the Nifi prius had been granted before any Juftice of the King's Bench ; after which Defaults fo recorded and returned in the King's Bench, the Juftices fhall go to give Judgement upon the fame Record. (5) And in the fame Manner be it done of all the Pleas which be or fhall be in the Common Bench, whereof the Inquefts and Juries be or fhall be taken in the Country by Nif prius. (6) And if none of the Juftices of the fame Place go, the Nifi prius fhall be granted before any Juftice of the King's Bench, to do as afore is faid of the Juftices of the Common Bench ; (7) and the Tenor of the Record- fhall be fent to the fame Juftice, that he may have like Power as afore is faid of the Juftices of the Com- mon Bench, which he affigned to take Inquefts and Juries of the King's Bench. (8) And if it happen that none of the Juftices of the one Bench nor the other may come into the Country where Inquefts or Juries be to be taken, then the Nifi prius fhall be ' granted-' i3"Ed. l.flat. 1. c. 30. 12EJ. 2. flat. 1, c. 3,4. a Inir, 42s, •' To be takea, 33 H. 6. £'14., 16 H. 7. f. 14, Dyer 163; z Ed. 3. c, 16, Nifi prius may be granted be- fore a Juftice of' another Court, than where the Suitdependeth. 27 Ed. 1. flat, ii. c.4.