24-4 Stat. 3. Anno decimo o&avoEDWARDi III. A. D. 1344. CAP. VII. No Scire facias fhall be awarded againft a Clerk for Tithes. a Jnft. 633. " TTEM, Whereas Writs of Scire facias have been " 1 granted to warn Prelates, Religious and other " Clerks, to anfwer Difmes in our Chancery, and to " {hew if they have any thine, or can any thing fay, " wherefore fuch Difmes ought not to be reftored to " the faid Demandants, and of anfwer as well to us, " as to the Party of fuch Difmes ;" ' (z) that fuch ' Writs from henceforth be not granted, and that the ' Procefs hanging upon fuch Writs be adnulled and re- ' pealed, and that the Parties be difmiffed from the fe- ' cular Judges of fuch Manner of Pleas ; (3) faving to ' us our Right, fuch as we and our Anceftors have had, ' and were wont to have of Reafon. In Witnefs ' whereof, at the Requeft of the faid Prelates, to thefe ' prefent Letters we have fet our Seal. Dated at Lon-
- don the Eighth Day of July, the Year of our Reign
- oi England the Eighteenth, and of France the Fifth.'
Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM qe par ou briefs de Scire facias oient efte grauntez a garner Prelatz religious et au- tres clers a refpoundre des difmes en noftre Chaun- cellerie & a monftrer fils eient liens pur eux ou fachent riens dire pur quoi tieux difmes a les de- mandauntz ne devient eftre reftitutes & a refpoun- dre auxibien a nous come a partie des tieux difmes qe tieux briefs defore enavant ne foient grauntez & qe les procefles pendantz fur tieux briefs foient ani- entiz et repellez & qe les parties foient dimifes de- vant feculers juges de tieux maners de pledz favez a nous noftre droit tiel come nous & noz aunceftres avons eu & foleions avoir de refoun. En tefmoi- gnaunce de queux chofes a la requeft des ditz Pre- latz a ceftes prefentes lettres avons faitz mettre noz fealx. Don' a Londres le viii. jour de Juyl Ian de noftre regne dEngleterre difoitifme & de France quint. The Oath of the jfujltces, being made Anno i 8 Edw. III. Stat, 4. and Anno Dom. 1 344. Juftices of both Benches fhall ierve the King 5n their Office. Dalt. 13. To warn the King of any Damage. To do Juftice. To take no Re- ■ward of any having a Suit. To g^ve no Counfel where the King is a Party. 7. Ed. 3. c. 3. Enforced by 20 Ed. 3. c. I. To maintain no Suit. Not to deny Right, for L«t- U.-c. ' E (hall fwear, That well and lawfully ye {hall ferve our Lord the King and his People in the ' -*- Office of Juftice, and that lawfully ye {hall ' counfel the King in his Bufinefs, and that ye {hall ' not counfel nor aflent to any thing which may turn ' him in Damage or Diftierifon by any Manner, Way,
- or Colour. (2) And that ye fnall not know the Da-
' mage or Diftierifon of him, whereof ye {hall not caufe ' him to be warned by yourfelf, or by other ; and that ' ye mall do equal Law, and Execution of Right, to ' all his Subjects, Rich and Poor, without having Re- ' gard to any Perfon. (3) And that ye take not by ' yourfelf, or by other, privily nor apertly, Gift nor ' Reward of Gold nor Silver, nor of any other Thing ' which may turn to your Profit, unlefs it be Meat or ' Drink, and that of fmall Value, of any Man that ' {hall have any Plea or Procefs hanging before you, as 1 long as the fame Procefs fhall be fo hanging, nor af- ' ter for the fame Caufe. (4) And that ye take no as long as ye {hall be Juftice, nor Robes of any Man great or fmall, but of the King himfelf. (5) And that ye give none Advice or Counfel to no Man great nor fm;'i!, in no Cafe where the King is Party. (6) And in c.sfe that any of what Eftate or Condition they be, come before you in your Seffions with Force and Arms, or otherwife againft the Peace, or againft the Form of the Statute thereof made, to difturb Execution of the Common Law, or to menace the People that they may not purfue the Law, that ye ' fhall caufe their Bodies to be arrefted and put in Pri- ' fon ; (7) and in cafe they be fuch that ye cannot ar- ' reft them, that ye certify the King of their Names, ' ar.d of their Mifprifion haftily, fo that he may thereof ' ordain a convenable Remedy. (8) And that ye by 1 your felf nor by other, privily nor apertly, maintain ' any Plea or Quarrel hanging in the King's Court, or 8 elfewhere in the Country. (9) And that ye deny to 8 no Man common Right by the King's Letters, nor 4 ' Fp VOUS jurez, que bien & loialment fervires a noftre Seignur le Roy et fon poeple en loffice de Juftice, et que loialment confeil- leres noftre Seignur le Roy en fez befoignes. Et que vous ne confeilleres ne affentires a chofe que luy purra tourner en damage ou defheritefon per queconque voye ou colour. Et que vous ne fa- veres le damage ou diftieritefon de luy, que vous ne luy ferrez garnir per vous ou per autre. Et que vous ferrez owel ley et execution de droit as toutez fes fubgettez riches & povrez fauns avoir regard a quelconque perfon. Et que vous ne prendrez per vous ne per autre en prive nen apert don ne reward dor ne dargent ne dautre chofe queconque, que a voftre profit pourra tournir, fil ne foit manger ou boire & ceo de petit value, de nul home qui avera plee ou proces pendaunt devaunt vous, taunt come eel proces ferra iffint pendant, ne apres pur eel caufe. Et que vous ne prendres fee, tanque come vous ferres Juftice, ne robes de nul home graunde ne petit, fi non de Roy mefmes. Et qe vous ne dirrez counfeil ne avyz a nulle graunde ne petit, en nul cas ou le Roy eft partie. Et en cas que afcuns, de quel eftate ou condition quils foient, veignent devant vous en vos feflions a force & armes ou au- trement contre la peas, ou contre la forme del efta- tut ent fait, pur diftourber execution del commune ley, ou pur manafcer lez gentz que ils ne purroient purfuir la ley, qe vous ferrez arrefter lour corps, & mettre en prifon. Et en cas quils foient tielx que vous ne lez poez arrefter, qe vous certifies le Roy de lour nouns & de lour mifprifion haftivement, if- fint qe il puifle ent ordeigner remedie covenable. Et que vous ne maintiendres, per vous ne per autre en prive nen apert, nul plee ne nul querele pen- dant en le court le Roy naillours en paiis. Et qe vous ne declarez a nully come droit per lettres du Roy ne de nully autre ne per autre caufe quecon- que.