Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/292

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24-6 G r. Anno vicefimo Edwardi III. A. D. 1346. Statutes made at Weftminfter, 7 Maii, Anno 20 Edw. III. and Anno Dom. 1346. EDWARD by the Grace of God, &c. to the Sheriff of Stafford, Greeting. Becaufe that by divers Complaints made to us we have perceived that the Law of the Land, which we by our Oath are bound to maintain, is the lefs well kept and the Execution of the fame difturbed many Times by Maintenance and Procurement, as well in the Court as in the Country ; (z) we greatly moved of Confcience in this Matter, and for this Caufe de- firing as much for the Pleafure of God, and Eafe and Qyietnefs of our Subjects, as to fave our Con- fcience, and for to fave and keep our faid Oath, by the Aflent of the Great Men and other Wife Men of our Council, we have ordained thefe Things fol- lowing." Cotton MS. Nero, C. 1. EDWARD &c. Salutz pur ceo qe per plu- fours pleintz ent faitz a nous. Nous avoms entenduz qe la ley de noftre terre quele nous fumus tenuz per ferement de meintenir eft meyns bien garde & lexecution dicelle deftourbe plufours foitz per maintenaunce & procurement abien en Court come en pays per plufours maners Nouz moeves graundement de confcience de cefte matiere & per celle caufe defirantz tant pur plefaunce de Dieu & eafe & quiete de noz fubgitz come pur fauver noftre confcience & pur fauver & garder noftre ferement avauntdit per laffent dez graundz & autres fagez de noftre counfeil. 3 Inft. 146. Juftices fliall Jo Right to all Perfons without Regard of Let- ters, Shall certify all illegal Com- mandments : Shall take no Fee of any, but of the King ; jior give Coun- fel where the King is Party : Their Fees in- creaftH. Regift. 186. a Ed. 3. c. 8. Enforced by 11 R.a. c. 10. C A P. I. The Juftices of both Benches, AlTife, &c. fhall do Right to all Men, take no Fee but of the King, nor give Counfel where the King is Party. SI avoms ordeigne & commaunde expreflement as toutz nouz Juftices qils facent defore owel ley Sc execution de droit as toutz noz fubjetz richez & povrez faunz aver regard de null perfon & faunz lefler de faire droit pur null letrez ou maundementz qe lour purrount venir de nous ou de null autre ou pur autre caufe qeconqz & en cas qe afcuris letrez briefs ou maundementz viegnent as lez Juftices ou as autres deputeez de faire ley & droit folonqez lez ufagez de noftre Roialme en deftourbaunce de la ley ou de execution dicelle ou de droit faire as partiez lez ditz Juftices & autres fuifditz aillent avaunt & tiegnent lour courts & lour precede & ou lour plees & bufoignez font pendantz devaunt eux come ft nuls tielx letrez briefs ou maundementz ne fuiffent venus & certifient nous e noftre confeil de tielx maundements qe fount con- trariez a la ley come defuis eft dit. Et au fyn qe noz ditz Juftices facent owell droit as toutz gentz en manere defuis dit faunz pluis de favour faire a lune partie qe al autre Si avoms ordeigne & faire jurrer noz Juftices qils ne prendront defore tant come ils ferrount en Office de Juftice fee ne robe de nulluy finoun de nous mefmez & qils ne pren- drount don ne regard per eux ne per autres en prive nen appiert de null homme qe avera affaire devaunt eux perqueconqe voie fil ne fpit mangier ou boier & ceo de petit value & qils ne dorront coun- feill a null graund ou petit en cas ou nous fumus partiez ou qe nous touche ou purra toucher en null manere fur peyn deftre a noftre volunte du corps terrez & avoir pur faire ent ceo qe nous plerra en cas qils facent la contrarie Et pur ceft caufe fi a- voms fait encrefcer lez feez de noz Juftices per tiel manere qe lour doit refonablement fuffire. FIrft, We have commanded all our Juftices, That they fhall from henceforth do equal Law and Execution of Right to all our Subjects, Rich and Poor, without having Regard to any Perfon, and without omitting to do Right for any Letters or Com- mandment which may come to them from us, or from any other, or by any other Caufe. (z) And if that any Letters, Writs, or Commandments come to the Juftices, or to other deputed to do Law and Right according to the Ufage of the Realm, in Dif- turbance of the Law, or of the Execution of the fame, or of Right to the Parties, the Juftices and other aforefaid fhall proceed and hold their Courts and Proceffes where the Pleas and Matters be de- pending before them, as if no fuch Letters, Writs, or Commandments were come to them ; and they fhall certify us and our Council of fuch Command- ments which be contrary to the Law, as afore is faid. (3 ) And to the Intent that our Juftices fhould do even Right to all People in the Manner aforefaid, without more Favour fhewing to one than to another, we have ordained and caufed our faid Juftices to be fworn, That they fhall not from henceforth, as long as they fhall be in the Office of Juftice, take Fee nor Robe of any Man, but of ourfelf, and that they fhall take no Gift nor Reward by themfelves, nor by other, privily nor apertly, of any Man that hath to do be- fore them by any Way, except Meat and Drink, and that of fniall Value ; (4) and that they fhall give no Counfel to great Man or final], in cafe where we be Party, or which do or may touch us in any Point, upon Pain to be at our Will, Body, Lands, and Goods, to do thereof as fhall pleafe us, in cafe they do contrary. (5) And for this Caufe we have in- creafed the Fees of the fame our Juftices in fuch Man- ner, as it ought reafonably to fuffice them.' CAP.