262 Stat. 5. Anno vicefimo quinto Edwardi III, A; D. 1350. above rehearfed, that ought to be judged Treafon which extends to our Lord the King, and his Royal Majefty : (9) And of fuch Treafon the Forfeiture of the Efcheats pertaineth to our Sovereign Lord, as well of the Lands and Tenements holden of other, as of himfelf. (10) And moreover there is another Bio. Treafon, 6, <. ]VJ ann er of Treafon, that is to fay, when a Servant &, 12, K, 30 12 Co. 16. Cro. Car. The King (nail have the For- feiture of all the Offenders Lands jnHighTieafon. Fitz. Coron. 7, 210. "7» 33a. Petit Treafon. New Quefttons of Treafons flial] firft be decided in Par- liament. Try. of Earl Straff. 673. flayeth his Matter, or a Wife her Hufband, or when ' a Man Secular or Religious flayeth his Prelate, to s whom he oweth Faith and Obedience; (11) and of ' fuch Treafon the Efcheats ought to pertain to every ' Lord of his own Fee. (12) And becaufe that many ' other like Cafes of Treafon may happen in Time to ' come, which a Man cannot think n6r declare at this
- prefentTime; it is accorded, That if any other Cafe,
' fuppofed Treafon, which is not above fpecified, doth ' happen before any Juftices, the Juftices fhall tarry
- without any going to Judgement of the Treafon, till
' the Caufe be fhewed and declared before the King ' and his Parliament, whether it ought to be judged ' Treafon or other Felony. (13) And if percafe any ' Man of this Realm ride armed covertly or fecretly ' with Men of Arms againft any other, to flay him, or ' rob him, or take him, or retain him till he hath made ' Fine or Ranfom for to have his Deliverance, it is not ' the Mind of the King nor his Council, that in fuch
- Cafe it fhall be judged Treafon, but fhall be judged
' Felony or Trefpafs, according to the Laws of the 5 Land of old Time ufed, and according as the Cafe
- requireth. .(14) And if in fuch Cafe, or other like,
£ before this Time any Juftices have judged Treafon, ' and for this Caufe the Lands and Tenements have 1 comen into the King's Hands as Forfeit, the chief ' Lords of the Fee fhall have the Efcheats of the Te- ' nements holden of them, whether that the fame Te-
- nements be in the King's Hands, or in others, by
- Gift or in other Manner; (15) faving always to our
- Lord the Kingthe Year, and the Wafte, and the
- Forfeitures of Chatties, which pertain to him in the
- Cafes above named; (16) and that the Writs of
' Scire facias be granted in fuch Cafe againft the Land-
- Tenants without other Original, and without allow-
ing * any Proteilion in the faid Suit; (17) and that of the Lands which be in the King's Hands, Writs be granted to the Sheriffs of the Counties where the Lands be, to deliver them out of the King's Hands without Delay.' . I. See farther concerning Treafon 34 Ed. 3. c. 12. it R. 2. c. 3, 4, & i~6 fi. %. c. 73. 27 H. 8. c. z. 28 H. 8. c. 18. 32 H. 8. c. 4. 33 H. 8. c. 20 Sf 23. 5 Eliz. c. 1 fcf 11. i^E/iz. c. 1 & 2. 14 Eliz. c. 1, 2, t£f 3. 23 Eliz. c. 1. 27 Eliz. c. c. 13. 7&f %W. 3. c. 3. t)W. 3. c. 1. 13 JK. 3. c. 3 & 6. 1 /Inn. fiat. 2. c, 17. 2 fijf fiat. 2. c. 33. 17 Geo- 2. c. 39. 19 do. 2. c. 9. 20 Geo. 2. c. 30 £f 46. » the PnteBion « ef our Lord the 1 King, t Confirmed by « 1 Ed. 6. c. 12. c 3 Ma. ff. 1. c. 1. j 3 Car. 2- lat. 1, c Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. majefte & de tiele manere de trefon laforfaiture des efchetes appartient a noftre Seignur le Poi fibiert des terres & tenemenz tenuz des autres come de lui meifmes. Et ovefqe ceo il y ad autre manere de trefon cell aflavoir quant un fervant tue fon meiftre une femme qe tue fon baron quant homme feculer ou de religion tue fon Prelat a qi il doit foi & obedience & tiele manere de trefon donn forfai- ture des efehetes a chefcun Seignur de fon fee pro- pre. Et pur ceo qe plufurs autres cafes de fembla- ble trefon purront efcheer en temps a venir queux homme ne purra penfer ne declarer en prefent Af- fentu eft qe fi autre cas fuppofee trefon qe neft ef- pecifie paramount aviegne de novel devant afcunes Juftices demoerge la Juftice faunz aler au jugge- ment de trefon tanqe par devant noftre Seignur le Roi en fon p2rlement foit le cas monftree & def- clarre le quel ceo doit eftre ajugge trefon ou autre felonie. Et ft par cas afcun homme de ceft roialme chivache arme defcovert ou fecrement od gentz ar- mees contre afcun autre pur lui tuer ou derober ou pur lui prendre -& retenir tanqil face fyn ou raun- ceon pur fa deliverance avoir neft pas lentent du Roi & de fon confeil qe en tiel cas foit ajugge trefon einz foit ajugge felonie ou trefpas folonc la lei de la terre auncienement ufee & folonc ceo qe le cas demand. Et fi en tieu cas ou autre femblable de- vant ces heures afcune Juftice eit ajugge trefon & par celle caufe les terres & tenemenz foient deve- nuz en la main noftre Seignur le Roi come for- faitz eient les chiefs Seignurs de fee lours efchetes des tenemenz de eux tenus le quel qe les tenemenz foient en la main noftre Seignur le Roi ou en la. main des autres par donn ou en autre manere Sau- vant totefoitz a noftre Seignur le Roi Ian & le waft & autres forfaitures des chateux qe a lui attenent en les cafes fuifnomez & qe briefs de Scire facias vers les terres tenantz foient grantez en tieu cas faunz autre originale & faunz allower la protection noftre Seignur le Roi en la dite feute et qe de les terres qe font en la main le Roi foit grante brief as vifcontes des countees la ou les terres ferront de oftier la main le Roi faunz outre delaie. 12. I ff. 4. f. TO. 2ff. 6. c. 17. 22 ff. 8. C. 9. 25-ff. 8. C.Z2. $&6Ed. 6. c. 11. 1 & 2. P. &M. c. 10 £f 11. 1 Eliz. c. 5. 2 > 3 jfac, 1. c.^.feff. 22. 13 Car. 2. fiat. 1. c. 1. 3W. & M. 3 Ann. c. 20. 4. Ann. c.%. 6 Ann. c. 7. 7 Ann. c. si. 1 Geo. 1, CAP. III. No Indictor fhall be put upon the Inqueft of the Party indi&ed. Bro. Chall. 42, 101, 120, 142, t£6. be ' TTEM it is accorded, That no Indiflor fhall . ' X put in Inquefts upon Deliverance of the Indictees ' of Felonies or Trefpafs, if he be challenged for that ' lame Caufe by him which is fo indicted,' AUxint acorde eft qe nul enditour foit mys en enqueft fur la deliverance del endite de tref- pas ou de felonie fil foit chalange par tiele caufe par celui qeft endite. V». 3 . t. 29. flat. I. CAP. IV. None fhall be condemned upon Suggeftion without lawful Prefentment. e Great ITEM, Whereas it is contained in th Charter of the Franchifes of England, that none fhall be imprifoned nor put out of his Freehold, nor , Stre ceo come contenu foit en la Grant Chartre £L des franchifes dEngleterre qe nul foit pris ne emprifbne ne oufte de fon frank tenement ne de fes franchifes