318 C. 19. 3 Inft. 97. 4lnft. 51. Anno tricefimo feptimo Edwardi III. A. D. 1363. " he fhall have two Years Imprifonment, and yield " to the Lord the Price of the Hawk fo concealed or " taken away, if he have whereof, and if not, he fhall " the longer abide in Prifon. (;) Notwithftanding " this Ordinance, the Offenders doubt but little to " ofFend in this Behalf :" ' (6) Wherefore it is or- ' dained, and by Statute eftablifhed in this prefent ' Parliament, That if any fteal any Hawk, and the ' fame carry away, not doing the Ordinance aforefaid, ' it fhall be done of him as of a Thief that ftealeth a ' Horfe or other Thing.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. en prifone. Et nient countrefteant cefte ordenance les meffefours nount pas dote de trefpaffer en celle partie par quoi eft ordeine & par eftatut eftabli en ce prefent parlement qe fi nul emble faucoun & lemporte r.ient fefant lordinance deffus dite foit fait de lui come de laroun qi emble chival ou autre chofe. Statutes made at Wefiminfter, Anno 38EDW. III. Stat. 1. and Anno Dom. 1363. Ex Rot. inTurr. Lond. m. 6. D. OSTRE Seignur le Roi Edward a fon parlement tenuz a Weftm' as oetaves de Seint Hiller Ian de fon regne trente oetifme de lafTent des Prelats Dues Countes Barons & communes de fon Roialme illoeqes affemblez ad fait & ordeine les chofes qe enfuent. CAP. I. Former Statutes mall be obferved and executed. ' T7IRST, That the Great Charter, and the Char- ' 1? ter of the Foreft, and the other Statutes made as
- well in his Time as in the Time of his Progenitors,
■' be holden and kept, and duly executed in all Points.' Deprimes qe la Grand Chartre la Chartre de la Forefte & les autres eftatutz faitz fibjen en fon temps come en temps de fes progenitours foient tenuz & gardez & duement executz en touz poyntes. CAP. II. Repeal of Part of 37 Edw. 3. c. 5. Who may tranfport Gold or Silver. .9 Ed, 3./.". 1. a. Z7 Ed- 3. Jlat. 2. c. 3. 36 Ed. 3. e. 11. 27 Ed. 5. c. 5. " T TEM, To that which was ordained at the laft " JL Parliament, of Living and of Apparel, and that " no EngUJh Merchant fhould ufe but one Merchan- " dife ;" ' it is ordained, That all People fhall be as ' free as they were at all Times before the faid Ordi- ' nance, and namely as they were in the Time of the ' King's Grandfather, and his other good Progenitors. ' (2) And that all Merchants, as well Aliens as Deni- ' zens, may fell and buy all Manner of Merchandifes, ' and freely carry them out of the Realm, paying the
- Cuftoms and Subfidies thereof due, except that the
' Englijh Merchants fhall not pafs out of the Realm ' with Woolls orWoollfels. (3) And that none carry ' out of the Realm Gold nor Silver in Plate nor in ' Money, laving the Victuallers of Fifh that,, fifh for ' Herring and other Fifh, and they that bring Fifh ' within the Realm in fmall VefTels, which meddle not ' with other Merchandifes, 2nd that according to the ' Arbitrement of the Chancellor.' Enforced and amended by 5 R. -I.},". 1. c. 2. 2 H. 4. c. 5. end z H. 6 c. 6. See far- ther concerning tl : Exportation of Gold and Silver 4 H. 4. c.i $& 16. 5 //. 4. c. 9. f}H.6.c.2. IjEd.^.c.i. 3 //. 7. c. 8. and 19 H. 7. c. 5, ET quant a ceo qe ordene feuft au derrein par- lement de vivres & dapparail & qe nul mar- chant Englois ne uferoit qune marchaundie eft acorde qe touz gentz foient fi franks come eftoient de tut temps auncienement devant les dites ordi- nances & nieement come eftoient en temps del aiel noftre Seignur le Roi & de fes autres bones proge- nitours. Et qe touz marchantz fibien denzeins come aliens puifTent vendre & achatre toute manere de marchandie & franchement ameifner hors du Roialme paiantz les cuftumes & fubfides ent dues forfpris qe les marchantz Engleis ne pafferont hors du Roialme leins ne pealx lanutz. Et qe nul em- porte hors du Roialme or nargent en plate nen monoie fauvez les vitaillers de peffon qe pefchent harang & autre peffon & ces qi amefnent peflbn deinz le Roialme en petitz vefTelx qi ne fe mellent dautre marchandie & ce folonc larbitrement de Chaunceller. CAP. III. Fines fhall be taken in the Prefence of the Pledges. ' TTEM it is accorded. That all the Fines to be ' JL taken before any Juftices, fhall be in the Prefence ' of the PI dges, and that the Pledges know the Sum ' of their Fine before their d parting.' ITEM eft acorde qe touz les fines qe ferrount aprendre devaunt qeconqes Juftices foient faites en prefence de plegges h qe les plegges fachent la fomme de lour fines devant lour departir. CAP