Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/392

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346 C. 2, 3. A.nno tertio Richardi II. A. D. 1379, O B.

  • 11 W. 3. c.

flo. takes aivay Aulnoge Duties, 2 Ed. 3. c. 14. 27 Ed. 3. Aat.z. c. 1. Enforced by 11 H.4. c.6. •Read II Gf 12. iftnft. 51. f. 5. Enforced by 7 R. J. c. 12. and farther by 16 R, 2. c. 5, CAP. II. The Penalty of the Aulneger that fetteth his Seal to faulty Cloths. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM pur ceo qe la commune fe pleint grantement eftre grevez en ceo qe coment qen temps le noble Roi E. aiel a noftre Seignur le Roi qore eft eftoit pur commune profit de Roialme ordeinez & eftabliz qe touz les draps de leine delors affaire en Engleterre qe ferroient mys a vente contineroient certeine mefure en lon- gure & laieure fur certeine peine compris en dit eftatut Nientmeins plufours gentz parmy le Roialme nient eiantz confideration al dit eftatut font ore diverfez draps de leine vendables queux ne contiegnent mye la dite mefure ne laffife ordeine par mefme leftatut & qe pire eft font fubtilement tacher ou confure enfemble avefqe file diverfez pieces des tieux draps & puis apres par covyne entre eux & les auneours le Roi pur covrer & colurer la fauxine procurent mefme launeour de mettre le leal ordeine fur mefmes les draps au fin qe par tant les achatours deivent croire qe celles draps iffint enfealez foient fufftfantz draps & entiers contiegnantz la dite affifeqare autrement neuffent efte enfealez a ceo qils diont en grant deceite du poeple & mefchief as achatours defufditz fibien denfzeins come eftranges Accordez eft & affentuz qe les eftatutz faitz des ditz draps devant ces heures foient gardez & duement mys en execution. Et enoultre eft affentuz qe fi afcun des ditz auneours ou des coillours del fubfide des dites draps avera defore mys aucun feal a nul tiel drap iffint confute en deceite foit mefme le drap forfait au Roi ou & en quelconque maniere qil foit trovez & ovefqe ceo forface launeour ou coillour de tiel defaute trovez coupable fon dit office & fil eit mys mefme le feal a afcun autre drap ven- dable qe ne foit de la dite affife forface mefme launeour ou coillour devers noftre dit Seignur le Roi la value de mefme la drap tielement enfealez en deceite del poeple enfemblement ovefqe fon office & jademeins pur la fauxine avandite eit la prifone & ent foit reint a la voluntee le Roi. Et comence cefte ordinance a tenir lieu, a la Nativitee feint Johan le Baptiftre profchein venant et nemye devant. C A P. III. None mall take any Benefice of an Alien, or convey Money to him. The Caufes why " Advowfons of <c Benefices were cc given to Spiritual <c Ptrfons, The Inconve- niencies which c have enfued by «' giving of Bene- cc to Aliens, ci TEM, Becaufe that our Lord the King hath per- 1 ceived, as well by the Complaints of his faithful liege People, and by their Clamour by divers Peti- tions thereof delivered in divers Parliaments before this Time, as otherwife by the perfect Knowledge and Experience of the Deed, how the Churches Ca- thedral and Collegial, Abbeys and Priories and other Benefices of his Realm, which were late founden, and richly endowed by his noble Progenitors, in which divers Dignities, Offices, Perfonages, Cha- nonries, Prebends, and other Benefices, were fo- lemnly and devoutly ordained and eftablifhed of the Affent of the forefaid Progenitors of the King, and of other their noble Founders, which did give to the faid Paftors of the fame Churches, Abbeys, Priories, and of other great Places, the Advowfons of the fame Benefices, to the Intent that the fame Bene- fices fhould be given to honeft and meet Perfons of the Realm, to ferve and honour God diligently, and alfo to keep Hofpitality, and to inform and teach the People, and to do other worthy Things pertaining to the Cure of Souls, after the Eftate and Quality of the faid Benefices : (2) And fo was it done in all Times paft after the Foundation of the fame, till now of late, that by the Informations, In- ftigations and Procurements of fome of the King's liege People, the fame Benefices have been given, againft the Will of the Founders, to divers People of another Language, and of ftrange Lands and Nations, and fometime to the utter Enemies of the King and of his Realm, which never made Resi- dence in the fame, nor cannot, may not, nor will not in fuch wife bear and perform the Charges of the fame Benefices, as in bearing Confeffions, Preach- ing, nor Teaching the People, keeping Hofpitality, nor accomplifhing the other Things neceffary to the Governance of the fame Benefices, but only thereof have and take the Emoluments and Temporal Pro- fits, not having Regard to the Spiritual Cure, nor 4 ITEM pur ce qe le Roi noftre Seignur ad en*- tenduz fibien par les pleintes de fez foialx ligesr et par le clamour de fon poeple par lours diverfes petitions ent baillez avant en diverfes parlementz devant cefte heure come autrement par la notoritee de la chofe et experience de faitcomenc les efgiifes cathedralx collegialx abbeies priories et autres be- nefices de fon Roialme qe furent jadis founduz et richement dovvez par fes nobles progenitours en les quelles diverfes dignities offices parfonies chanonies prebendes et autres benefices eftoient folempne- ment et devoutement ordeinez et eftabliz del affent des ditz progenitours le Roi et dautres lours nobles fondours qi donerent as paftours de mefmes les- efgiifes abbeies priories et dautres grantz lieux a- vantditz ladvouefons de mefmes les benefices al entente qe mefmes les benefices ferroient donez as perfones honeftes et covenables du dit Roialme pur Dieu fervir et honurer pluis diligealment et auxint pur lofpitalitee tenir et pur enformer et en- feigner le poeple et faire les autres nobles chofes appurtenantz a la cure des almes felonc leftat et qualitee des ditz benefices et enfi eftoit faite de tout temps paffe puis la fundation dycelle tanqe a un poie de temps paffe qe parmy les informations in- fti ations et procurement dafcuns des liges noftre dit Seignur le Roi mefmes les benefices aient efte donez encontre la volente des foundours as plu- fours diverfes perfones dautri lange et deftrange3 terres et nations et a la foitz as vrais enemys du Roi et de fon Roialme les queux ne fefoient unqes refidence en ycelles ne ne fcievent ne poient ne veullicnt nullement porter ne faire les charges des ditz benefices come en oier les confeffions prefcher ne enfeigner le poeple hofpitalitee tenir ne accom- plir les autres choi'es neceffaires au governement de mefmes les benefices Mais foulement ent querent et preignent les emolumentz et temporeles profitz nient eiantz regard a la cure efpiritele ne as autres charges