A. D. 1 381; Anno quinto Richard 1 II. Stat. 1. 35 $ Ex Rot. in Tun: Lond. accomptantz maintenant apres lour ferement fait en le dit efcheqier examinez par les Barons illoeqes fils y purront ou deivent de rienz refpondre au Roi en celle partie. Et fi trovez foit par lour dit fere- ment qe noun adonqes par mefme lour ferement foient ils defchargez dautre accompte rend re de- vant afcun audkour toutdys le droit le Roi falvez. remain, the Accomptants prefently after their Oath made in the faid Exchequer fhall be examined by the Barons there, if they mould or ought to anfwer the King of any Thing in this Behalf. (3) And if it be found by their faid Oath, that they ought not, then by the fame their Oath they fhall be difcharged to yield other Accompt before any Auditor, the King's Right always faved.' 4 Inft. 106. CAP. XV. The Clerk of the Pipe, &c. fworn for the Entry of Writs of the Great and Privy Seal. ITEM eft accordez & affentuz qe le clerc de pipe & les remembrancers del efcheqier foient jurrez qe de terme en terme ils verront tant come le dit eicheqier ferra overt toutz les briefs de grant .feal & lettres de prive feal qe ferront mandez al dit efcheqir mefme le terme pur final defcharge dau- cune perfone du Roialme daucun demande currant •al dit efcheqier & qe chefcun de eux a qi il appar- tient ferra due execution du dit mandement. Et eft auxint ordenez & affentuz qe les ditz deux re- membrancers foient jurrez de lour part qe chefcun terme de cy en avant ils ferront une cedule de toutes les perfones qi ferront defchargez en lour of- fice par juggement ou en autre manere en mefme le terme daucuns demandes en dit efcheqier conte- nante la manere de mefmes les defcharges & de faire liverer celle cedule al dit clerc du pipe mefme ]e terme au fyn qe mefme le clerc de pipe face ent defcharger les ditz parties en le grant rolle. Et auxint foit le dit clerc du pipe jurrez qe il de terme en terme demandera les ditz cedules & mefmes les cedules par lui iffint refceuez il defchargera les dites parties en manere fuifdite. Et en mefme la ma- nere face le clerc du pipe pur fa partie certifier en efcrit as ditz remembrancers de touz tielx defchar- ges qe ferront faitz en fon office au fyn qe homme defchargez en une place foit defchargez en toutes autres places del dit efcheqir. ITEM it is accqrded and affented, That the Clerk of the Pipe and the Remembrancers of the Ex- chequer fhall be fworn, that from Term to Term they fhall fee (whiles the faid Exchequer fhall be open) all the Writs of the Great Seal, or of the Privy Seal, which fliall be fent to the faid Exchequer the fame Term, for the final Difcharge of any Per- fon of the Realm of any Demand in the faid Exche- quer, and that every of them, to whom it pertaineth, fhall make due Execution of the faid Commandment. (2) And alfo it is ordained and affented, That the faid two Remembrancers fhall be fworn of their Part, that every Term from henceforth they fhall make a Schedule of all the Perfons that fhall be difcharged in their Offices by Judgement, or in other Manner in the fame Term, of any Demands in the fame Exche- quer, containing the Manner of the fame Difcharges, and to deliver the fame Schedule to the faid Clerk of the Pipe the fame Term, to the Intent that the fame Clerk of the Pipe fhall thereof difcharge the faid Par- ties in the great Roll. (3) Alfo the faid Clerk of the Pipe fhall be fworn, that he from Term to Term fhall require the fame Schedules, and the fame Sche- dules by him fo received, he fhall difcharge the faid Parties in the Manner aforefaid. (4) And in the fame Manner, the faid Clerk of the Pipe for his Part fliall caufe to be certified in Writing to the faid Re- membrancers of all fuch Difcharges which fhall be made in his Office, to the Intent that a Man dif- charged in one Place, be difcharged in all other Places of the faid Exchequer.' CAP. XVI. Upon a Judgement of Livery, the Remembrancer fhall caufe the Suit to ceafe. T E M coment qe plufours foitz devant ces heures diverfes perfones ont euez liveree de lours terres & tenementz hors de mains le Roi par juggement renduz pur eux en Bank le Roi ou aillours & dy- ceux juggementz aient enapres fait procurer den- voier les tenures des recordz & proces ent faitz par brief de Mittimus en lefcheqir avantdit al entente pur eux defcharger des accomptes de eux deman- ded fur mefmes les tenementz nientmeins les offi- cers de mefme lefcheqier nont mye volu devant cefte heme ent faire defcharger les dites perfones devant qe mefmes les recordz & proces fuiffent de parole en parole novellement entrez en lefcheqer & fur ce novel proces fait & novel juggement illo- eqes autrefoitz renduz a grant damage & delay des parties fanz profit au Roi eft ordeinez & affentuz qe defore apres qe tiel record ove le tenure dycelle ferra venuz en dit efcheqer par mandement le Roi come dit eft qe le remembrancer en qi office tiels TEM, Though that many Times heretofore di- vers Perfons have had Livery of their Lands and Tenements out of the King's Hands, by Judgement given for them in the King's Bench, or elfewhere, and of the fame Judgements after have procured to fend the Tenor of the Records and Proceffes thereof made by Writ of Mittimus into the faid Exchequer, to the Intent for to difcharge them of the Accompts demanded of them upon the fame Tenements ; ne- verthelefs the Officers of the fame Exchequer would not in Times paft difcharge the faid Perfons thereof, before that the fame Records and Proceffes were Word by Word newly entered in the Exchequer, and thereupon new Procefs made, and new Judge- ments there another Time given, to the great Da- mage and Delay of the Partie;, without Profit to the King:" ' (z) It is ordained and affented, That from henceforth after that fuch Record, or the Tenor of the fame, fliall come into the faid Exchequer by Z z 3 ' the