- For Discharge of Commissions awarded in the Time of King Richard.
- For Fees of the Clerk of the Crown of the King's Bench.
- Touching the Jurisdiction of the Admiral Court.
- Welshmen shall not purchase Lands, nor bear Office.
- The Pardon made the 21st of King Richard confirmed.
- For Purveyors.
- The Orthodoxy of the Faith of the Church of England asserted, and Provision made against the Oppugners of the same; with the Punishment of Hereticks.
- For the Punishment of Thefts and other Disorders of Welsh Men.
- For the present Execution of Welsh Men committing Felonies in England.
- For keeping Guards in the Castles in Wales.
- Touching English Men Convict by Welsh Men in Wales.
- That Welsh Men shall not purchase Lands in England.
- Touching Liveries.
- Touching Suits contrary to the Statute 11th Rich. 2.
- For the Fees of the Marshal of the Marshalsey of the King's House.
- For Discharge of Process made against them that were in the King's Wages with the Duke of York, 23 Rich. 2.
Anno 4 Henrici 4.
- COnfirmation of the Liberties of the Church, and of Cities, Boroughs, and Towns franchised, of the Great Charter, and the Charter of the Forest.
- The Words Insidiatores viarum et depopulatores agrorum, shall not be put in any Indictments, &c.
- Touching Clerks Convict.
- The King shall not grant Revenues of the Crown without Deliberation.
- That the Sheriffs be resident within their Bailiwicks.
- For sealing of Cloths.
- Touching Actions against the Takers of the Profits of Lands.
- In what Cases a special Assize is maintainable against a Disseisor with Force.
- For Discharge of Commissioners distrained to return Commissions.
- For Coinage of Halfpence and Farthings.
- For granting Commissions for pulling down Wears and Kiddles.
- In Appropriation of Churches there shall be Provision made for the Poor of the Parish, and the Vicar.
- Confirmation of the Statutes, 1 E. 3. c. 5. & 25 E. 3. c. 8. touching Service in War.
- For retaining Labourers.
- That Merchants Aliens bestow the Money which they receive within the Realm, upon Merchandises of the Realm.
- Against Carriage of Money or Plate out of the Realm.
- Infants shall not be received into the Order of Friers, without the Consent of their Parents.
- For Punishment of an Attorney found in Default.
- No Officer of a Lord of a Franchise shall be an Attorney in the same.
- For Customers and Comptrollers to be resident upon their Offices.
- For the Office of Searchers, and that they execute their Places in Person.
- For the remedy of Incumbents put out by the King's Presentees.
- Against Examination of Judgments given in the King's Courts.
- Touching Aulnage of Cloths.
- Touching Hostellers and Victuallers.
- That English Men be not convict by Welsh Men, nor marry with Welsh Women.
- There shall be no Wasters, Vagabonds, &c. in Wales.
- Against Congregations of Welsh Men.
- Against Bearing Armor in Wales.
- Against sending Armor or Victuals into Wales.
- That Welsh men have not the Keeping of any Fortresses or Castles in Wales.
- Welsh Men shall not bear certain Offices in Wales.
- Castles and walled Towns in Wales shall be kept by English Men.
- English Men married to Welsh Women shall bear no Office in Wales.
- Concerning Tanners and Shoe-Makers.
Anno 5. Henrici 4.
- FOR the Forfeitures of the Lands of Sir Henry and Sir Thomas Piercie, and other Traitors.
- Touching Charters of Pardon to be granted to Approvers.
- For Watch to be kept upon the Sea Coasts.
- Multiplication of Gold or Silver made Felony.
- Cutting out of Tongues, and putting out the Eyes of the King's Subjects, made Felony.
- The Penalty for making Assault upon any Servant of a Knight in Parliament.
- For the well intreating of Merchant Strangers.
- In what Cases the Defendant may be allowed to wage his Law, or plead to an Inquest.
- For Keeping of Gold and Silver within the Realm.
- That Justices of the Peace imprison Men in the Common Gaols only.
- For paying of Tithes by Farmers of Aliens Lands, although the Lands may be seised in the King's Hands.
- Execution may be awarded upon a Statute Merchant, after it is once shewed in Court.
- What Things may be gilded.
- For inrolling of Writs, whereupon Fines are levied.
- The King's Pardon.
Anno 6 Henrici 4.
- TOuching First Fruits of Bishopricks.
- Touching Letters Patents to be made to the Queen and the King's Sons.
- Comississons shall be sent to inquire of the Accompts of Sheriffs and other Officers.
- Touching the selling Merchandizes by Merchants Aliens.
Anno 7 Henrici 4.
- COnfirmation of Liberties and Statutes not repealed.
- For establishing the Inheritance of the Crown.
- The Rolls of Estreats shall be made certain.
- Against Gaolers suffering Prisoners to escape.
- For the Forfeiture of the Lands of the Earl of Northumberland and the Lord Bardolfe, attained of Treason.
- Against purchasing Bulls to be discharged of Tithes.
- For the true making of Arrow-heads.
- Against Pardons to Benefices full of an Incumbent.
- Cloths and Merchandizes may be sold in gross, as well to any of the King's Subjects, as to the Citizens of London.
- For the Measure of Woollen Cloths.
- Comissioners shall be discharged by their Oaths from certifying of Commissions.
- For the Forfeiture of the Lands of John Earl of Salisbury and Sir Thomas Blunt, and others, attainted of Treason.
- Impotent Persons, that be outlawed, may make Attornies.
14. Con-