37° C. 17. Anno feptimo R 1 c h a r d i II. A. D. 1383, ■EXP. Fitz. Exigent, 9. CAP. XVII. The Mainpernors fhall fatisfy the Plaintiff for his Delay, where the Defendant keepeth not his Day. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM eft affentuz et accordez qen briefs de dette trefpas et de accompte et en touz autres cas ou maynprife et brief de Superfedeas font grantables fi les perfones maynprifez ne veignent mye devant les Juges au jour compris en mefme la meynprife et par tant le pleintif foit mys en delay et perde foient les ditz meinparnours refpoignables as pleintifs dune certeine fomme a limiter par la difcretion et advis des ditz Juges eiantz confideration a la qualitee et quantitee des damages du partie et de la chofe en demande. Et fi durera cefte ordinance des mainparnours en aflaie tanqe al profchein parlement tantfoulement. Et pur ce vous mandons qe fibien le dit eftatut dc Wynceftre quatre foitz chefcun an decy enavant par manere qe deffus eftordeinez come les autres eftatutz et ordinances deffus efcritz en toutz les citees burghs villes marchees et autres lieux notables deinz voftre baillie ou vous verrez qe mieutz foit affaire deins franchife et dehors facez proclamer depar rious et publier et duement garder et tenir felonc la forme et effect dicelles. Don par tefmoignance de noftre grant feal a noftre paleys de Weftm' avandit le xxvi 1 " 1 jour de Novembre Ian de noftre regne feptifme. Confimilia mandata Regis diriguntur Jingulis vicecomitibus per Angliatnfub eadetn data. Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 8 Rich. II. and Anno Dom. 1384. f r~|^ O the Honour of God, and at the Requeft of the Commonalty of the Realm of England " made to our Lord the King in his Parliament " holden at Wefttninjier in the Morrow of St. Martin, " the eighth Year of his Reign; the fame our Lord " the King of the Affent of the Prelates, Great Men " and Commons aforefaid, hath caufed to be made in " the fame Parliament, a certain Statute for the com- " mon Profit of the faid Realm, and efpecially for the " good and juft Governance, and due Execution of the " Common Law, in the Eorm following." Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 18. AD honorem Dei & requifitionem communita- tis regni Anglie factam domino Regi in par- liamento fuo tento apud Weftm' in craftino Sanfti Martini anno Regni fui octavo idem domi- nus Rex de affenfu Prelatorum Magnatum & com- munitatis predictequoddam ftatutum in eodem par- liamento pro communi utilitate dicti regni & pre- fertim pro bona & jufta gubernatione ac debita exe- cutione communis legis fieri fecit in forma fubfe- quenti. C A P. I. A Confirmation of the Liberties of the Church, and of all Statutes not repealed. 'IR.ST, it is ordained and enacted, That holy' Church have all her Liberties ; (z) and that the Great Charter, and the Charter of the Foreft, the Statutes of Purveyors and Labourers, and all other Statutes and Ordinances heretofore made and not re- pealed, fhall be holden and obferved, and put indue Execution, according to the Form and Effect of the fame.' IN primis concordatum eft & ftatutum quod fanc- ta ecclefia habeat omnes libertates fuas & quod Magna Carta & Carta de Forefta ftatuta de provi- foribus & laboratoribus & omnia alia ftatuta & or- dinationes ante hec tempora edita & minime revo- cata teneantur obferventur & executioni debite de- mandentur juxta formam & effeftum eorundem. CAP. II. No Man of Law mall be Juftice of Affife, or Gaol- delivery, in his own Country. Confirmed hj i 3 H.4. c.i. 33'T. g c. 14. Explained and c:>.-r, led by izGco.2. c. xy. ITEM, it is ordained and affented, That no Man of Law fhall be from henceforth Tuftice of Affifes, or of the common Deliverance of Gaols in his own Country ; (2) and that the Chief Juftice of the Com- mon Bench be affigned amongft other to take fuch Aflifes, and deliver Gaols, (i) But as to the Chief JufticR of the King's Bench, it fhall be as for the moft Part of an hundred Years laft paft was wont to be done.' ITEM concordatum eft & ftatutum cjuod nul- lus homo de lege fit decetero Juftitianus affifa- rum vel communis deliberationis gaolarum in pro- pria patria fua & quod capitals Juftitianus de com- muni Banco affignetur inter alios ad hujufmodi afli- fas capiendas & ad gaolas deliberandas. Set quo- ad capitalem Juftitiarium de Banco Regis fiat ficut pro majori parte centum annorum proxime prete,- ritorum fieri confucvit. CAP.