37* C. 3- Anno o&avo Richardi II. A. D. 1384. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. Deproclamando ftatutum prcdifium. EX vicecomiti Lincoln' falutem. Quoddam ftatutum per nos de affenfu Prelatorum Magnatum et com- munitatis regni noftri Anglie in ultimo parliamento noftro apud Weftm' tento pro communi utilitate di£ti regni noftri editum tibi mittimus prefentibus interclufum mandantes et firmiter precipientes quod ftatim vifis prefentibus ac flatuto predicto ftatutum illud in pleno comitatu tuo ac in civitatibus burgis villis merca- toriis et aliis locis in'balliva tua ubi melius expedire videris publice legi et proclamari facias ac quantum in te eft firmiter obfervari. T. R. apud Weftm' xiiii. die Junii anno regni noftri octavo. Conftm'tlia brevia diriguntur Jingulis vicecomitibus Anglie. Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 9 Rich. II. and Anno Dora. 1385- jlnft. 51. -« rUR Lord the King, at his Parliament holden "I 1 at Weftminfler the Friday next after the Feaft " ^*S Q f g a i nt £#&e t the ninth Year of his Reign, " of the Affent of the Prelates, Dukes, Marq.ueffes, " Earls, 'Barons, and Commons at the faid Parliament '" affembled, hath ordained and eftablifhed the Things " under-written." Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 17. NOSTRE Seignur le Roi a fon parlement tenuz a Weftm' le vendredy prcfchein apres le fefte de feint Luc Ian de fon regne noe- fifme ft ad del affent desPrelatz Duks Markys Conts Barons et communes au dit parlement affemblezor- denez et eftabliz les chofes defoutz efcriptz. C A P. I. A Confirmation of all Statutes not repealed, faving of the Statute of 8 Rich. II. c. 3.
- T7IRST, it is accorded and affented, That all the
- Jp Statutes made by the Parliament in the Times
' of the King's noble Progenitors, and in his own
- Time, as well of Sheriffs, Under-Sheriffs, Efchea-
4 tors, and Clerks of Sheriffs, as of Purveyors, and all
- other good Statutes and Ordinances not repealed by
- Parliament, fhall be firmly holden and kept, and due
i Execution thereof done, according to the EffecT: of ' the fame; (2) except the Statute of the Juftices and ' Barons of the Exchequer made at the laft Parliament, ' which, becaufe it is very hard, and needeth Declara-
- tion, the King will that it be of no Force till it be
' declared by Parliament.' EN primes accordez eft et affentuz qe touz les eftatuz faitz par parlement en temps de les nobles progenitours noftre Seignur le Roi qore eft et en fon temps demefne fibien des vifcontz fouth- vifcontz efchetours et clers des vifcontz come des purveours et touz autres bones eftatutz et orde- nances nient repellez par parlement foient ferme- ment tenuz et gardez et due execution ent fait fo- lonc leffec~r.e dicelles forfpris leftatut des Juftices et Barons de lefcheqer fait en darrein parlement le quele a caufe qil eft trop dure et embofoigne decla- ration le Roi voet qil foit de nulle force tanqe foit declarez par parlement. CAP. II, Villains flying into Places enfranchifed, and i'uing their Lords, fhall not bar thereby. O B S. TTEM par la ou plufpurs villains et niefs fibien des grantz Seignurs come des autres gentz fibien efpiritels JL come temporcls ienfuent deinz citees villes et lieux enfranchilez come la Cite de Londres et autres fem- blables et feinont diverfes fuites devers lour Seignurs a caufe de lour faire franks par la refpons de lour Seig- nurs accordez eft et affentuz qe les Seignurs ne autres ne foient mye forbarrez de lour villayns par caufe de lour refpons en la ley. CAP. III. A Writ of Error or Attaint maintainable by him in the Reverfion. He in the Re- ' verfion (hall have c an Attaint or t Writ of Error c upon a falfe Verdia found, ' or an erroneous ' Judgement given c againft the par- 6 ticular Tenant, a Buiftr. 247. 3 Ed. i. c. 38. * ITEM it is accorded and affented, That if the Tenant for Term of Life, Tenant in Dower, Tenant by the Courtfey of England, or Tenant in Tail after Poflibility of Iffue extindr, be impleaded, and plead to an Inqueft, and lofe by the Oath of Twelve, or by Default, or in other Manner, that he to whom the Reverfion of the Tenements fo loft doth appertain at the Time of fuch Judgement given, his Heirs or Succeffors, fhall have an Action by Writ of Attaint, to attaint the fame Oath, if they will afiign ITEM accordez eft & affentuz qe fi tenant a terme de vie tenant en dower tenant par ley dEngleterre ou tenant en la taille apres poflibilite de iffue efteint foient empledez & pledent al en- queft & perdont par ferement de dufze ou qils pi:r- dont par defaute ou en autre manere qe celluy a qi la reverfion de tenementz enfy perduz appendoit a temps de tiel jugement rendu fes heirs ou fuccef- fours eient action par brief dattaindre le dit fere- ment Ills voillent affigner mefme le ferement eflre falx