374 C. 5. Anno nono Richardi I. A.D. 1385. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. -*, ' and other People of holy Church, taken in the Mar- de feint efglife pris en la marchalcie de hoftel noftre '* ' fhalfy of the King's Houfe, fhall pay fuch Fees as I Seignur le Roy paient tielx fees comeleslais gentz J<ir the fees of tie Marfial, Lay-people pay, reafonably, and no more. refonablement paient et nient pluis. A Statute made Anno 10 Rich. II. and Anno Dom. 1386. CAP. I. The King's Commiffion to the Chancellor and others to examine into the State of his Courts, Revenues, Grants, and Officers Fees. See Appendix. Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 1387. 11 Rich. IL and Anno Dom. UR Lord the King heartily defiring that the Peace of his Land be well holden and kept, and his faithful Subjects nourilhed and go- verned in Quietnefs and Tranquillity in all Parts within his Realm of England, to the Honour of God, and for the Caufes aforefaid, by the Affent of the Lords and Commons of his Realm of England affembled at his Parliament holden at Weftminfter the Morrow of the Purification of our Lady, the eleventh Year of his Reign, doth make and ftablifh certain Statutes, and alfo doth grant certain Graces and Pardons in the Form underwritten. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. . ' OSTRE redoute Seignur le Roy deflrant moult entierement de coer qe la pees de fa terre foit bien tenuz et gardez et fes foiabc lieges et fubgitz nurrez et governez en quiete et tranquillite toutz parts deinz fon Roialme ft ad aJ honurede Dieu et purles caufes fuifditz de laffent des Seignurs et communes de fon Roialme aflem- blez a fon parlement tenuz a Weftm' lendemain de la Purification de noftre Dame Ian de fon regne unzi'fme fait et eftabli certeins eftatutz et ordinanr ces et auxint grantez et ottroiez certeins graces et pardons en la fourme defoutz efcriptz. C A P. I. The Archbifhop of York and others attainted of High Treafon. See Appendix. CAP. IL Claufe to prevent fraudulent Conveyances of their Eftates. See Appendix. C A P. III. The Eftates of the Bifhop of Chuhefter and others alfo forfeited. See Appendix. CAP. IV. The Penalty of concealing any Part of the faid Eftates after Proclamation made. Eftates pof- feffed by a Traitor in another's Right excepted. See Appendix. CAP. V. Iffues in Tail, and Jointures of Women, alfo excepted. See Appendix. CAP. VI. Penalty of petitioning the King for any Grant of the faid Eftates during the War. S#e 4 Appendix.. C A Pi