A. D. 1389. Anno decimo tertio Richardi II. Stat. 1. 389 Ex Rot. in Tarr. Lond. tenementz a la value de xls. paranne null preftre nautre clerc fil ne foit avance a la value de dis li- vres par an neit ne tiegne defore enavant null leve- rer ne lerce nautre chien pur chacer ne ne ufe fu- rettes haies rees harepipes ne cordes ne nulles au- tres engynnes pur prendre ou deftruire favagnie le- veres ne conilles nautre defduit des gentils fur peine demprifonement dun an & qe les Juftices du pees eient poair denquerre & enquergent de les trefpaf- fours celle partie & les puniflent par la peine fuif- dite. jgH. 7. c. it. Raft. 405. S Manner of Artificer, Labourer, nor any other Lay- man, which hath not Lands or Tenements, to the Value of xls. by Year/ nor any Prieft, nor other Clerk, if he be not advanced to the Value of xl. by Year, fhall have or keep from henceforth any Grey- hound, Hound, nor other Dog to hunt; (3) nor fhall they ufe Fyrets, Heys, Nets, Harepipes, nor T , . Cords, nor other Engines for to take or deftroy Deer, jyj t ' 6 ^ ' s ° Hares, nor Conies, nor other Gentlemens Game, foi.'^z. upon Pain of one Year's Imprifonment ; (4) and that Juftices of Pea-ee the Juftices of Peace have Power to enquire, and fha11 en q uire of fhall enquire of the Offenders in this Behalf, and pu- o^"* At nifh them by the Pain aforefaid.' Enforced by ■e 8 El. c. 15. which ajfigns Rewards fir bringing the Heads and Eggs tf ravenous Birds, &c. CAP. XIV. There fhall be no Bonds of the Double made in Exchequer for the King's Debt. TEM pur ce qe diverfes reconifl'ances & autres liens font ore tard comencez & faitz en lefche- qer del double pur furete des dettes & fermes noftre Seignur le Roy autrement qe ne foleit eftre fait en temps paffe a trefgrant difeafe des plufours del poe- ple accordez eft & aflentuz par noftre Seignur le Roi mefmes & toutz les Seignurs du parlement a la requefte de la communalte qe null tielle reconif- fance nautre lien del double foit fait ne pris en lef- cheqer defore enavant & qe toutz tielles reconiflan- ces & autres liens qe font faitz a prefent foient ou- trement cancellez & annullez. Purveu toutfoitz qe le Roi eit fufficeante feurete de fa duite en ma- ncre accuftume. TEM, Forafmuch as divers Recognizances and , other Bonds be now of late begun and made in
- the Exchequer of double, for the Surety of Debts
- and Ferms of our Lord the King, otherwife than it
- was wont to be done heretofore, to the great Hin-
' drance of many of the People;" ' (2) it is accorded and aflented by our Lord the King, and all the Lords of the Parliament, at the Requeft of the Commons^ That no fuch Recognizance nor other Bond of the Double be made nor taken in the Exchequer from this Time forth ; (3) and that all fuch Recognizan- ces, and other Bonds which be made at this prefent^ be utterly cancelled and annulled. (4) Provided al- ways, That the King have fufficient Surety of his Duty in the Manner accuftomed.' CAP. XV. The King's Caftles and Gaols fhall be rejoined to the Bodies of Counties. TEM ordeinez eft & aflentuz qe les chaftelx & gaoles -du Roi qe foleient eftre jointz as corps des countees & font ore defteverez foient rejointz a hiefmes les countees. ' ¥ T E M it is ordained and aflented, That the King'9 ' J. Caftles and Gaols which were wont to be joined ' to the Bodies of the Counties, and be how feveredj ' fhall be rejoined to the fame Counties;' CAP. XVI. In what Cafe a Protection Quia profetlurus, or Quia tiwraturus, is not allowable. ITEM pur ceo qe moutz des gentz font delaiez fibien en action reale come en action perfonel par protection oveclaufe Volumus pur ceo que plu- fours gentz fibien tielx qe ne font pas ables deftre retenuz pur guerre come autres par tefmoignance des governours des marches capitains des gernifons admiralx & autres purchacent diverfes protections bve claufe de Volumus & ove claufe Quia profectur' &c. apres qe pie foit comence envers eiix pur de- laier mefme le pie plus qe pur le. fervice le Roi ou affez des autres fufficeantz qene.font pas empledez poent eftre trovez pur fervir le Roi en tiel cas & fovent demoerent en paiis fanz aler a lour dit fer- vice a grant damage des purfuantz & en deftour- bance de commune droit accordez eft & aflentuz qe null protection ove claufe de Profectur' ne foit al- lowe en null plee dontla fuite foit comence devant 3a date de tiel protection ft ce ne foit en viage en Quelle le Roi mefmes pafle ou autre viage roial ou T E M, Becaufe tha.t many Perfons be delayed, as 3 , ej. ,n ati Is well in Actions real as in Actions perfonal, by de proteeihnibui. ' Protection with the Claufccf Fo/umiis, for that ma- 25 -EW. 3. fiat. 5. " ny People, as well fuch as be not able to be retained c - '9- " in War, as other, by the Teftimonial of the Gover- ' 2 ' c " ' " nors of the Marches, Captains of Garrifons, Admi- " rals, and other, do purchafe divers Protections with " Claufe of Volumus, and with Claufe £foiia profetlurus, " &c. after that a Plea is commenced againft them, " rather to delay the fame Plea, than for the King's " Service, whereas Plenty of other fufficient that be " not impleaded, may be found to do the King's Ser- " vice in fuch Cafe, and often do remain in the Coun- " try without going to the faid Service, to the great " Damage of the Purfuants, and Diftufbance of com- " mon Right;" ' (2) it is therefore ordained and af- Fitz. Protefllon 9 ' fented, That no Protection with Claufe of ProfeSlu- s > I0 > 20 > 2 4, ' rus be allowed in any Plea, whereof the Suit is com- 3 |' *^> 48 ' 53> ' menced before the Date of the Protection, if it be c '. Lit.' 131 3 i not iji. b,