A. D. 1389. Anno decimo tertio Rich ardi II. Stat. 2. Other Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 13 Rich. II. Stat. 2. and Anno Dom. 1389. 393 CAP. I. In a Pardon of Murder, Treafon, or Rape, the Offence committed fhali be fpecified. Forfeiture of him at whofe Suit fuch a Pardon is obtained. The o Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 10. NOSTRE Seignur le Roi a fon parlement te- nuz a Weftm' Lundy prochein apres le feft de Seint Hiller Ian de fon regne trefzinne oie la grevoufe compleint de fa communalte en mefme le parlement des outrageoufes mefchiefs & damages qe font avenuz a fon dit Roialme pur ceo qe trefones murdres & rapes des femmes font trop communement faitz & perpetres & ceo le plus pur ceo qe chartres de pardon ont efte trop legerement grauntez en tieux cafes la dite commune pria a noftre Seignur le Roi qe tieux chartres ne fuiffent mes grauntez a qoi noftre Seignur le Roi refpondy qil vorroit falver fa libertee & regalie come fes ptogenitours ont fait devant ces heures mes pur la greindre quiete Sc pees nurrir deinz fon Roialme del affent des grantz & nobles en mefme le parle- ment efteantz ad grantee qe null chartre de pardon defore foit alowe devant qiconqes Juftices pur murdre mort de homme occys par agait affaut ou malice prepenfe trefon ou rape de femme fi mefme le murdre ou mort de homme occys par agait af- faut ou malice prepenfe trefon ou rape de femme ne foient efpecifiez en mefme la chartre. Et fi'la chartre de mort de homme foit alegge devant qi- conqes Juftices en quelle chartre ne foit efpecifie qe celuy de qi mort afcun tiel foit arreigne feuft j murdres ou occis par agait affaut ou malice pre- penfe enquergent les Juftices par bone enqueft del vifne ou la mort fuift occys fil fuift murdre ou oc- cys par agait affaut ou malice prepenfe & fils tro- vent qil fuift murdy ou occis par agait affaut ou malice prepenfe foit la chartre difalowe & foit fait outre folonc ceo qe la ley demande. Et fi afcun prie au Roi pur chartre de pardon pur murdre itnort de homme occys par agait affaut ou malice iprepenfe trefon ou rape de femme fi le Chamber- 'eyn endofe tiel bille ou face endofer mette le noun ik celuy qe pria pur tiele chartre fur mefme la bille fur peine de ^ marcz & fi le Southchamberlein endofe kielle bille face femblablement fur peine de cynk centz marcz & qe null autre qe Chamberleyn ou South- - rhamberlein endofe ne face endofer nul tielle bille fur peine de ^ marcz & qe tielle bille foit envoie & di- •e&e al Gardeyn du prive feal & que null garant du prive feale foit fait pur tiel chartre avoir finon qe le jardein de prive feale eit tielle bille endofe ou figne par le Chamberleyn ou Southchamberleyn come defuis
- ft dit. Et qe null chartre de pardon de trefon ne dautre felonie paffe la Chauncellarie fanz garant du
irive feale forfqe en cas ou le Chaunceller le puiffe grantier de fon office fanz ent parler au Roi.- Et fi celuy ^ r o Pardon of qi prierafcune chartre de pardon pur murdre mort de homme tue par agait affaut ou malice prepenfe trefon Treafon or Fi- >u rape de femme foit grante foit Archevefqe ou Due paie au Roi ^ livres & fil foit Evefqe ou Count paie ™ t [ ou f^f ! u Roi ,Jj marcz & fil foit Abbe Priour Baron ou Banneret paie au Roi cynk centz marcz & fil foit Clerc Ba- rant of the Pri- heler ou autre de meyndre eftat de quele condition qil foit paie au Roi deux centz marcz & eit lemprifo- v ? Seal - - ement dun an. CAP. II.
Confirmation of the Statute of Provifors, made Anno 25 Edw. 3. Stat 6. and the Forfei-
ture of him that accepteth a Benefice contrary to that Statute. ^TEM come le noble Roi Edward Aiel noftre 1 Seignur le Roi qor eft a fon parlement tenuz a Veftm' al oetaves del Purification noftre Dame Ian- l UR Lord the King, at his Parliament holden at Weftminfter the Monday next after the Feaft of Saint Hillary, the thirteenth Year of his ' Reign, hearing the grievous Complaint of his faid ' Commons in the fame Parliament, of the outragious ' Mifchiefs and Damages which have happened to his ' faid Realm, for that Treafons, Murders, and Rapes ' of Women be commonly done and committed, and ' the more becaufe Charters of Pardon have been eafily ' ' granted in fuch Cafes;" ' (2) the faid Commons requefted our Lord the King, That fuch Charters might not be granted ; to whom the King anfwered, That he will fave his Liberty and Regality, as his Progenitors have done heretofore ; (3) but to nourifti the more Quietnefs and Peace within his Realm, by the Affent of the Great Men and Nobles, being in the fame Parliament, he hath granted, That no Charter of Pardon from henceforth fhall be allowed before any Juftice for Murder, or for the Death of a Man flain by Await, Affault, or Malice prepenfed, Treafon, or Rape of a Woman, unlefs the fame Murder, Death of the Man flain by Await, Affault or Malice prepenfed, 1 reafon, or Rape of a Wo- man, be fpecified in the fame Charter. (4) Arid if Keyling- i 2 jj-. a Charter of the Death of a Man be alledged before p, ro ; Chart / I0 °- any Juftices, in which Charter it is not fpecified, ow * * 01 that he of whofe Death any fuch is arraigned, was murdered or flain by Await, Affault, or Malice pre- penfed, the fame Juftices fhall inquire, by a good Inqueft, of the vifne where the Dead was flain, if he were murdered or flain by Await, Affault, or Malice prepenfed, and if they find that he was murdered or flain by Await, Affault, or Malice prepenfed, the Charter fhall be difallowed, and further it fhall be done as the Law commandeth. . (5) And if any be a Re P' '" ?art h Y : Suiter' fcfe. i6R. s .*.6,. 2 fon regne vynt & quynt fill reciter leftatut fait Vol.1. TEM, Whereas the noble King Edwa-d, , RolUo> 92 „ Grandfather to our Lord the King that now is, at his Parliament holden at Weftminfter at the Utas of the Purification of our Lady, the five and twen- Eee "tieth.