A. D. 1389. Anno decimo tertio Rich ardi II. Stat. 2. TQ 395 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. avantditz Et fi le Roi envoic par lettre pu en autre manere a la courte de Rome al excitation dateline perfone ou fi afcun autre envoie ou prie a mefme la courte parount' qe la contrarie de ceft eftatut (bit fait touchant afcun Ercevefchee Evef- chee dignite ou autre benefice de Seint efglife deinz le dit Roialme fi cely qe fait tiel excitation ou tiel prier foit Prelate de Seinte efglite paie au Roi le value de fes temporaltees dun an & iil foit Seignur temporel paie au Roi le value de fes terres & pof- teffions nient moebles dun an. Et fil foit autre perfone deflate pluis bas paie au Roi la value du benefice pur quel tiel prier foit fait & eit la prifone dun an. Et eft lentention du ceft eftatut qe de toutz dignites &: benefices de Seint efglife qeftoient voidez de fait le dit xxix. jour de Januer queux font donez ou as queux foit purveu par lappoftoill devaunt mefme le xxix. jour qe ceux as queux tielx douns ou provifions foient faitz puifient fran-^ chement des tiels douns & provifions fuer execu- tion fanz offence de ceft eftatut. Purveu toutz- foitz qe de nulle dignite ou benefice qeftoit plein le dit xxix. jour de Januer null a caufe dafcun don collation refervation & provifion ou dautre grace de lappoftoill queconqe nient execute devaunt le dit xxix. jour ne fue ent execution fur les peynes contenuz en ceft prefent eftatut. and Ordinances aforefaid. (2) And if the Kins; fend The Penalty of by Letter, or in other Manner to the Court of Rome. at the Intreaty of any Perfon, or if any other fend o fuing to the ' Court of Rome to infringe the lue to the lame Court, whereby any 1 hing is done p U i port of this contrary to this Statute, touching any Archbifhop- Statute. rick, Bifhoprick, Dignity, or other Benefice of holy Church within the laid Realm, if he that maketh fuch Motion or Suit be a Prelate of holy Church, he fhall pay to the King the Value of his Ternporalties of one Year; (3) and if he be a Temporal Lord, he fhall pay to the King the Value of his Lands and Pofiefllons not moveable of one Year ; (4) and if he be another Perfon of a more mean Eftate, he fhall pay to the King the Value of the Benefice for which. Suit is made, and fhall be imprifoned one Year. (5) And it is the Intent of this Statute, that of all Dignities and Benefices of holy Church, which were void indeed the faid xxix Day of January, which be given, or to whom it is provided by the Pope of Rome before the fame xxix Day, that they to whom fuch Gifts or Provifions be made, may freely of fuch Gifts and Provifions fue Execution without Offence of this Statute. (6) Provided always, That of no Benefi <:es full of; Dignity or Benefice which was full the faid *•*/* Day ™ QitulTzni of 'January, no Man becaufe of any Collation, Gift, 2 ?r, 2 Refervation, and Provifion, or other Grace Papal, Enforcedly 2 H. not executed before the faid xxix Day, fhall not fue 4- <■■ 3; 7 #-4. thereof Execution, upon the Pains and Forfeitures £ 8i a " J 3 H -5 contained in this prefent Statute.' %. e. e. ivhicb makes it Pretnunire to purchase Bulls and other Inflruments fr rity of the See of Rome, or bringing Bulls, &c. from thence. Raft, 465. Jht.i.i.4. Sec farther lf> R.. om Rome, &c. See likeivife 5 El. c, 1, and 13 El. c, 2. again/} maintaining the Autbn— CAP. III. The Penalty of him which bringeth a Summons or Excommunication againft any Perfon upon the Statute of Provifors, and of a Prelate executing it. ITEM ordeigne eft & eftabli qe fi afcun port ou envoie deinz le Roialme ou le poair noftre dit Seignur le Roy afcun fomonces fentences ou eteo- mengementz envers afcun perfone de quel condi- tion qil foit a caufe de la motion fefance aflent ou execution du dit eftatut des Provifours foit il pris & areftuz & mys en prifone & forface toutz fes ter- res & tenementz biens & chateux pur touz jours & outre encourge la peyne de vie & de membre. Et fi afcun Prelat face execution des tieux fomonces fentences ou eteomengementz qe fes temporaltes foient prifes & demurgent es mayns noftre dit Seig- nur le Roy tanqe due redrefTe & correction en foit fait. Et li afcun perfon de meyndre eftate qe Pre- lat de quel condition qil foit face. tiel. execution foit pris & areftuz & mys en prifon & eit emprifo- nement & face fyn & raunceon folonc la difcretion du confeill noftre dit Seignur le Roy. I TEM, It is ordained and eftablifhed, That if any Man bring or fend within the Realm, or the King's Power, any Summons, Sentences, or Ex- communications againft any Perfon, of what Condi- tion that he be, for the Caufe of making; Motion, A-fTent, or Execution of the faid Statute of Provifors,. he fhall be taken, arretted, and put in Prifon, and forfeit all his Lands and Tenements, Goods and Chatties for ever, and incur the Pain of Life and of Member. (2) And if any Prelate make Execution. of fuch Summons, Sentences, or Excommunications,, that his Ternporalties be taken and abide in the King's Hands, till due Redrefs and - Correction be thereof made. (1) And if any Perfon of lefs Eftate than a Prelate, of what Condition that he be, make fuch Execution, he fhall be taken, arrefted, and put. in Prifon, and have Imprifonment, and make Fine 3 T n (t. IOJ . . and Ranfom by the Difcretion of the King's Coun- Set the References. cil.' tc the foregoing Chapter. E X vicecomiti Kane' falutem. Precipimus tibi firmiter. injungentes quod quedam ftatuta Sz ordinatio- nes per nos de aflenfu Magnatum & Communitatum fegni noftri Anglie in parliamento noftro apud Weftm' ultimo tento farSta que tibi mittimus fub ma^no figillo noftro in forma patenti infra comitatum tuum in locis ubi magis expediens fueritfine dilatione legi & publice ex parte noftra proclamari ac firmiter tenerr & oblervari facias juxta formam ftatutorum & ordinationum predidtorum. Et hoc fub incumbenti periculo nullatenus omittas. Tefte rege apud Weftm' xv. die Maii.. Confmilia brevia diriguntur Jingulis viceccmitibus per Angliam,. E e e 2 Ail!