400 C. 2, 3, Anno decimo quinto R 1 c h a r d i II.' A. D. 1 3 9 1. CAP. II. The Duty of Juftices of Peace when any forcible Entry is made into Lands. Former Statutes concerning forcible Entries and Riots con- firmed. Kd. 4T. 3 Bulftr. 7r. Mod. Cafes in Law 65. 5R.2. flat. 1. e.g. Enforced and emended by 4 H. 4, c. 8-. g H Eejlitution in certain Cafes, ' TTEM it is accorded and affented, That the Or- ' JL dinances and Statutes, made and not repealed, of ' them that make Entries with ftrong Hand into Lands ' and Tenements, or other PofTeflions whatfoever, and ' them hold with Force, and alio of thofe that make ( Infurrecfions, or great Ridings, Riots, Routs, or
- Affemblies, in Difturbance of the Peace, or of the
' Common Law, or in affray of the People, fhall be
- holden and kept, and fully executed; (2) joined to
' the fame, That at all Times that fuch forcible Entry ' fhall be made, and Complaint thereof corheth to the ' Juftices of Peace, or to any of them, that the fame
- Juftices or Juftice take fufficient Power of the Coun-
' ty, and go to the Place where fuch Force is made ; (3 ) c and if they find any that hold fuch Place forcibly
- after fuch Entry made, they fhall be taken and put
- in the next Gaol, there to abide convi£t by the Re-
« cord of the fame Juftices or Juftice, until they have « made Fine and Ranfom to the King: (4) And that « all the People of the County, as well the Sheriffs as < other, fhall be attendant upon the' fame Juftices to « go and affift the fame Juftices to arreft fuch Offen- ' ders, upon Pain of Imprifonment, and to make Fine 1 to the King. (5) And in the fame Manner it fhall <■ be done of them that make fuch forcible Entries in ' Benefices or Offices of holy Church.' 6. c. 9, *3 H, S. c. 14. See 31 Eliss. c. 11. which explains Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM accordez eft et affentuz qe leftatutz et or- deinances faitz et nient repellez deceux qe font entrees a forte mayn en terres et tenementz ou au- tres poffeffions queconqes et lour tiegnent einz ove force et auxint de ceux que font infurrections ou grantz chivaches rioutes routes ou affemblees en deftourbance de la pees ou de la commune ley ou en affray du poeple foient tenuz et gardez et pleyne- ment exeCutz ajoufte a ycelles qe a toutz les foitz qe tielx forcibles entrees foient faitz et pleint erf veigne a juftices de la pees ou a afcun de eux qe mefmes les juftices ou juftice preignent ou preigne poair fufficeant du counte et voifent ou voife al lieu ou tiel force foit fait et ills troevent ou troeve afcuns qe tiegnent tiel lieu forciblement apres tiel entree fait foient pris et mys en profcheine gaole a y de- murer convict par record de mefmes les juftices ou j uftice tanq ils eient fait, fyn et ranceon au Roy et qe toutz gentz du counte fibien vifcont come autres foient entendantz as ditz juftices pur aler et en- forcier mefmes les juftices pur arefter tielx malfe- fours fur peine demprifonement et de faire fyn au Roy. Et en mefme le manere foit fait de ceux qe font tielx forcibles entrees en benefices ou offices de feint efglife. 8 H. 6. c. 9. u4ndfee a J Jac. 1, t, I j. •which enables Juftices to gi-us CAP. III. In what Places the Admiral's Jurifdiclion doth lie. 13 Co. 42, 52. J Roll. 316. Dyer 159. j 9 H. 6. f. 7. 5 Co. 106. Cro. Car. 296, a Bulft. 323. I.e'phA Cafe, M, 7 Jac. Point?.
- ln!t. 137.
Owen ii. / Jt is Pones in theOU Abridge, meat, £ T TEM, At the great and grievous Complaint of ' J. all the Commons made to our Lord the King in ' this prefent Parliament, for that the Admirals and ' their Deputies do incroach to them divers Jurifdic- ' tions, Franchifes, and many other Profits pertain- ' ing to our Lord the King, and to other Lords, Ci- ' ties, and Boroughs, other than they were wont or ' ought to have of Right, to the great Oppreffion and ' Impoverishment of all the Commons of the Land, ' and Hindrance and Lofs of the King's Profits, and ' of many other Lords, Cities, and Boroughs through ' the Realm;" ' (2) it is declared, ordained, and eftablifhed, That of all Manner of Contrails, Pleas, and Quarrels, and all other Things riling within the Bodies of the Counties, as well by Land as by Wa- ter, and alfo of Wreck of the Sea, the Admiral's Court fhall have no Manner of Cognizance, Power, nor Jurifdic'tion; but all fuch Manner of Contracts, Pleas, and Quarrels, and all other Things rifing within the Bodies of Counties, as well by Land as by Water, as afore, and alfo Wreck of the Sea, fhall be tried, determined, difcuffed, and remedied by the Laws of the Land, and not before nor by the Ad- miral, nor his Lieutenant in any wife. (3) Never- thclefs, of the Death of a Man, and of a M.,ihem done in great Ships, being and hovering in the main Stream of great Rivers, only beneath the Bridges of the fime Rivers nigh to the Sea, and in none other Places of the fame Rivers, the Admiral fhall have Cognizance, and alio to arreft Ships in the great Flotes for the great Voyages of the King and of the ITEM a la grant et grevoufe compleint de tout la commune fait a noftre Seignur le Roi en ceft prefent parlement de ce qe les Admiralx et lour de- putees accrochent a eux diverfes jurifdirSHons fran- chifes et plufours autres profitz qe appartiegnent a noftre Seignur le Roi et as autres Seignurs citees et burghs autres qils ne foloient ne ne deveroient avoir de droit a trefgrant oppreffion et empoveriffement de toute la commune de la terreet arrer-iffement et perde des profitz noftre Seignur le Roy et de plu- fours autres Seignurs citees et burghs parmy le Roi- alme declarez eft ordeignez et eftabli qe de toutes maneres contraftz plees et querelles et de toutes au- tres chofes faitz ou fourdantz deinz les corps des countees fibien par terre come par eawe et auifint de wrek de meer la court de ladmirall eit nulle ma- nere coniflance poair ne jurifdiftion mes foient toutz tielx maneres contracts plees et quereles et toutes autres chofes fourdantz deinz les corps des- countees fibien par terre come par eawe come defuis et auxint wrek de meer triez terminez difcus et re- mediez par les loyes de la terre et nemye devant ne par ladmiralne fon lieutenant en nulle manere. Nientmeyns de mort de homme et de maheym faitz es groffes niefs efteantz &hoverantz en my le haut fil t<es groffes rivers tantfoulement paraval les pountz de mefmes les rivres pluis profcheins al meer & en nul autre lieu de mefmes les rivers eit ladmiral co- niffance & auxint dareft des niefs en les grantz fletz pur grantz viages du Roi & de Roialme fauvant au Roi toutz maneres forfaitures & profitz ent prov° nanta