406 C. 5. Anno decimo fexto Richardi II. A. D. 1392 C A P. V. Praemunire for purchafing Bulls from Rome. The Crown of England fubject to none. 1 1.C011. 292- iz Co. 37, 40. TheRemedy to recover Prefer- ments to Bene- fices in the King's Court, and the Execu- tion thereof, is done by the Bi- fliop. The Pope a- vrarded Procef " fes and Sentences £c of Excommuni- tc cation againfl - certain Bilhops for executing ' Judgements * c given in the cc King's Court. cc The Pope's " Trandationof cc Prelates out of t< the Realm, or 4C from one fpiri- tual Living to " another. ic 25 Ed. 3. flat. 6. ec <ie Provif. ,r The Freedom of ' the Crown of England, and that i'. is in Sub- jection to no Realm. The Promifc of in Drf:nie cf Uie Liberties of u_ Grown. TEM, Whereas the Commons of the Realm in this prefent Parliament have fhewed to our re- " doubted Lord the King, grievoufly complaining, " That whereas our faid Lord the King, and all " his liege People, ought of Right, and of old Time " were wont to fue in the King's Court, to recover " their Prefentments to Churches, Prebends, and other " Benefices of holy Church, to the which they had " Right to prefent, the Cognifance of Plea of which " Prefentment belongeth only to the King's Court of " the old Right of his Crown, ufed and approved in " the Time of all his Progenitors Kings of England ; " (2) and when Judgement fhall be given in the fame " Court upon fuch a Plea and Prefentment, the Arch- " bifhops, Bilhops, and other Spiritual Perfons which " have lnftitution of fuch Benefices within their Jurif- " di£tion, be bound, and have made Execution of fuch " Judgements by the King's Commandments of all the " Time aforefaid without Interruption (for another " Lay-perfon cannot make fuch Execution) and alfo " be bound of Right to make Execution of many other " of the King's Commandments, of which Right the " Crown of England hath been peaceably feifed, as " well in the Time of our faid Lord the King that " now is, as in the Time of all his Progenitors till this " Day: (3) But now of late divers Proceffes be made by the Bifhop of Rome, and Cenfures of Excommu- nication upon certain Bilhops of England, becaufe they have made Execution of fuch Commandments, to the open Difherifon of the faid Crown, and De- ftrurStipn of* our faid Lord the King, his Law, and all his Realm, if Remedy be not provided. (4) And alfo it is faid, and a common Clamour is made, that the faid Bifhop of Rome hath ordained and purpofed to tranflate fome Prelates of the fame Realm, fome out of the Realm, and fome from one Bifhoprick into another within the fame Realm, without the King's Affent and Knowledge, and without the Affent of the Prelates, which fo fhall be tranflated, which Prelates be much profitable and neceffary to our faid Lord the King, and to all his Realm ; (5) by which Tranflations (if they fhould be fuffered) the Statutes of the Realm fhould be defeated and made void ; and his faid Liege Sages of his Coun- cil, without his Affent, and againft his Will, car- ried away and gotten out of his Realm, and the Subftance and Treafure of the Realm (hall be car- ried away, and fo the Realm defHtute as well of Council as of Subftance, to the final DtltrutSHon of "the fame Realm ; (6) and fo the Crown of England, which hath been fo free at all Times, that it hath been in no earthly Subjection, but immediately fubject to God in all Things touching the Rcgalty 1 of the fame Crown, and to none other, fhould be 1 fubmitted to the Pope, and the Laws and Statutes
- of the Rezlm by him defeated and av< ided at his
Will, in perpetual Deftrudtion of the Sovcraignty of
- the King our Lord, his Crown, his Rcgalty,' and of
- all his Realm, which God defend.
" 11. And moreover, the Commons aforefaid fay, ' 7 hat the faid Things fo attempted be clearly againft ' the Kind's- Crown and his Rcgalty, ufed and ap- Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. TEM come les communes du Roialme en ceft prefent parlement eient monftrez a noftre tref- redoute Seignur le Roi grevoufement compleig- nantz qe par la ou mefme noftre Seignur le Roi et toutz fes liges deivent de droit et foloient de tout temps purfeuer en la Courte mefme noftre Seignur le Roi pur recoverer lour prefentementz as efglifes prebendes et autres benefices de feinte efglife as queux ils ount droit a prefenter la conifance de plee de quelle prefente appertient foulement a Courte mefme noftre Seignur le Roi daunciene droit de fa coroune ufe et approve en temps de touz, fes pro- genitours Rois dEngleterre et qant juggement foit rendu en mefme fa Courte fur tiel plee et prefente les Ercevefques Evefques et autres perfones fpiri- tueles qount inftitution de tiele benefice deinz lour jurifdidtion font tenuz et ont fait execution des tieux juggementz par mandement des Rois de tout le temps avantdit fanz interruption qare autre lay perfone ne poet tiele execution faire et auxint font tenuz de droit de faire execution de plufours autres mandementz noftre Seignur le Roi de quele droit la corone dEngleterre ad efte peifiblement feify fibien en temps noftre dit Seignur le Roi come en temps de touz fes progenitours tanqe enca Mes ore tarde diverfes proceffes font faitz par le feint piere le Pape et cenfures defcomengementz fur certeins Evefques dEngleterre pur ceo qils ount fait execu- tion des tieux mandementz en overte defheritance de la dite corone et deftrutStion du regalie noftre dit Seignur le Roy fa ley et tout fon Roialme fi reme- die ne foit mys. Et auxint dit eft et commune clamour y ad qe le dit feint piere le Pape ad or- deigne et purpofe de tranflater aucuns Prelates de mefme le Roialme afcuns hors du Roialme et au- cuns de un Evefchee a autre deinz mefme le Roi- alma faunz affent et conifance noftre Seignur le Roy et faunz afTent du Prelat qi enfy ferroit tran- flate queux Prelatz font moult profitables et necef- faries a noftre dit Seignur le Roi et tout fon Roi- alme par queux tranflations fils fufent fufertz les eftatutz du Roiaume ferront defaitz et anientez et fes fages lieges de fon confeill fanz fon affent et encountre fa voluntee fubtrez et efloignez hors de fon roiaume et lavoir et trefore du roiaume ferroit emporte et enfi mefme le roiaume deftitut fibien de counfeill come davoir a final deftruftion de mefme le Roialme et enfy la corone dEngleterre qad efte fi frank de tout temps qele nad hien null terrien foveraigne mes immediate fubgit a Dieu en toutes cbofes touchantz la regalie de mefme la corone et a null autre ferroit fubmys a Pape et les leys et efta- tutz du Roialme par luy defaitz et anientez a fa volcnte en perpetuele deftruflion de la foveraynte noftre Seignur le Roy fa corone et fa regalie et tout fon Roialme qe Dieu defende. Et difoient outre les communes avantdites qe les dites chofes enfi attemptez fount overtement en- countre la corone noftre Seignur le Roi et fa rega- Add lie r..£»liry of. lie