A. D. 1396. Anno vicefimo Richard 1 II. C. 2 4., 415 Ex Rot. in Tun: Lond. mefine le Roialme encontre ycelles eftatutzet orde- nances fanzefpecialecongiedu Roy. Noftre Seig- nur le Roy confiderant le grant clamour a luy fait en celt prefent parlement de ce qe le dit eftatut neft mye tenuz Si ad ordeignez & eftabliz en mefme le parlement qe les ditz eftatutz foient pleinement tenuz & gardez, & duement executz et qe les ditz lancegayes foient tout overtement ouftez fur la peine contenue en le dit eftatut de Norhampton & outre de faire fyn & ranceoun au Roy. Et outre ce qe null Seignur chivaler nautre petit ne grant aile ne chivache par noet ne jour armez ne porte palet ne chapell de ferre nautre armure fur la peine fufdite Sauvez & exceptz les officers & miniftres du Roy en faifantz leur offices. Et outre ce le Roy voet & ad ordeignez qe leftatut fait Ian de fon regne primere de liveree des chaperons foit tenuz & gar- dez fur la peine contenue en mefme leftatut & fur peine deftre emprifonez & de fair fyn Si ranceon an Roy. ' Poffeffion of them that bear them from henceforth ' within the fame Realm againft the fame Statutes and ' Ordinances, without the King's fpecial Licence:" Our Lord the King, considering the great Clamour' made to him in this prefent Parliament, becaufe that' the faid Statute is not holden, hath ordained and efta- blifhed in the faid Parliament, That the faid Statutes fhall be fully holden and kept, and duly executed, and that the faid Launcegays (hall be clear put out upon the Pain contained in the faid Statute of Nor- thampton, and alfo to make Fine and Ranfom to the King. And moreover, That no Lord, Knight, nor 3 Modi H 7« other, little nor great, fhall go nor ride by Night nor by Day armed, nor bear Sallet nor Skull of Iron, nor of other Armour, upon the Pain aforefaid, fave and except the King's Officers and Minifters in do- ing their Office. And moreover, the King will and The Statute of hath ordained, That the Statute made the firft Year 1 R - 2 - ca P- 7- of his Reign, of Liveries of Hats, fhall be holden ^Liv"^^™- and kept upon the Pain contained in the fame Statute, fi rme j Q and upon Pain to be imprifoned, and make Fine and Ranfom to the King.' CAP. II. Who only may wear another's Livery. ITEM qe vadletz appellez yomen ne null autre de meindre eftat qefquier ne ufe ne porte null figne ne Rep. 3 Car; y»- liveree appelle liveree de compaignie dafcuni Seignur deins le Roialme fil ne foit menial & familier ou c, 4, officer continuel de fon dit Seignur et qe les juftices de la paix aient poair denquer de ceux qi font a len- contre & de les punir felonc lour difcretion. c a p. in. No Man fhall fit upon the Bench with the Juftices of Affife.- ITE M le Roy voet & defende qe mill Seignur nautre du pais petit ne grant ne foit feant en Bank ovefqe les Juftices as Affifes prendre en leur feffions es contees dEngleterre fur grief forfeiture vers le Roy & ad chargez fes ditz Juftices qils ne foeffrent le contraire eftre fait.- ITEM, The King doth will and forbid, That no Lord, nor other of the Country, little nor great., fhall fit upon the Bench with the Juftices to take Affifes, in their Seffions in the Counties of England? upon great Forfeiture to the King ; and hath char L ged his faid Juftices, that they fhall not fufter thV contrary to be done.' CAP. IV. A Confirmation of Part of the Stat, of 28 Edw. 3. c. 13. touching Merchant Strangers. ITEM qe come il foit contenuz en un eftatut de fire Edward nadgairs Roy dEngleterre Aiel a noftre Seignur le Roy qor eft Ian de fon regne vynt & oetifme qe nulle manere de nief qe foit frette de- vers Engleterre.ou aillours foit artez devenir a nul port dEngleterre ne y demurer contre le gree des meiftres & manners dicelle ou des marchantz as queux les biens font & fi tielx niefs viegnent de gree I ou foient chacez par tempefte ou autre infortune ou mefchief a afcun port dEngleterre & les meiftres & mariners ou marchantz de mefmes les niefs voil- ilent vendre & deliverer partie de leur merchandifes i par loure bone volunte bien life a chefcuny tieles
- merchandifes achatre franchement fanz empefche-
iment en le port ou tieles niefs viendront tout ne foient les merchandifes mifes ala terre pur vendre. Et qe les meiftres mariners & marchantz apres ce qils averont iffint venduz ce qe lour plena de leur ITEM, Whereas it is contained in a Statute of the late King Edward, Grandfather to the King that now is, the xxviii Year of his Reign, That no Manner of Ship, which is freighted to- ward England, or elfewhere, fhall be compelled to come to any Port of England, nor there to tarry- againft the Agreement of the Mafters and Mariners of the fame, or of the Merchants to whom the Goods be; and if fuch Ships come of their own good Will, or be driven by Tempeft, Cafualty, or other Misfortune, to any Port of England, and the Mafters or Mariners, or Merchants of the fame- Ships, will fell or deliver Part of their Merchandifes with their. good Will, it fhall be lawful to every Perfon to buy fuch Merchandifes freely without Impeachment in the Port where fuch Ships fhall come, albeit the Merchandifes be not put to Sale to> the Land. And the Mafters, Mariners, andMer- 4- **' chants g .