444 Cap. i, 2. Anno quarto Henrici IV. A. D. 1402 Ex Rot. in Turr, Lond. cun vifcont dEngleterre lors efteartt purront & purra accompter devaunt les Barons de lefcheqer par lour fe- rtment des dites fomrnes iffint receues & ent eltre defchargiez par lour ferementz fanz fuir autre garrant &c qils & chcfcun dc eux aient & eit due allouance de ce qils ou aucun de eux ont ou ad defpeaduz & paiez pur gages en chivachantz & demurrantz ovefqe le dit lieutenant t<inqe a la fomme par eux ou aucun de eux enii receue. Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 4 Hen. IV. and Anno Dom. 1402. TO the Honour of God and holy Church, and for the common Wealth and Profit of nil the Realm of England, our Lord the King, by the Afi'ent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the Special Inflance and Requeft of the Com- mons, affembled at the Parliament holden at Wejl- m njier the Morrow after the Feaft of St. Michael, the fourth Year of his Reign, hath ordained and ftablifhed certain Statutes and Ordinances by the Manner as follov/eth." Ex Rat. in Turr. Lond. m. 16. L honour de Dieux & de feinte efglife & pur les commune bien & profit de tout le Roialme dEngleterre Noftre Seignur le Roy de laffent des Seignurs efpirituelx & tempo- relx & a les efpecialx inflance & requeft des com- munes affemblez au parlement tenuz a Weftm' lendemayn de Seint Michel Ian de fon regne quart ad ordeignez & eftabiiz certeins eftatutz & or- dinances par manere qenfeute. CAP. I. A Confirmation of the Liberties of the Church, and of all Corporations and Perfons. 'IRST, That holy Church hive all her Liberties and Franchifes ; (2) and that the Lords Spi- ritual and Temporal, and all the Cities, Boroughs, and Towns franchifed, have and enjoy all their Li- berties and Franchifes, which they have had of the Grant of the Progenitors of our faid Lord the King, Kings cf England, and of the Confirmation of the fame our Lord the King; (3) and th t the Great Charter, and the Charter of the Foreft, and all the good Ordinances and Statutes made in the Time of our faid Lord the King, and in the Time of his Pro- genitors, not repealed, be firmly holden and kept.' PRimerement qe feinte efglife ait toutes fes fi- bertees & franchifes et qe toutz les Seignurs efpirituelx & temporelx & toutz les citees burghs & villes enfranchifes aient & enjoient toutes leur libertees & franchifes queux ils ont de grante des progenitours noilre dit Seignur le Roy Roys dEn- gleterre & de confirmation mefme noftre Seignur le Roy et qe la Grande Chartre & la Chartre de la Forefte & toutz les bons ordinances <k eftatutz faitz en temps noftre; dit Seignur le Roy & en temps de fes ditz progenitours nient repellez foient fermement tenuz & gardez. CAP. II. The Words Infidiatores viaruw^ csV. ftiall not be put in any Indictments, &c. 3 Inft. 104. A Confirmation of the Statute made 25 Ed 3. de Clero. The Words InfiMatom -v : .i- Tim (!j dipoj>!i!a - teres agr.rum, fhail nit be put in In^iftme/its or Appeals. 3 laSt. 41. ' ] TEM, Our faid Lord the King having in Re- 4 I membrance the faithful Hearts and the inward ' Affection that the Clergy of England hath borne to ' him, and alfo the great Charges v/hich the fame ' Clergy hath had -nd fuftained for his Honour an 1 ' Profit after the Time of his Coronation, and there - ' fore willing to be a gracious Lord to them in their 4 Affairs, by the Affent of the faid Lords, at the fpe- 4 cial Suit and Requeft of the faid Commons, will and 4 granteth, That the Statutes made the five and twen- 4 tieth Year of King Edward, Grandfather to our
- Lord the King that now is, touching the Clergy of
4 England, be entirely holden -nd kept, and put in 4 due Execution. 4 II. And moreover the fame our Lord the King, 4 confidering th -t the Words and Terms (that is to ' fay) Infidiatores viaruni, & dcpcpulatores agrorum, ' comprised in the Petition delivered to him in this 4 Parliament by the Clergy of England, have not been 4 commonly uled in Indictments, Arraignments, Ap- 4 peals, nor in other frr> peach nr.ents in the Time of his 4 faid Grandfather, nor in the Time of his other Pro- 4 genitors, and willing therefore to avoid luc^Novel- ITEM noftre dit Seignur le Roy aiant en me- moire les entiers coers & les grandes natureffes queux le clergie dEngleterre luy ad monftrez et auxi les grandes charges queux mefme le clergie ad eue & fuftenu pur fon honour & profit puis les. temps de fon coronement & pur tant leur veuMant monftrer gracioufe Seignourie en leur affairs de laffent des ditz Seignurs & a les efpecialx prier & requeft des ditz communes voet & grante qe lea eftatutz faitz Ian vint & quint le Roy Edward Aiel noftre dit Seignur le Roy touchant le clergie dEngleterre foient entierment tenuz & gardez & mys en due execution. Et en outre mefme noftre Seignur le Roy con- fiderant qe les parols & termes ceftaffavoir Infi- diatores viarum & depopulatores agrorum com- prifes en la petition a luy baillez en ceft parle- ment par le clergie d 'r ngleterre nont efte com- munement ufez en enditementz arrettementz nen autres empefchementz en temps de fon dit Aiel nen temps de fes autres nobles progenitours. Et veullantz par tant ouftier tielles novelleries pur la