466 C. 6 — 9. Anno feptimo Henrici IV. A. D. 1405, OB. 13 R. 2. flat. 2 c. Z&3. 2 H. 4. c. 4. See 13 El. c. CAP. VI, ' The Penalty of him which purchafeth a Bull to be difcharged of Tithes. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM ordeignez eft & eftabliz qe nule perfone religioufe ou feculer de quel eftate ou condition qil fort qi par colour dafcuns bulks contenauntz tiel privilege: deftre quite des difmes appurtenantes as efglifes pa- rochielx prebendes hofpitals ou vicaries devaunt Ian du regne le Roy Richard fecond puis le conqueft pii- miere ou depuis purchacez nient executz mette en executions aucuns tielx bulles enfi purchafes ou afcuns tielx bulles appurchaces en temps advenir. Et qe fi defore nule tiel perfone religioufe ou feculer de quel eftat ou condition qil foit par colour de tiels bulles deftourbe afcuns perfons de feint efglife prebenders gardeins des hofpitals ou vicaires parenfi qils ne purront prendre ne enjoier les difmes a eux duez ou regardantz de lours ditz benefices qe tiel deftourbour encourge autielx proces & peine come eft ordeignez par eftatut fait vers ceux de lordre de Cifteux Ian fecondc noitre Seignur le Roy qoreft. 2. for lie Penalty of bringing Bulls, Ice. from Rome. CAP. VII. Arrow-heads fhall be well boiled, brafed, and hard. JXifNces of Peace and chief Offi- cers of Cities, &c. may inquire of and punifh Offenders, ITEM, Becaufe the Arrow-fmiths do make many faulty Heads for Arrows and Quarels, defective, not well, nor lawful, nor defenfibLe, to the great Jeopardy and Deceit of the People, and of the whole Realm ;" ' (2) it is ordained and eftablifhed, That all the Heads for Arrows and Quarels after this Time to be made, fhall be well boiled or brafed, and hardened at the Points with Steel 5 (3) and if any of the faid Smiths do make the contrary, they fhall forfeit all fuch Heads and Quarels to the King, (4) and fhall be alfo imprifoned, and make a Fine at the King's Will ; (5) and that every Arrow- head and Quarel be marked with the Mark of him that made the fame. (6) And the Juftices of Peace in every County of England, and alfo the Mayor and Sheriffs, and Bailiffs of Cities and Boroughs, within the fame Cities and Boroughs, fhall have Power to enquire of all fuch deceitful Makers of Heads and Quarels, and to punifh them as afore is faid.' ITEM pur ceo qe les arroufmythes font plufours- _ teftes de fetes & quarelx dsfec~tifs nient bien ne- loialment ne deffenfablement a grant perill &. defceit du poeple & de tout le Roialme Ordeignez eft & eftabliz qe toutz les teftes de fetes & quarels defore enavaunt affairs foient boilles ou brafes & dures a la point daffer et fi afcuns des ditz arrou- fmythes les facent a contrarie qils forsfacent toutes-, tielx teftes & quarels au Roy & foient emprifonez. & ent facent fyn a la volunte du Roy. Et qe chef- cun tefte des fetes & quarels foit feigne dune figne de celuy qe le fift. Et eient les juftices de la pees en chefcun counte dEngleterre & auxi les mairs vifcontes & baillifs des citees & burghs deinz mefmes les citees & burghs poair denquer des toutz tieux faux fefours de teftes & quarels & de les punir par manere come deffuis eft dhv CAP. VIII. No Provifion, Licence, or Pardon fhall be granted of a. Benefice full of an IacumbenL 1.5 EJ. yfiu. 6 .6.' TTEM, To efchew many Diffenfions, Difcords ' JL and Debates, and divers other Mifchiefs very like to rife and grow becaufe of many Provifions made, and to be made, by the Pope, and alfo in refpe£r. of Licences granted upon the fame by the King our Sovereign Lord ; it is ordained and ef- tabliihed, That no Licence or Pardon, fo granted before this Time, nor to be granted in Time to come, fhall be available to any Benefice full of any Mfi-cedby - ' Incumbent, at the Day of the Date of. fuch Licence 5, c. 4. J 'or Pardon granted.' ITEM pur efchuir plufours diffenfions difcordez- & debates &. diverfes autres mef.hiefs verray.- fembhibles a fourdre & avenir a caufe des plufours. provifions faitz & affairs par lappoftoill & auxi a. caufe des licences fur ce grantez par le Roi noftre foveraigne Seignur Ordeignez eft & eftabliz qe nul tiel. licence ou pardon ainfi graunte devant ces heures ne a grander en temps advenir ne foit vailable a afcune benefice plein daucun incumbent a jour de la date de tiel licence ou pardone grante. . CAP; IX.. All Merchandifes may be fold in grofs, as well to all others* as to Citizens of London; ITEM, Whereas at the grievous Complaint made TTEM come a la.grevoufe eompleiht des ditz by the Commons in the faid Parliament, it is -"- communes fait en parlement foit monftrez co- fhewed, how that in old Time it was ufed and ac-. ment dancien temps ufez eftoit & accouftumez . cuftomed, that as well the Cloths-makers and Dra- qe fibien les drapers & vendours des draps de que- pers of whatfoever Place of the Realm, repairing conqe lieu de Roiaume repairantz &;■ confluantz . and having Recourfs to the City of London, as other al Citee de Loundres come autres merchantz ove- 4 diverfeji