47 8 C. i. Anno decimo tertio Henrici IV. A. D. " Trcafon, and fome for Felony, there to have Re- " fage, by whom as well many Offenders were indicl:- " ed, as other lawful liege People of our Lord the w King, not guilty, by Confpiracy, Abettment, and " falfe Imagination of other Perfons, for their fpecial " Advantage and fingular Lucre, againft the Courfe of " the Common Law ufed and accuftomed before this " Time;'-' ' (2) our faid the Lord the King, for the 6 greater Eafe and Qiiietnefs of his People, will and 1 granteth, That the fame Indictment fo made, with ' all the Dependence thereof, be revoked, adnulled, 1 void, and holden for none for ever; (3) and that ' from henceforth no Indictment be made by any fuch . ' Perfons, but by Inquefts of the King's lawful liege c People, in the Manner as was ufed in the Time of ' his noble Progenitors, returned by the Sheriffs or
- Bailiffs of Franchifes, without any Denomination to
Jones 198. c the Sheriffs or Bailiffs of Franchifes before made by ' any Perfon of the Names which by him mould be ' empanelled, except it be by the Officer of the faid ' Sheriffs or Bailiffs of Franchifes, fworn and known, ' to make the fame, and other Officers to whom it ' pertaineth to make the fame, according to the Law See farther for the ' of England. (4) And if any Indictment be made Qualification and <■ hereafter in any Point to the contrary, that the fame Duty °f3«™ ; 1 c Indigent be alfo void, revoked, and for ever holden j.c.zi. 4W.3. for none. c. 3. 5&8.C.5. 23 ff. 8. c. 13. 35 ff. 8. c. 6. it El. c. 6. 2 Sf 3 Ed. 6. C; 32. 4 £? 7.. 6 Ceo. 2, c. 37. 24 Geo. 2. c. iS, fee. 1. and 29 Geo. 2. c. 19. fie. I. f; 1411. Ex Rot. in Tun-. Lond. afcuns pur felo'nie pur illoeqes avoir refuyte par queux iibien plufours miffaifours eftoient enditez come autres loialx lieges noftre Seignur le Roy nient coupables par confpiracie abbettement & faux yma- gination dautres perfones pur lour efpeciale avan- age & lucres propres encontre la cours de la com- mune ley avant ces heures ufez & accuftumez no- ftre dit Seignur le Roy pur greindre eafe & quiete de fon poeple voet & graunte qe mefme lenditement I iflint fait ovefqe touiz les dependences dicell foit j revokez adnullez voide et tenuz pur null pur toutz 1 jours & qe deforenav-ant null .enditement foit fait • par afcuns tielx perfones einz par enqueftes des ? loialx lieges noftre dit Seignur le Roi en manere j come fuit ufe en temps de fes nobles progenitours J par les vifcounts ou baillifs des franchifes duement J retournez fanz afcune manere denomination as dkz I vifcontz ou baillifs de franchifes devant fait par af- l cune perfone des nouns queux ferront par luy em-
- panellez fil ne foit par les miniftres des ditz vif-
i contz ou baillifs de franchifes a ceo faire jurrez & j commys & les autres miniftres as queux il apper- j tient de ceo faire folonc la ley dEngleterre. Ft fi j afcun enditement foit fait en temps avenir en afcune
- manere a contraire foit mefme lenditement auxint
! voide adnullez revokez & tenuz pur null a toutz I jours. 5 IV. & M. c. 24. 7 £f 8 W. 3. c. 32. 3 Geo. 2. c. 26. 4 Geo. 2. c. Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 13 Hen. IV. and Anno Dota. 14 11. H E Tuefday being on the Morrow of All Souls, the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of our Lord King Henry the Fourth, the fame our Lord the King, by the Advice and Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the Requeft of the Commons being in the faid Parliament holden at JVe/lminJhr, hath caufed to be ordained and fta- blimed divers Statutes and Ordinances in Form as followeth." Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. q. Arefdy lendemayn des almes Ian du regns noftre Seignur le Roy trefzifme mefme noftre Seignur le Roy de ladvis & affent des Seignurs efpirituelx & temporelx & a la requeft des Communes efteantz en fon parlement tenuz a Weftm' fift ordeigner & eftablir diverfes ordinances & eftatutz en la fourme qenfeute. C A P. I. A Confirmation of all Liberties, faving a Franchile granted to the Scholars of Oxford. • Aii andtUt ell the Lords Spiritual and 'Temporal, and ether Liege Men of the Kir.g, hav- ing Liberties and franebifiesy 9 H. 4. c. i.
- T?Irft, That holy Church have all her Liberties]
' Jl* and Franchifes*, (2.) and all the Cities and ' Boroughs of the Realm have and enjoy all their ' Liberties and Franchifes, which they have of the] ' Grant of our Lord the King's Progenitors, or of his' ' own Grant or Confirmation, except the Francbife ' now late granted to the Scholars of the Univerfity 4 olOxenford; (3) and that the Great Charter, and ' the Charter of the Foreft, and all other good Statutes
- made before this Time, and not repealed, ftand in
' their Force' Rimierement qe feint efglife eit toutz fes liber- tees & franchifes & qe toutz les Seignurs efpi- rituelx h temporelx & les autres liges duRoy eiantz libertees & franchifes & toutz les citecs _& burghs du Roialme eient & enjpient toutz leur libertees & franchifes queux ils ount de graunte de les progeni- tours noftre dit Seignur le Roy & de fon graunte demefne ou conferment forfpris la franchife ore tarde graunte a lefs efcolers de univerfite dOxen- ford et qe la Graund Chartre & la Chartre de la Forefte &■ toutz autres bones eftatutz avaunt ces hoeures faitz & nient repellcz eftoifent en lour force. C A P.