A.D. 1414. Anno fccundo Henrici V. Stat. 2. 499 CAP. III. Of what Eflate thofe Jurors muft be, which are to pafs touching the Life of Man, Plea real, or Forty Marks Damages. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM le Roy confiderant les grandes mef- chiefs & defheritances qe de jour en autre aveignent parmy tout le Roialme fibien en cas de mort de homme come en cas de franc te- nement & es autres cafes par ceux qi paffent es enqueftes en les ditz cafes qi font communes ju- rours & autres qi nont qe poie de vivre mes par tieux enqueftes & les queux nont riens a per- dre par caufe de lour faux ferementz paront ils le pluis legierment offendent lour confcience et voillant ent avoir correction & amendement ad ordeigne & eftablie par affent des Seignurs & Communes fuifditz qe null perfone foit admys de pafl'er en afcune enquefte fur trial de mort de homme ou en afcune enquefte parentre partie & partie en plee real nen plee perfonell dont le dette ou les damages declarez amontent a qua- rant marcz fi mefme la perfone neit terres ou tenementz de annuell value de quarant fouldz outre les reprifes difcelles Mint qil foit chalan- gee par la partie qe afcun empanelle en mefmes les cafes nad my terres ou tenementz a le value annuell de quarant fouldz outre les charges come avaunt eft dit. the Qualifications of Jurors 1 r H. 7. c. 21 & 24. 4 H. 8. c. 3. 5 H. & M. c. 24. fee. 15. 7 & 8 W. 3. c. 32. 3 & 14 Ann, c. iS. 3 Geo. Knit. 117. ITEM, The King confidertng the great Mifchiefs* R°" 39?- and Difherifons which daily happen through all j^ 31 "^ by * the Realm England, as well in Cafe of Death of a 8 * Man, as in Cafe of Freehold, and in other Cafes, by • them which pafs in Inquefts in the faid Cafes, which be common J urors, and other that have but little to live upon but by fuch Inqueft, and which have no- thing to lofe becaufe of their falfe Oaths, whereby they offend their Confciences the more largely; (2) and willing thereof to have Correction and Amend- mend, hath ordained and eftablifhed, by Affent of the Lords and Commons aforefaid, That no Perfon fhall be admitted to pafs in any Inqueft upon Trial of the 1 ! Ed, i.Jtat. u Death of a Man, nor in any Inqueft betwixt Party '• "$• and Party in Plea real, nor in Plea perfonal, whereof *g E J_ '//J t l the Debt or the Damage declared amount to forty c . 9 . Marks, if the fame Perfon have not Lands or Tene-28 Ed. 3. 13. ments of the yearly Value of forty Shillings above all 34 Ed. 3. c, 4. Charges of the fame ; (3) fo that it be challenged bjf£~ ^ '• "' the Party, that any fuch Perfon fo impanelled ingH^' {. 5 *. the fame Cafes hath not Lands or Tenements of the 10 H. 6. f. 7, yearly Value of forty Shillings above the Charges, ? » »*• as afore is faid.' »V { -'l- is H. 7. r. 14. See farther for i. c. 5. 23 H. 8. c. 13. 3 ; #. 8. c. 6. 27 £/. c. 6. 2 & 3 Ed. 6- c. 32. 4 fef 5W. 2. c, 25. li.Gci, 2. c. 7. 6 Geo, 2. c. 37. 24 Geo, z, c. 18. fee, I. end 29 Geo. 2. c, 19. CAP. IV. There (hall be no gilding of Silver Ware, but of the Allay of EngUJIi Sterling. ITEM pur ceo qe les orfeours dEngleterre de lour commune covyn & ordinance ne voil- lent my vendre les chofes de lour miftier endor- rez finon a double pris de le pois dargent di- celles le quell femble a Roy trop outrageous & trop exceffive pris le Roy pur laife de fon poe- ple voillant ceo remedier ad ordeine & eftablie qe toutz les orfeours dEngleterre fuiforrent null argent pier qe del allaie defterling Englois & qils preignent pur la libre de Troy orre xlvj. s. viij.d. a pluis & de greindre pois & de meindre felonc la quantite &: lafferante de mefme la fomme et qe ceo qe ferra par eux fuiforre defore enavaunt foit de refonable pois & non pas exceffive et ft mil orfeour face le contraire forferra a Roy la value de la chofe vendue. ITEM, For that the GoHfmiths of £Vzg-W, of their Covin and Ordinances, will not fell the Wares of their Myftery gilt, but at the double Price of the Weight of the Silver of the fame, which feem- eth to the King very outrageous and too exceffive a Price;" ' (2) the King for the Eafe of his People, wiling to remedy the fame, hath ordained and efta- blifhed, That all the G ldfmiths of England ihill gild Rep. in part at no Silver worfe than of the Allay of the Englifl) Ster- J^- >■ <=• *S. ling, and that they take for a Pound of Troy gilt but T h e p oun i Forty fix fhillings eight pence at the moff, (3) and Troy of Silver of greater Weight, and lefs, according to the Quan- gilt (hall be tity and Rate of the fame Sum; and that which mall^ for 4fo' be by them gilt from henceforth fhall be of reafona- ble Price, and not exceffive ; (4) and if any Gold- fmith do contrary to this Statute, he fhall forfeit to the King the Value of the Thing fo fold.' 5 H. 4. c. 13; CAP. V. If a Weljloman, on Procefs awarded againlt him for detaining an EngUJhman, refufe to appear, he fhall be outlawed, and Writs fhall be iffued to apprehend him. ITEM pur tant qe puis la rebe'Iion de Gales jatard refourme plufeurs des rebeux de Gales ove autres a Altered 27 H. 8, eux adherentz ove force & armes en maner de guerre afcun foitz par jour & afcun foitz par noet om c ' l6, venuz en les countees de Salop' Hereford' U Glouc' & en autres lieux a mefme la paiis adgifantz & en di- verfes bois & autres lieux en icelles parties mufciez & loggez ont traiteroufment & felonoufment pris pleu- fcurs de les foialx lieges du Roy afcuns chivachantz entour lour merchandifes & lour autres bofoignes fe- fantz & afcuns en lour maifons ou ils furent demurantz fefantzlour overaignes & lour b.ufbandrie en la r>p e s S s i 2 Dieu