54° C. 6. Anno fexto Henrici VI. Punishment of thrrn which do jwglect or refute to repair their Portion afliened. The Sheriffs and Jurors ihall be attendjnt upon the Com- miflloners of S wers. SH. 6. c. 3. 23 H. 6. c. 9*. 6H 8. g. 10. 3 Jac. 1. c. 14. 7 Ann. c. 10. See farther con- cern ng Servers 8 c. S. 1 Mar. flat.
- Read c. 8.
OBi A. D. 1427. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. fingula facialis & cjrpleatis audiatis & terminetis in forma predi£ta Ita quod pro defectu reparationis eorun- dem walliarum foffatorum gutterarum fewerarum pontium calcetorum & gurgitum ac obftruc"tionum tren- chearum predi&arum dampnum vel periculum aliquod non eveniat ullo modo. Et omnes illos quos negli- gentes vel rebelles in reparatione & fatSione portionum ipfos inde contingentium inveneritis per diftricSHones & amerciamenta ac aliis viis' & modis quibus melius expedire videritis ad defeftus hujufmodi celeriter reficiend' & emendand' compellatis & omnia que per vos ordinari & fieri contigerint in hac parte tarn infra libertates quam extra faciatis firmiter obfervari fadturi inde quod ad juftitiam pertinet fecundum legem & confuetudi- nem regai noftri Anglie Salvis nobis amerciamentis ac aliis ad nos inde fpecStantibus. Mandavimus enim vi- cecomiti noftro comitatus predidti quod ad certos dies & loca quos vos &c. quorum &c. unum efte volumus ei fcire fac' venire fac' coram vobis &c. quorum &c. tot & tales probos & legates homines de balliva fua tarn infra libertates quam extra per quos rei Veritas in premiflis melius fciri poterit & inquiri. In cuius &c Tefte&c. H. 6. c. 3. 18 K. 6. c. 10. 23 H. 6. c, 8. 12 Ed. 4. c. 6. 4 H. 7. e, 1. 6 II. 8. c. 10. 23 H. 8. c. 5. 25 H. 8. c. 10. 3 & 4 Ed. 6. 3. c. II. 13 El. c. 9. 3 Jac. I, c. 14. 12 Car. 2. c. 6. 22 & 23 Car. 2. c. 17. 2 IV. & M. JeJ] 2. c. 8. fee. 14. and-] Ann. c. 9 £f 10. CAP. VI. All Merchants may fbip Merchandife in Melcomb Haven, and carry them to Calais. ITEM ordeine eft par au&orite ie mefme le parlement qe chefcun marchaunt Cbien denfzein come aliene puifle franchement & fauvement ellcepper lains quirs pealx lanuz & autres merchandifes de leftaple en le port de Melcombe en le countee de Dorfefe & dilloeqes les amefner a leftaple de Caleys paiantz les cuftumez & fubfidies duez au Roy. Et qe null merchaunt foit empefches moleftes ou greves par le Roy ne fes heirs pur null efkippefon des -merchandifes avantditz en le dit port afcun ordinance efteant ou proclamation fait au contrarie nient obftant. Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno Dom. 1429. 8 Hen. VI. and Anno TO the Laud and Honour of Almighty God, and of the holy Mother the Church, our moft noble Chriftian Lord Henry, by the Grace of God King oi England and France, and Lord of Ireland, in his Parliament holden at Wejlminjler the Morrow after St. Matthew the Apoftle, the Eighth Year of his Reign, by the Advice and Af- fent of the Prelates and Great Men of his Realm of England, and at the fpecial Requeft and Affent of the Commons of the fame Realm being in the faid Par- liament, hath made certain Statutes and Ordinances for the common Profit of the faid Realm,, and efpe- cially for the good and wholfome Government and due Execution of the Law to be had in the fame, in. the Form following." Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 6. AD omnipotentis Dei & fandte matris ee- clefie laudem & honorem ChriftianiiTimus dominus nofter Henricus Dei gratia Rex Anglie & Francie & Dominus Hibernie illuftris in parliamento fuo apud Weftm' in craftino faniSti Mathei Apoftoli anno regni fui odtavo tento de avifamento Si afienfu Prelatorum procerum & Magnatum regni fui Anglie & ad fpecialem re- quifitionem ac de aflenfu Communitatis ejufdem regni in parliamento predidto exiftentium quedam ftatuta & ordinationes pro communi utilitate di£ti, regni & prefertim pro bona & fana gubernatione ac debita legis executione habend' in eodem fecit in forma fubfequentL C A P. I. The Clergy of the Convocation mail have fuch Liberty as the Great Men and Commonalty which come to the Parliament. ' T?IRST, Becaufe the Prelates and Clergy of the ' J? Realm of England called to the Convocation,. ' and their Servants and Familiars that come with them ' to fuch Convocation, oftentimes and commonly be ' arrefted, mqleft'ed, and inquieted;" ' (2) our fail Lord the King, willing gracioufly in this Behalf to provide for the Security and Qu'tetnefs of the faid Prelates and Clergy, at the Supplication of the fame Prelates and Clergy, and by the Anent of the Great Men md Commons aforefaid, hath ordained and eftablifhed, That all the Clergy hereafter to be called IN primis quia Prelati & Clerus rej»ni. Anglie ad. convocationem evocati eorumque fervierites &■ familiares qui cum eifdem ad convocationem hu- jufmodi veniunt fepius ac frequenter areftantur moleftantur & inquietantur Volens igitur diftus dominus nofter Rex pro fecuritate & quiete di&o- , rum Prelatorum & Cleri in hac parte profpicere J gratiofe ad fupplicationem eorundem Prelatorum 1 tk Cleri! & de afTenfu procerum Magnatum & Communitatis prediclorum ordinavit& ftatuit quod ', vocandi in futurum ad convocationem Cleri pre- textu