A. D. 1429. Anno o&avo Henrici VI. C 8, 9. 545 Ex Rot. in Tun: Loud. mes les countcs & ceux qi ount lc greindrc nombre de yceulx qi potent expendre par an xl s. & outre come defuis eft dit fount retour- nez par les vifcontz de chefcun countee chi- valers pur le parlement par indentures enfeal- les parentre les ditz vifcountz & les ditz efli- fours ent affaires. Et eit chefcun vicont dEng- leterre poair par au&orite fuifdite dexaminer fur les feintz Evangelies chefcun tiel elifour come- ben il poet expendre par an & ft afcun vif- count retourne chivalers pur venir au parle- ment au contrarie de yceft ordinaunce qe les Juftices des affifes en lour _ feffions des affiles aient poar par auiftorite fuifdite de ceo enquer- er. Et ft par inqueft ceo foit trove devaunt mefmes les juftices & le vifcount de ceo due- ment atteint qadonqs le dit vifcount encourge la peine de C. li. a paiers a noftre Seignur le Roy & auxi qil ait imprifonement par un an faunz eftre leffez au bailie ou mainprife & qe les chivalers pur le parlement au contrarie la dite ordinance retournez perdent lour gages. Purveu toutfoitz qe celluy qi ne poet expendre xl s. par an come defuis eft dit ne foit en afcun manere eflifour des chivalers pur le parlement. Et qe en chefcun bricfe qe iffera en apres as vifcount pur eflier chivalers pur le parlement foit mention fait des ditz ordinances. 23. 12 Am. flat. I. c. 5 Sf 6. IS Ceo. 2. c. I fhall be dwelling and refident within the fame Coun- 6 H. 6. c. *. ties ; (4) and iuch as have the greateft Number of^ 1 '^ 1 h * IO them that may expend Forty Shillings by Year and ' ' c * *' above, as afore is (aid, fhall be returned by the She-. riffs of every County, Knights for the Parliament, by Indentures fealed betwixt the faid Sheriffs and the faid Choofers fo to be made. (5) And every Sheriff Tlie Sheriff - -ired to of the Realm of England fhall have Power, by the ::r ' ! ' 0W1 faid Authority, to examine upon the Evangelifts eve-.E]'a ne ry fuch Choofer, how much he may expend by the 0.1 h Year ; (6) and if any Sheriff" return Knights to coir.e tfieir to the Parliament contrary to the faid Ordinance, the J uft ' cet 0| f f - Juftices of Affifes in their Seffions of Affifes fhall have" Eh-dtois upon , touching Eftjtcs. liqu the Returns to Power, by the Authority aforefaid, thereof to inquire; f Knights t (7) and if by Inqueft the fame be found before theParliam t. uftices, and the Sheriff thereof be duly att t Juftices, and the Sheriff thereof be duly attainted, Pen,lt y on tlie that then the faid Sheriff fhall incur the Pain of an, ^'rIi"™?' hundred Pounds, to be paid to our Lord the King, ,, h..>. c. by, a Year, with- 33 H. 6. < and that thei.R'aft. 44 6 - 15- rttjmed ihail "Icfc their ' Wages. and alio that he have Imprifonment out being let to Bail or Mainprife ; (8) Knights for the Parliament returned contrary to the Knights fairly faid Ordinance, fhall lofe their Wages ' Provided always, That he which cannot expend Forty Shillings by Year, as afore is faid, fhall in no ^ wife be Choofer of the Knights for the Parliament ; T. J c 7l'o.' (z) and that in every Writ that fhall hereafter go S. c. 26. forth to the Sheriffs to choofe Knights for the Par- 8 - c - ."■ liament, Mention be made of the faid Ordinances.' 3 ' c ' 4 . 7 25. 10 Ann 19 Gee. z. c. 28. and 3 1 do. 2. e, 14. fir the due EhiT.on ofKnigbls of the Shires. 23 H. 35/f. j&i ,7,& CAP. VIII. The Statute of 6 Hen. 6. c. 3. confirmed, touching the Wages of Labourers, Servants, Artificers, and Workmen. TEM come en le darrein parlement ordine eftoit un bon Sz notable eftatut & ordinance des fervauntz Rer ' 3 c " 4* artificers overours & laborers comebien chefcun deux prendroit par Ian dymy an jour cu fepmain & dautres chofes comprifes deinz mefmes leftatut & ordinance les quelles ore fount expires a caufe qils ne furent ordinez a durer forfqe au profchein parlement delors a tenir Noftre Seignur le Roy confiderant qe les ditz eftatutz & ordinance furent alors faitz pur le bien & profit de fon Roialme & qils ferront molt profitables a mefme le Roialme ftls purroient endurer & eftre obfervez ad ordinez par auctorite de ceft parlement qe les ditz eftatut & ordinance foient tenuz & gardez & mys en due execution tanqe le Roy ad autrement declare fa volunte en plein parlement. CAP. IX. The Duty of Juftices of Peace where Land is entered upon or detained with Force. TEM come par le Roy Richard nadgairs Roi dEngleterre puis le conqueft feconde a fon parlement tenuz a Weftm' lendemain des almes Ian de fon reign xv ;nc entre autres chdfes ordinez eftoit & eftabliez qe les eftatuts & ordi- nances faitz & nient repellez de ceux qi fount entrees ove fort main en terres tenementz ou autres poffeffions qeconqs & lour teignent eins •ve force et auxi de ceux qi fount infurre£tions riotes routes chivaches ou affembles en diftourbance de la peas ou de la commune ley ou en affraie del poeple ferroient tenuz & plenernent executes. Et outre ceo ordine eft par mefme leftatut qe toutz les foitz qe tiels forcibles entres foient faitz & pleint ent veigne as juftices de peas ou afcun deux qe mefmes les juftices ou juftice preignent ou preigne poair del countee frc voifent ou voife al lieu ou tiel force foit fait & fils trovent ou trove Vol.. I. TEM, Whereas by the noble King Richard The Statute of late King of England, after the Conqueft the Se- i; R. 2. c. 2. " cond, at his Parliament holden at Wejbninjler the touching For- " Morrow after All-Souls, the Fifteenth Year of his cib ' e ^." tries . et n ■ n ,1 -4-.I • • ... , rehearled and Keign, atnongit other L hings, it was ordained and confirmed. " eftablifhed, 1 hat the Statutes and Ordinances made, < Co. 48. " and not repealed, of them that make Entries with Hob - 94- " ftrong Hand into Lands or Tenements, or other Pof- K - e ' lw - z0 7> " feffions whatfoevcr, and them hold with Force, and 20 " " of them that make Infurrections, Riots, Routs, Ri- " dings, and Affemblies, in Difturbance of thePeare, " or of the Common Law, or in Affray of the People, " fhould be holden and fully executed. (2) And more- " over it is ordained by the fame Statute, That at aU " Times that fuch forcible Entries be made, and Com- " plaint thereof come to the Juftices of Peace, or any " of them, that the fame Juftices or Juftice fha!l take " the Power of the County, and fhail go, or one oi " them fhall go, to the Place where fuch Force is made ; A a a a " (3}