A. D. 1429. Anno o&avo Henrici VI. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. pur toller &z defrauder le pofTeflbur de fa recoverer en afcun maner fi apres en affile ou autre action ent deftre prife , ou purfuez devaunt Juftices des affiles ou autres Juftices le Roy qiconqs par deu enquerre ent apprendre purra duement eftre prove meimes les feoffementz & difcontinuances eftre faitz purmaintenaunce come defuis eft dit qe adon- qes tielx feoffementz ou autre difcontinuance enfy come devaunt faitz foient voidez irritez & tenuz pur nulle. £t auxi quant les ditz Juftices ou Juftice ferrent tielx enquerrez come devaunt facent ou face lour garrantz & precepts direfts al vifcount de mefme le counte luy comaundant depar le Roy de fair venir devaunt eux & chefcun deux perfones fufficiantz & indifferentz pluis profcheins demur- rantz entour les tenementz enfy entrez come devaunt denquerrer de tielx entreez dount chef- cun qi ferra empanelle denquerer en celle partie ai: terre ou tenement de annuel value de xl. s. par an au meins outre les reprifes. Et qe le vifcount retourne ifluez fur chefcun deux au jour de primer precept retornable xx. s. & al feconde jour xl. s. & al tierce foitz C s. & au chefcun jour apres le double. Et fi afcun vifcount ou bailly deinz fraunchife aiantz retourne de briefe du Roy foit lacche & ne face duement execution des ditz prcceptz a luy dire£tz pur tielx enquerrez faire qil forface devers le Roy xx. li. pur chefcun defaut & outre face fyn & raunceon au Roy. Et qe auxbien les Juftices ou Juftice avauntditz come les Juftices des affifes a lour venir en pais pur affiles prendre eient &. chefcun de eux ait poair doier & terminer tielx defautes & negligences des ditz yifcontz & baillifs & chefcun de eux auxibien par bille al fuite del partie greve pur luy mefme come pur le Roy a fuier come par endite- ment a prendre pur le Roy foulement. Et fi le vifcount ou bailly foit duement atteint en celle partie par enditement ou par bille qe celuy qi fue pur luy & pur le Roy eit une moitee de la forfaiture de xx. li. enfemblement ove fes cofcages & expenfes. Et qe mefme la proceffe foit fait vers tidx . enditees ou fuez par bille en celle partie ficome ferroit vers enditez ou fuez par briefe de trefpafs fait .ove force & armes encoun- tre la peas du Roy. Et outre ceo fi afcun perfone foit oufte 011 difleifie dafcuns terres ou tenementz ove forcible manere ou oufte peifiblemerit oc apres tenuz de- hors ove forte main oit apres tielle entre afcun ■feoffernent ou difcontinuance en afcune manere ent foit fait pur defrauder & toller le droit del pofTeflbur qe la partie greve en celle partie eit affile de novell dilteifeine ou briefe de trefpas vers tiel diffeifour. Et fi la partie greve recovere par affife ou par action de trefpafs & trove foit par 1 verdit ou en autre manere par due forme en ley tj.e la partie defendant entra ove force en terres &| tenementz ou eux par force apres' fon entree tiendra qe le pleyntif recovera fes damages au treble vers le defendant & outre ceo qil face fyn & raunceon au Roy. Et qe rhairs jufticrs ' ou ;
- fifi' ue's citee'sViTfes'
C. 9. 547 ■j-uilice de peas vifcount &t baflfr take away and defraud the PolTeflbr of his Recovery 4 H. 7. f. iS. in any wife, if after in Affife, or other Action there- ^J 0- E ^' l8 4- of to be taken or purfued before Juftices of Affifes, 461)582', 654) or other the King's Juftices whatfoever, by due In- 738,' 915! quiry thereof to be taken, the fame Feoffments andCro.jac. 17, 19, Difcontinuances may be duly proved, to be made for-! 1 ' 4 1 , '4 8 > Maintenance, as afore is faid, that then fuch Feoffs cro'car.aoi 4 ' ments, or other Difcontinuance, fo as before made, fhall be void, fruftrate, and holden for none. c IV". And alfo when the faid Juftices or Juftice The Juftices make fuch Inquiries as before, they fhall make, or ^P?'^ the one of them fhall make, their Warrants and Pre- tur "' a "™ a cepts to be directed to the Sheriff of the fame County, ; rqu i re of tor- commanding him of the King's Behalf to caufe to cibk Entries, come before them, and every of them, fufficient and indifferent Perfons, dwelling next about the Lands fo entered as before, to inquire of fuch Entries, (1) Juror to have whereof every Man, which fhall be impanelled' to 4°> P et Ann - inquire in this Behalf, fhall have Land or Tenement
- of the yearly Value of Forty Shillings by Year at
- the leaft, above Reprifes. (3) And that the Sheriff
return Iiiues upon every of them at the Day of the ftrff.
- Precept returnable xx. s. and at the fecond Day
- xl. s. and at the third Time C. s. and at every
- Day after, the double. (4) And if any Sheriff &£^ a f t he £f s
- Bailiff within a Franchife, having Return of the ^"^^
- King's Writ, be flack, and make not Execution Duty.
- duly of the faid Precepts to him directed to make
fuch Inquiries, that he fhall forfeit to the King xx.
1 li. for every Default, and moreover fhall make Fine
- and Ranfom to the King.
' V. And that as well the Juftices or Juftice afore- ' faid, as the Juftices of Affifes, and every of them, at ' their coming into the Country to take Affifes, fhall 6 have, and e'very of them fhall have, Power to hear ' and determine fuch Defaults and Negligences of the ' faid Sheriffs and Bailiffs, and every of them, as well . . ' by Bill at the Suit of the Party grieved for himfelf ' as for the King, to fue by Indictment only to ' be taken for the King. (2) And if the Sheriffor Bailiff* ' be duly attainted in this Behalf by Indictment, or by ' Bill, that he which fueth for himfelf and for the King ' have the one Moiety of the Forfeiture of xx. li. to- ' gether with his Cofts and Expences. (3) Arid _ that ' the fame Procefs be made againft fuch Perfons indidted ' or fued by Bill in this Behalf, as fhould be againft ' Perfons indicted or fued by Writ of Trefpafs done w[lat A<a ; on ' with Force and Arms againft the Peace of the King. n „,. i, c had a- ' VI. And moreover, "if any Perfon be put out, orgainft him who ' .'iffeifed of any Lands or Tenements in fordble d<it ' 1 V at ovt > ' Manner or put out peaceably, and after holdeh ™ *«P "^ out with ftrong Hand ; or, after Inch bntry, any F()rct ., Savil 68. ' Feoffment or Difcontinuance in any wife thsttdf iH.y.f.ig. 6H. ' be made, to defraud and take away the Right of the jr.f-ia-'oH 7 .f. ' PolTeflbr; that the Party grieved in this Behalf fhall £ '^ H -'- t :.'~>- ' have Affife of Novel dljjeifm, or a; Writ of Trefrjafs ^'^e, % ' againft fuch Diffeifor. (2) And if the Party grieved js,- i.'i'-,-^' 30,' ' recover by Affife, or by Action of Trefpafs, and it 45. kI-i. -.f.a. ' be found 'by Verdift, or in other Manner by due IO Ed - -:• '"■ .»-• ' Form in the Law, that the Party Defendant ent*<?dg a ^* ™£ .' with Force into the Lands and Tenements, or thefne. 116.' uCo. ' after his Entry did hold with Force, that the Plaintiff 30. Cro. El. 93, • fhall recover his Treble Damages againft the Defcri-9°- *"' 6 > 6 S"' 'j*? ' dant: (3) and moreover, that he make Fine and Ran- ™; 6 ; f -™: ™ *' ' fom to the King. And that Mayors, Juftices^ or J ui- ,_ f , 2g> Dver) f. ' tice of Peace, Sheriff's, and jjuilifi's of Cities, Towns, ' 14I . Br.>. Force, Aaaa 2 ' andse, lEulft.iiS.