How a Freeman may use his Land in the Forest.
EVery Freeman shall have, within his own Woods, Ayries of Hawks, Sparrow-hawks, Faulcons, Eagles, and Herons; and shall have also the Honey that is found within his Woods.
Who may take Chimmage or Toll in a Forest, for what cause, and how much.
[1]NO Forester from henceforth, which is not Forester in fee, paying to us ferm for his Bailiwick, shall take any Chimmage or Toll within his Bailiwick; (2) but a Forester in fee, paying us ferm for his Bailiwick, shall take Chimmage; that is to say, for Carriage by Cart the half year, ii. d. and for another half year, ii. d. for an Horse that beareth loads, every half year, an halfpeny, and by another half year half a peny; and but of those only that come as Merchants through his Bailiwick[2] by licence to buy Bushes, Timber, Bark, Coal, ⟨within his bailwick⟩[3] and to sell it again ⟨elswehere⟩[4] at their pleasure; but for none other Carriage by Cart Chimmage shall be taken; (3) nor Chimmage shall not be taken, but in such places only where it hath been used to be. (4) Those which bear upon their backs Brushment, Bark, or Coal to sell, though it be their living, shall pay no Chimmage to our Foresters, except they take it within our demesne Woods.[5]
A Pardon of Outlaws of Trespass within the Forest.
ALL that be outlawed for the Forest only, since the time of King Henry our Grandfather, until our first Coronation, shall come to our Peace without let, and shall find to us Sureties, that from henceforth they shall not trespass unto us within our Forest.
How Plea of the Forest shall be holden.
Amended by 7 R. 2. c. 3.
- ↑ For or Bailiff read or any other.