554 C. 1 6. The Lands fhall be let to feim to him that ten- dered! a Traverfe to the Office. 36 Ed. 3. flat. 1. c. 13.. j H. 8. c. 10. 23 H. 6. c. 17, Kel. f. i 7 8. 36 Ed. 1. flat. I. c. 13. Efcheators and Commiffioners fhall return an Office found before them. 1.8 H. 6. c. 7. Fd'-thc prmlded fur by I H. 8. c. 8. and 2 e" 3 c - for ever. £<*. 6. c. 8. fue, be duly convict, for every Inqueft fo taken that he incur the Pain and Forfeiture of xl. li. to be paidj that is to fay, the one Half to the King, and the other Half to the Party grieved, at whofe Suit he fhall be convict. (5) And that no Lands nor Tenements feifed into the Hand of our Lord the King, upon fuch Inquefts taken before the Efcheators or Com- miffioners, be not in any wife let nor granted to ferm by the Chancellor or Treafurer of England, or any other the King's Officer, until the fame Inquefts and Verdicts be fully returned in the Chancery, or in the Exchequer, (6) but all fuch Lands and Tene- ments fhall intirely and continually remain in the Hands of our Lord the King, until the faid Inquefts and Verdicts be returned, and by a Month after the fame Return, if it be not fo that he or they which feel them grieved by the fame Inquefts, or putting out of their Lands and Tenements, come jnto the Chancery, and profer themfelves to traverfe the faid Inquefts, and then offer to take the fame Lands or Tenements to ferm ; (7) and if they fo do, that then the fame Lands or Tenements be committed to them, if they fhew good Evidence, proving their Traverfe to be true, after the Form of the Statute made the thirty fixth Year of King Edward III. after the Conqueft, to hold until the Iffue taken upon the fame Traverfe be found and difcufied for the King, or for the Party, finding fufficient Surety to purfue the faid Traverfe with Effect, and to render and pay to our Lord the King the yearly Value of the Lands whereof the Traverfe fhall be fo taken, if it be dif- cufied for the King. (8) And if any Letters Patents of any of the Lands or Tenements be made to the contrary to any other Perfon, or let to ferm within the faid Month, after the faid Month of Return, they fhall be holden for none. (9) And that the- Efcheators or Commiffioners, upon Pain of the Forfeiture of xx. li. to be paid, that is to fay, the one Half to the King, and the other Half to the Party at whofe Suit he fhall be convict, return the Inquefts before them taken into the Chancery of our Lord the King, or into the Exchequer, within a Month next after the taking of the fame. And every Man which will fue for the King fhall have the Suit in this Behalf. (10) Provided always, That this Statute begin and take Effect and Force in the Feaft of Eafter next coming, and not before,, to endure Anno o&avo Henrici VI. A. D. 1429. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. partie qe pur luy mefmes ou pur le Roy ou autre perfone qeconqe voille purfuer foit convict due- ment pur chefcun enqueft enfy priz qe encourge la peine & forfaiture de xl. li. a paiers ceftaffaver lun moite au Roi & lautre moite au partie a qi fuyte il ferra convict. £t qe nulles terres ne te- nementz feifez es mayns noitre Seignur le Roy fur enqueftez prifez devaunt les efchetours ou com- miffioners ne foient afcunement lefiez ne grauntez a ferme par le Chaunceller ou Treforer dEngleterre ou autre officer noftre Seignur le Roi qiconqe tanqe qe mefmes les enqueftes & verditz foient retournez pleinement en la Chauncellarie ou en lefchequer mes demoergent toutz tielx terres & tenementz en- tierment & continualment es mains noftre Seignur le Roy tanqe les ditz enqueftes & verditz foient re- tournez & par un mois apres mefme le retourne fi iffint ne foit qe celuy ouceux qi fente ou fentent eux grevez par mefmes les enqueftes ou ouftez de lour terres ou tenementz veignent en la Chauncellarie & foy proferont de traverfer lez ditz enqueftes &c foy ofteront de prendre mefmes les terres & tenementz a ferme. Et qe ft iffint fount qe adonqes mefmes lez terres & tenementz foient commiz a eux fils mon- ftrent bones evidencez provantz lour travers eftre verrois folonc la fourme de leftatut fait Ian xxxj c le Roy E. tiers puis le conqueft a tenir tanqe lifiue fur mefme le travers pris foit & difcuffu pur le Roy ou pur le partie trovant fufficiant fuerte de fuir le dit travers ove effect & de rendre & paier a noftre Seig- nur le Roy le annuel value des tenementz dont le travers enfi ferra priz fil foit difcuffe pur le Roy,. Et fi afcuns lettres patentz des afcuns terres ou te- nementz foient faitz aucontrarie a afcun autre per- fone ou lefiez a ferme deins le dit moys apres le dit mois du retourne foient voidez & tenuz pur null. Et qe les efchetours & commiffioners fur peine de forfaiture de xx. li. a paiers ceftaffavoir lun moite al Roi & lautre moite al partie a qi fuyt il ferra convict retournent en la Chauncellarie noftre Seig- nur le Roy ou en lefchequer lez enqueftes devaunt eux prifez deins un moys profcheyn apres la prife dicelles. Et eyt chefcun qi voet fuyr pur le Roy la fuyte en ce 1 partie. Purveu toutz foitz qe ceil eftatut commence & preigne effeft & force en la feft de Pafqe profchein avenir a durer perpetuel-, ment & nemye devaunt,. CAP. XVII. Wools, Fells, ci?<r. (hipped out of England, Wales, or Ireland, for any Place but Calais, (hall be forfeited by the double, except by Merchants of Jean, Venice, &.c. See Appendix. CAP. XVIII. Certain Ordinances made for the Prices of Merchandifes, and Maintenance of the Town and Mint at Calais. See Appendix. C A P. XIX. if a Mariner fhall receive into his Ship any Merchandifes, or carry them to any other Place, than to the Staple at Calais, the Goods and Ship fhall be forfeited. See Appendix. CAP. XX. No Merchant oF Calais fhall buy beyond the Sea any Merchandife of the Staple. See Appendix. 4 , ** CAP;.