Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/609

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A. D. 1430. Ex Rot. in Turr. Loud. Nientmeins la due Alianore femme James fur graunde fubtilite proceffe ymagine prive labour & autres menes & voies coloures a lentent qele deveroit eftre certefiez muliere par afcun ordinarie en cas qe baftardie ferroit alegge en fa perfone ad porte a ceo qeft dit en examination devaunt cer- teins jugges en courtz Chriftien & efpirituel nient enfourmez ne aiantz conifaunce du dit fubtilite proceffe ymagine prive labour colourez mefnes & voies certeines fubornatz proves & perfones de fa affent & covine depoufantz pur ele come en efpoufelx euez & folempnif z parentre les ditz Edmond & Cuftaunce & la dite Alianore femme James pur eftre engrendrez & neez dedeins mef- mes les efpoufelx les ditz Ducheffe Duke dEver- wyk Count de Sariibirs Aleife Count de Weft- merland John Sire de Tiptoft Joioufe & Henri ne null deux ent nient garniz ne fachaniz tanqe par longe temps apres la dite depofition fait dount les ditz fuppliantz fe doutent eftre grevez & em- pefchez de lour enheritaunce euez par le dit Ed- mond par autre fubtilite & labour en ley tem- porell a eftre laboure & oevere par les ditz Sire dAudeley & Alianore fa femme ficome ils vo- loient prendre afciin action envers afcunes per- fones de lour affent & covyne ou autrement faire afcuns perfones de tiel afient & covyne prendre une action envers eux ficome il eft fuppofe qils lour ordignent a ceo faire en la quell action par les affent & covyne fuifditz baftardie deut eftre allegge en la perfone du dite Alianore femme James et fur ceo par affent & covyne iffue eftre pris & un brief deftre envoie a afcun ordinarie ou lour plerroit nient advertife des ditz fubti- lite affent & covyne pur certifier fi la dite Alia- nore femme James fuift muliere ou nemye de- vaunt quell ordinarie mefme la Alianore femme James voet alegger de prover luy mefmes mu- liere par la dite depofition des ditz fubornatz pro- vez & adonqes la partie eu come adverfarie en- vers les dits Sire dAudeley & Alianore fa femme en la dit action pris ou appnndre par affent & covyne fuifditz ne veulle null prove ne matier alegger ne defence fair devaunt le dit ordinarie envers mefmes les Sire dAudeley & Alianore fa femme mes la fuffrer la matier devaunt le dit ordinarie proceder folonc lentent des ditz Sire dAudeley & Alianore fa femme parenfi qe veri- femblable eft qe mefme lordinarie verroit certifier la dite Alianore femme James muliere la quelle certiflcat ifJlnt eu & fait deuffoit par la ley dEn- gleterre difheriter les ditz Ducheffe Duk dEver- wyk Count de Sariibirs Aleyfe Count de Weft- merl' John Sire de Tiptoft Joyoufe & Henri & lour iffue pur toutz jours de lentier enheritaunce a'vauntdit. Sur qy les premiffes tendierment con- fiderez & pur eviter tielx fubtielx dimeritaunces fibien en le dit cas come en autres cafes fembla- bles en temps avenir del advis & affent des Seig- nurs efpirituelx & temporelx & auxi a la fpe- cial requeft des ditz Communes en ceft parle- ment aflernblez ordeinez eft & eftablez par auc- torite de mefme la parlement qe fi la dite Alia- nore femme James foit certifie muliere en afcun court devaunt ces heures qe null maner de tiel certiflcat pardevaunt fait pur la dite Alianore Anno nono Henrici VI. C. 11, S 6 3 " II. Neverthelefs the faid Alianour, the Wife of a fecret Practice ' fames, upon great Subtilty, Proccfs imagined, privy to P' ove on<: ' Labour, and other Means and coloured Ways, to Mul " r in the - ' the Intent that fee ought to be certified Midler^ {££,' •" , B Xri. ' fome Ordinary, in Cafe that Baftardy mould be al- ' ledged in her Perfon, hath brought (as it is (aid) in ' Examination before certain Judges in the Spiritual ' Court, not informed, nor having Knowledge of the ' faid Subtilty, imagined Procefs, privy Labour, and

coloured Ways, certain fuborned Pro >fs and Perfons
of her Affent and Covin, depofing for her, that the

' faid Alianour, the Wife of jdmes, was bego:ten within

Marriage, had and folemnized betwixt the faid Ed-

' mond and Conftancc ; the faid Dutchefs, the Duke of ' York, and Earl of Salifbury, and Alice, Earl of Weft- ' merland, "John the Lord of Typtoft, 'Joyce, and Henry, ' nor any of them thereof warned, nor knowing until ' long Time after the Depofition fo made, whereof the ' faid Suppliants do fear them to be grieved and im- ' peached of their Inheritance had by the faid Edmond, ' by another Subtilty and Labour in the Temporal ' Law, to be praftifed and by the faid Lord ' of Audley and Alianour his Wife; (2) as if they will ' commence any A£lion againft any Perfons of their

' own Affent and Covin, or otherwife will caufe fuch
' Perfons of fuch Affent and Covin to purfue an Ac-
c tion againft them, as it is fuppofed that they intend
' to do ; in which Action, by the Covin and Affent A Praflice to
' aforefaid, Baftardy ought to be alledged in the Peiv P rov u e one Mu!!er

■' fon of the faid Alianour, Wife of Jaws, and there^ Law^oT""

' upon by the Affent and Covin an Iffue is to be taken, indeed a Baftard.
' and a Writ to be fent to fome Ordinary (where it
' pleafe them, not advertifed of the faid Subtilty, Af-
' fent, and Covin) to certify if the faid Alianour, the
' Wife of James, be Midier or not, before which Or-
' dinary the fame Alianour, Wife of James, will al-

" ledge and prove herfelf Midier by the faid Depofi- " tions of the faid fuborned Witneffes ; and then the " Party reputed as Adverfary againft the Lord of Aud- " ley and Alianour his Wife, in the faid Action taken " or to be taken by Affent and Covin aforefaid, will " alledge no Proof nor Matter, nor make any Defence " before the faid Ordinary againft the fame Lord Aud- " ley and Alianour his Wife, but fuffer the Matter be- " fore the faid Ordinary to proceed according to the " Meaning of the faid Lord of Audley and Alianour his " Wife ; fo that it is very likely, that the fame Ordi- " nary will certify the faid Alianour, the Wife of " James, Midier; (3) which Certificate fo had and " made, ought by the Law of England to difherit the " faid Dutcheffes, Duke of Tori; Earl of Salifbury, " Earl of Weftmerhnd, John Lord of Typtoft, Alice, " Joyce, and Henry; and their Iffue for ever, of the " whole Inheritance aforefaid." ' (4) Whereupon the ' Premiffes tenderly confidered, and to efchevv fuch fub- ' til Difherifons, as well in the faid Cafe, as in other ' Cafes like in Time to come, by the Advice and Af- ' fent of all the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, andal- 6 fo at the fpecial Requeft of the faid Commons, in ' this Parliament affembled, it is ordained and eftabliih- ' ed by Authority of this Parliament, That if the faid ' Alianour, the Wife of James, be certified Midier in ' any Court before this Time, that no Manner of Cer- ' tificate heretofore made for the faid Alianour, Wife ' of James, fliall in any wife put to prejudice, bind, ' indamage, nor conclude any Perfon or Perfons, but Cccc 2 ' him