566 G-4> & Anno deeimo Henrici VI. " many of his fajthfuHiege Peo.pie be greatly impove-. " rifhed, : undone, arid* in point td be deftroyed, by the
- •• King of Denmark and his Lieges, which be of the
" Amity of the King our Sovereign Lord,' b'eeatife that " they do daily take of his faid faithful Subjects their " Goods, fo that they have takerf of Merchants of " Tork'znd Kingjlon upon Hull Goods and- Merchan- " difes to the Value of Five Thoufand Pounds within ""' a Year, and of other Liege9 and Merchants of the " Realm of England' Goods and Ghattles to the Value " of Twenty Thoufand Pounds, whereof they have no " Remedy of the faid King of Denmark, nor of none " other, forafmuch as -none of them cometh within the " Realm of England, nor nothing have in the fame " Realm- of England, and that the Goods be taken out " of the -fame Realm:" ' The King willing to pro- •* Add by the « v id e Remedy for his faid liege People, * hath or- af^hi7 dJIe " U dained and eftablimed > That > f the Goods' of any of "Jorejai , < ^ - jj ^; s j^jgggg ^ e or fl la jj be taken by the laid King of Denmark, or any of his faid Lieges, the 'fez d-itz lieges ait le dit gardein du prive feal Keeper of the Privy Seal for the Time being fhall have Power to make to the Party grieved Letters of' Requeft under the Privy Seal, without any other Ptirfuit to be made to any, for Reftitation to be had of the Goods fo taken and to be taken. And if Re- ftitution be no . made by fueh Letters, the King our Sovereign Lord, ; by the Advice of his Council, .fhall ' provide to the Party grieved his > covenable Remedy^ 5 according as the Cafe reqjiireth,' , • , • A. D. 14.32. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. foialx lieges fount TgraundfiHientempoverez ani- entez & en point" "deftre deftruitz par le Roi de Denmark & fez lieges qi fount del ariiiftee du Roi noftre Seignur a caufe qils preignent de jour en . autre de fez- ditz foklx lieges lour bsens pariffint qils ount pris des marchauntz dEverwyk ScKynge^on fur Hull biens & mar- chandifez a la value de v. m li. dedeins un an & dautres lieges & marchantz du Roialme biens '& chateux a la ' value de xx. & li. dount ils nount remedie du dit Roi de Denmark ne de null autre a caufe qe null de eux veigne deins le Roialme dEngleterre ne riens ount en icell & qe les biens fount prifez hors de mefme le Roialme. Mefme noftre Seignur le Roi voil- lant a fez ditz lieges purvoier de remedie del adyis & afTent fuifditz ordine qe fi les biens -dafcuns de fez ditz lieges foient ou ferront pri- fez par le dit Roi de Denmark ou afcuns de pur le temps efteant poiair de faire au partie gteve lettres de requeft defoubz le prive feal faunz autre purfuke affaire a afcuny pur re- ftitution avoir des biens iffint prifez & apren- drez. Et fi reftitution, ne foit fait par tielx let- tres fe Roi noftre Seignur par advis de fon counceill purveiera ai partie greve covenable re- medie folonc -ceo qe le cas rtquiert. C A P. IV. The Penalty of him that maketh a falfe Entry, that the Plaintiff doth offer' him felf in Perfon, ' ! . ■ • where he doth not. '•" T T EM, Tor that divers "of the King's liege Peo-
- ' f 'A pie' before this Time have been outlawed, arid
- " greatly vexed and Tfquieted in divers Suits, as well
- c*rrvt* fhfi K 1 n n in n 1 c KpnA oc in tH#= C v"mmr»n
- His Counftl. Made perpetual by j8H. 6. eg before the King in his Bench, as in the Common '" Bench, in the Records of' which Suits the Entries "'■ have been made, that the Plaintiffs in the fame Suits '" Obtulerunt fe in propria perfona'Jha, where the fame Plaintiffs never appeared to -Rich Suits, nor had " Knowledge of the fame, ' in great Mifchitf of the 1 " faid liege People, if Remedy be not provided in this '" Behalf;" '(2) our Lord 'the King willing in this - Cafe to. provide Remedy, hath ordained and eftablifh- c ed by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That no ' Manner Fylifer, Exigenter, nor any other Officer,
- from henceforth fhall make fuch Entry in any Man-
' ner Suit, except that the Plaintiff in the fame Suit,- ' before that fuch Entry be made, do appear in his ' proper Perfon before fome of the faid Juftices of the ' Place where the Plea is or fhall bedepending; (3) ' and there he fhall be fworn upon a Book, That he 4 is the fame Perfon in whofe Name the faid Suit is ' fued, or that fome other credible Perfon of the 4 King's a Council make fuch Oath for him. (4) ' And thjs Ordinance fhall endure till the next Par- ' liament.' And farther provided fr by 32//. 8. c, 30. i& 3 Ed. 6. c. 32. and i8.£/. TEM pur ceo qe divers des lieges du Roi avaunt ces hoeures ount eftee utlagez & graun- dement vexez & diffeifez en divers, feutez fibien devaunt le Roi en fon Bank come en le com- mune' Bank en les recordes des queux feutes les entres ount eftee faitz qe les pleintifs en mefmes les -feutes optulerunt fe. in propria per- fona fua lou mefmes les pleintifs unqes nap- parerount as tieulx feutes ne conifaunce avoi- ent dicelles en graunde mifchief des ditz lieges fi remedie ne foit purveu en cell partie noftre Seignur le Roi voillant en ceo cas purvoir de remedie ad ordine par auclorite de ceft parle- ment qe null filicer exigenter ne autre officer defore enavaunt ferra tiel entree en afcun feute finon qe 1c pleintif en mefme la fute avaunt qe afcun tiel entre foit fait appierte en fa propre perfone devaunt afcun des juftices de lieu ou le pice eft ou ferra pendant & illeoqes foit ju- ree fur un liver qil eft mefme la perfone en qi noun la dite fuite eft fue ou qe autre crea- ble perfone de fon counfeill face tiel ferement pur luy. Et durera ceft ordinaunce tanqal prof- chein parlement. . , 14. CAP. V. A Rehf arfal of the Statute of 21 R. 2. c. 18. touching the Maintenance of certain Places about Calais. See. Appendix. CAP.