570 C. Anno undecimo " dther Things it was ordained, That the Diffeifees " fhall have their Actions againft the Diffeifors du- " ring the Lives of the Difleiiors, fo that fuch Diffeifors " thereof take the Profits at the Time of the Suit com- " menced, as in the fame Statute is contained more at " large. The which Statute, according to the Opi- " nion of many, hath been intended in Writ:; of Af- " fife of Nov.- 1 diffeifin only, and as great Mifchief it " is to the Parties Demandants in other Jft rits fued " and grounded upon Novel diffeifin, as in Affife." ' (2) ' Wherefore our Lord the King, willing all Manner c of Opinions and Doubts in that Behalf to cenfe, .' hath ordained by the Affent and Authority aforefaid, - That in all Manner of Writs grounded upon Novel ' diffeifin^ the Diffeifees fhall have their Recoveries, if ' they will, by fuch Writs, againft the Diifeifors or ' their Feoffees, as well as they fhall have in Affife of ' Novel diffeifin, fo that the fame Diffeifors, or their ' Feoffees, againft whom the Writ fhall be brought, ' thereof take the Profits at the Time of the Writ pur- ' chafed, not.**khftanding any Gifts of Feoffments made to other Perfons for to delay the Demandants ' E R. 3. C, 9. Farther pr-mided for by I H. 7. c. I, 27 H. Henrici VI. A. D. 1433. Ex Rot. in Tun-. Lond. action envers lez diffeifoures durant la vie mefmes lez diffeifoures parenfi qe tiels lez diffeifoures ent preigne lez profettes al temps del f-ite commence licome en mefvne leftatuit eft contenuz pluis au plein. Le quell eftatut folonqe loppinion dez plufours ad efte entenduz es brefs daffifes de novel diffeifin tontfolement & fi graundement mefchefe eft a les parties demaundantz en autres briefs fuez & found ,z fur novell diffeifin come en affife. Et voillant par tant mefme noftre Seignur le- Roi tous maners oppinions & doutes en ceft parte ceffer ad ordene par laffent & auctorite fuifditz qen tous maners dez briefs fonduz fur le novell diffeifin lez deffeifez eient lour recoverer fils voil- lent par dels -briefs envers lez diffeifoures ou lour feftees auxibien come ils averoient en affife de novell diffeifin pariffint qe mefmes lez diffeifoures ou lour feftees vers qui ou quex le brefe ferra porte ent pregne ou pregnent lez profettz al temps del bref purchace rtieiit contrefteant afcufts dons ou feffementz faitz as autres perfones pur delaier lez demaundantz. C A P. IV. The Plaintiffs in Atfairit fhall recover their Cofts and Damages. The feveral Pleas and De- " lays that were €t TEM, Our Lord the King, by the grievous Com- plaint of his Commons, confidering the Mif- chiefs had within the Realm, and yet not remedied, Jtommral^r" and alfo the S reat Dama g e and Difherifon that " cometh by the ufual Perjury of Jurors impanelled " upon Inquefts, as well in the Courts of our Lord " the King, as of other, the which Perjury doth " abound and increafe daily more than it was wont, " for the great Gifts that fuch Jurors take of the Paf- " ties in Pleas fued in the faid Courts ; (2) wherefore " the greater Part of People that have to fue in the " faid Courts, leave their Suits for the Mifchiefs " aforefaid, and namely in refpeft of the Delays that " be in the Writs of Attain s ; for that in Times paft " in Writs of Attaints, when the Grand Jury had " appeared in Court, and were ready to pafs, one of " the Tenants or Defendants, of of the petty Jurors " named in fuch Writs, fometime have pleaded falfe " and faint Pleas, which were not triable by the " Grand Jury of the Attaint, and by that Means " delayed the taking of fuch Grand Juries until fuch " Pleas were tried. And after fuch Pleas tried and " found for the Plaintiffs, another of the Jurors, u Tenants, or Defendants, might plead another fuch
- ■' falfe and faint Plea- after the laft Continuance in
" the fame Attaints, and fo every of the Defendants, " Jurors* or Tenants, after other, might plead fuch " falfe and faint Plea, and delay the Grand Jury when " it was ready to pafs ; (3) and though that all fuch (* falfe and faint Pleas weie found againft them which " pleaded, no Pain was given them by the Common " Law, (4) in regard of which Delays, the Grand Ju- " ries in Attaints have been often grievoufly vexed and " travelled, and the Plaintiffs in fuch At aints put to " fo great Cofts, and thereby impoverifhed, that they " could not profecute their faid Suits, wherefore the " Jurors be the more encouraged to be perjured, artd rnfcniJ ind tc lQ ^j^. t ^ eir f a Jj" e Q atns j. n f uc h Cafes :" (5) Ou-r rm^cd y-in.i faia £ oru t h e King, willing thereof to. proade Re- IT E M noftre Seignuf le Roi par la grevouie compleint dez fez Communes confiderant lez graundes niefchefs ewez deinz le Roialme & un- qore nient remedez & auxi le graunde . amage & difheretifon qavient par le ufuell perjure dez jurroures enpanellez en enqueftes fibien en lez courtes du Roi come dautres la quell perjure ha- bunde & encrece de jour en autre pluis qe foloit pur lez graundes dounes que tiels jurrours preg- nent de lez parties es plees fuez en lez ditz cour- tes a taunt qe le greindre partie dez gentz qount a fuer eh lez ditz courtes leffent lour fute par lenchefon- fuifdit & nomement a caufe qe lez de- laies que foun. en lez briefs datteintes purceo qe avaun: cez heures en briefs datteint quant le graunde jure ad apparue en court & fuift preft de paffer Un dez tenantz ou defendantz ou des petites jur- rours nomez en tielx briefs a le foith ount pledes feintes & fauxes plefes quex fie fuerent triablez par la graunde jure de latteint & paf celle caufe delaiez la pries dez tielx graundes juriees tanqne tiels plees fuerent triez.. . Ft apres tielx plees tiiez & trovez pur le pleintifs une autre dez jur- rours tefiaumz ou defendantz purrorit pleder une ailtre tiel fauxe & feinte plee plui's lit darrein. continuance en mefmes lez atteintez. Et iffint chefcune dez defendantz jurours ou tenantz apres lautre parroit pleder tiel feuxe & feinte plee &; delaier la graunde juriee quant il fuift preft de paffer. Et combien qe tous tiels faux & feinte plees furent trovez envers eux qui eux plederent nulle peine fuift done envers eux par la commune ley a caufe dez quex delaiez lez graundes jur- iees en atteintcs ount efte fovent grevoufement vexez & laborez & lez pieintifs en tiels atteintz myz a ft graunde collages & enfi enpoverez qils ne p.irroient fuer avaunt lours dkz fuites par que lez jurrours ount efte meulx embaudez deftre perjurez & fair faux ferementz en tielx c«fes. Et voillant fur M