59° C. Anno decimo o&avo Henrici VI. A. D. 1439. 15 H. 6. c. 3. Explained 20 H. 6. c. 1. 31 H. 6, [4. Confirmed iy 14 EJ. 4. c. 4. ' the faid Merchants Aliens, at their Pleafure, may ' charge fuch Ships and Veffels of Spain, and of other ' Parts, Adverfaries and Enemies of the King, if the
- Mafters, Owners,, or Merchants of fuch Veflels and
' Ships having Letters Patents of the King, of his Safe Conduit, Surety, or Safeguard for fuch Ships or Veffels, and Merchandifes, making Mention of the Name of the Ships or Veffels, and of the Name of the Mafter of the Ships and Veffels , as the Man- ner is ; (3) and if any fuch Ships or Veffels, charged with any Merchandifes of fuch Merchants aforefald, be taken upon the Sea by the King's liege People, not having the King's Letters Patents, as afore is faid, within the Board of fuch Ships or Veffels, at the Day of the taking, nor that fuch Letters Patents, at the Day of the taking, be in the King's Chan- cery enrolled of Record, that then the Takers and Poffeffors of the Goods and Merchandifes, fo taken, may enjoy and hold the fame, any Statute or Ordi- nance made to the contrary notwithftanding ; (4) and that this Statute and Ordinance fhall begin to take his Force at the Feaft of St. Michael next coming ; and that Proclamation be thereof made upon the Sea-Coafts incontinently after this Or- dinance, to the Intent that the faid Merchants Aliens may have Knowledge of the fame Ordinance.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. deignez & grauntez par lauctorite defuifdit qe les dit merchauntz aliens a lour volume purront charger tieulx niefs & veffealx de Spaync & dau- tres parties adverfaries & enemyes du Roy fi les maiftres poffeffours ou merchauntz de tielz vef- fealx & niefs eient les lettres patentes du Roy de fon faufconduit fuerte ou fauf s arde pur tielx niefs veffeaulx & merchaundife faifant mention du noun de niefs ou veffeaulx a de noun de meftre dicelles niefs & veffalx ft come le manere eft fi afcuns tielx niefs ou veffeaulx chargez ove afcunes mer- chaundifes de tielx merchauntz avauntditz foient prifez fur meer par lieges du Roy non eiant les lettres patentz du Roy come avaunt eft dit dedeins le bord de tielx niefs ou veffeaulx a jour de la prife ne qe tielx lettres patentz le jour de la prife foient en la Chauncellarie du Roy enrollez de re- corde qe adonqes les parnours poffeffours les biens & merchandifes enfy prifez pourront enjoyer &c tenir afcun eftatuit ou ordenaunce fait en la con- trarie non obftant. Et qe ceft eftatuit & ordei- naunce foit commence a tenir fa force a la feft de Seint Michell prochein veignaunt et qe pro- clamation ent foit fait fur les coftes de le meer toft apres ceft ordeinaunce al entent qe les ditz mer- chauntz aliens pourrount avoir Conifaunce de mefme lordenaunce. C A P. IX. The Warrant of Attorney fiiailbe recorded in the fame Term that the Exigent is awarded. 10 H. 6. c. 4. _A falfe Entry, that the Plsin- " tiffin a Suit duth offer himfelt in proper Perfon, where he doth not. 4T Ed. 3. f. Z H. 4. i. 3. TEM, Whereas in a Statute expired, made the Tenth Year of the Reign of our Lord the King that now is, it was contained, That feeing divers of the King's liege People before that Time had been outlawed, vexed, and greatly difquieted in divers Suits, as well before the King himfelf in his Bench, as in the Common Bench, in the Records of which Suits the Entries have been made, that the Plain- tiffs in the fame Suits Obtuhrunt fe in propria pcrfona fua, where the fame Plaintiffs in the fame Suits did not appear to fuch Suits, nor had any Knowledge of the fame, to the great Mifchief of the faid liege People, if Remedy lhould not be provided : (1) Our Lord the King, willing in this Cafe to provide a Remedy, did ordain, by Autho- rity of the fame Parliament holden the fame Year, 1 That no Fylifer, Exigenter, nor any other Officer, ' from the fame Time lhould make any fuch Entry in any fuch Suit, except that the fame Plaintiff in ' the fame Suit, before any fuch Entry fhall be made, do appear in his proper Perfon before fome of the Juftices of the Place where the Plea was or fhall be hanging ; (3) and there fhall be fworn upon a Book, that he was the fame Perfon in whofe Name the faid Suit was fued, or that fome other credible Per- fon of his Council fhall make fuch Oath for him. (4) And that this Ordinance fhall endure until the. next Parliament following." ' (5) Our faid Lord the King confidering moreover like Damages, which happen as well to him, as to his poor liege People and Subjects, for that in the Records of divers and many Outlawries, the Entry is, that the Parties do appear by their Attornies, where the Attornies have no Warrant of Record, by reafon whereof the faid 5 ITEM come en un eftatuit determine fet Ian du reigne noftre Seignur -le Roy qoreft x me fuift contenuz coment pur ceo qe divers lieges le Roy avaunt cez heures ount efte utlages vexez & graundement diffeifez en diverz fuytes fibien de- vaimt le Roy mefme en fon bank come en le com- mune -Bank en les recordes les queux fuytis les entres ount efte faitz qe le pleintifs en mefme le fuytes optulerunt fe in propria perfona fja lou mefme les pleintifs en mefme les fuytes nappare- runt as tielx fuytes ne conufaunce avoienc de cell" au graund mifchief des ditz lieges fi remedie ne ferroit purveu en cell partie. Noftre Seignour le Roy voillant en ceo cas purvoier de remedie ordeigna par auctorite du parlement tenuz mefme Ian qe null philicer exigenter ne autre officer de- pths mefme le temps ferroit tiel entre en afcun. fuyte finon qe le pleintif en mefme le fuyte avaunt qe afcun tiel entre ferroit fait apparage en le propre perfone devaunt afcun des juftices de lieu lou le plee fuift ou ferroit pendant & illoeqes ferroit jure fur un livre qil fuift mefme la perfone en qe noun le dit fuyte fuift fuye ou qe autre creable perfone de fone counfaill ferroit tiel ferment pur luy. Et qe le dit ordeinaunce dureroit tanqe al prochein parlement apres ceo. Noftre dit Seignur le Roy confiderant outre ceo femblable dairutgez le quel avient fibien a luy come a fez povre lieges & fub- jectz pur ceo qe en les recordes des divers & plu- fours utlagaries lentre eft qe les parties apparent par lour attourneys lou les attourneys nount gar- raimt de recorde a caufe de quel les ditz utlaga- riez fount reverfable & pur le greindre partie rever- fez ad ordeigne par au<Storite diceft parlement qe le dit