596 C 19. Anno decimo o&avo Henrici VI. ing, that is to fay, if they fhall be wag"d for half a Year, Ten Shillings a Gown for a Gentleman, and Six Shillings Eight Pence for a Yeoman, upon Pain of Twenty Pound for every Spear, and Ten Pound for a Bow to the King, from whom he did abate upon the Tenour of the fame.' far bj z'& 3 Ed. 6. c. 2. W4 & 5 P. & M. c. 3. F-irth rr pro<v'itlct A. D. 1439. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. foient gagei pur un dimi an x. s. une robe dime gentile ;o e & vj.s. viij. d. pur un vadlet fur peync de xx. li.' pur chefcun lance & x. li.' pur chefeun arc au Roy fur qi ii abata fur le tenure dioeit. P. XIX. The Penalty of a Soldier not going with, or departing from, his Captain without Licence. 3 Inft. 86. It is Felony for a Soldier to leave his Captain without Licence. Enforced by 2 & j Ed, 6, c. 2. 7 fj 7. c. 1. 6 Co. 27. 9 Ed. 4. f. 26. • Cb';tfla : n. Chief Officers oi P '.- . Ihal] arrcft Soldiers ■. z frc.m Si .;. 1 . n . i'.tiu-n be tutd. ITEM, Seeing divers and many Soldiers before this Time, which have taken Parcel or half their Wages of their Captains, and lb have muitered and been entered of Record the King's Soldiers before his Commiffioners, for fuch Terms for which their Matters have indented, have fometime prefently after their Mufter, and the Receipt of Part or of the whole of their W;ges, departed and gone where they would, and have not paired the Sea with their faid Captains, and fome pafled the Sea, and long within their Terms departed from their Captains an 1 the King's Service, without apparent Licence to them granted by their faid Captains, whereof hath grown lb great Damage to the King and to his Realm, and fo many Inconveniencies, which cannot eafuy be ex- preffed, as of long Time the Experience hath {hew- ed, and the which Soldiers fo doing, as much as in them was, decayed the Honour and Reverence of the King, and have been many Ways great Caufers of the Lofl'es which have enfued in his Lands and Seigniories beyond the Sea, and the Adventure alfo of the Perfons of the Lord* and Captains which did conduct them." ' II. The fame King confidering the Premises, and willing againft fuch Inconveniencies and Damages to provide a Remedy, hath ordained by the Authority aforefaid, That every Man fo muttering and re- ceiving the King's Wages, which departed! from his Captain within his Term, in any Manner aforefaid, except that notorious Sicknefs or Impediment by the Vifitation of God (which may reafonably be known) fufFer him not to go, and which he fhall certify pre- fently to his Captain, and fhall repay his Money, fo that he may provide him for another Soldier in his Place, he fhall be punifhed as a Felon ; (2) and that the Juftices of Peace fhall have Power to inquire thereof, and to hear and determine the fame. (3) And likewife hath ordained by the fame Authority, That no Soldier, Man of Arms, or Archer, io muitered of Record, and going with his Captain be- yond the Sea, fhall return into England within the Term for which his Captain hath retained him, nor leave his Captain there in the King's Service, and in Adventure of the War, except that he hath reasonable Caufe fhewed by his Captain, and by him to the chief in the Country having Royal Power, and there- upon fhall have Licence of the faid * Captain, wit- neffed under his Seal, and the Caufe of his Licence. (4) And who that fo doth mufter of Record, and come without Letters Tefthnonials of the + Captain (as is faid) within his Term on this Side the Sea, that the Mayors, Bailiffs, and other the King's Mi- , at what Port or Place they fhall arrive, fhall have Authority to put them in Arrcft, and them there ■j lit/tain. ITEM pur ceo qe diverfes & plufours foldeours devaunt ceit temps les queux ount prifez lour gages parcell on dimi de lour capitains & iflinc ount monftrez & entreez de recorde lez foldeours du Roy devaunt fez cornmiflioners pur tielx termes pur quels lour maiftres ount endentez ount afcun temps maintenaunt apres lour monftre & la reccit de lour gages partie ou tout departez & alez lou ils voillent et nouht my paffez le meer ove lour dftz capitains & afcuns paifez lemeer &longement deinz lour termes departez a lour capitains & a le fervice du Roy faunce licence apparent grantez a eux par lour ditz capitains dount ad crewe fy graunde damage au Roy &c a fon Roialme & ii plufours iiicor.ienementz qe ne poient legierment eftre expreffez ficome de longe temps la experience ad monftre & les queles foldeours iffint faifantz en taunt come en eux fuift anientereront lonour & la reverence du Roy & ount eftcz plufours graundtes caufeours des damage; qe cunt cheiez en fez terres & Seignuries de pardela & laventure auxint de les- perfones de les Seignurs & capitains qi eux condu- ce ount. Mefme le Roy confidenrunt l;s premi/Tes & vts- iliant encontre tielx inconveniencies & dammages ptir.oier de remedie ad ordeigne par lauctorite fuifdit qe chefcun homme iffint mouftrant & re- ceyvant les gages le Roy le quel departe a fori ca- pitain deins fon terme en afcun manere avauntdit ovefqe ceo qe notoire maladie ou impediment par la vifitation de Dieu le quel poet eftre conuz rai- fonnble ne luy leffoet & le quel il certifia mainte- naunt a fon c.ipitain & repaie fa money ficome il poet purvoier luy pur un autre foldeour en fon lieu foit 'punyfhe come un felon et qe les juftices de la peas eient poair denquerrer de ceo & doier & ter- miner en icell. Et fetnblablement ad ordeigne par mefme lauftorite qe null foldeour home darmes ne archer iffint mouftrez de recorde & alant ovefqe fon capitain de pardela reveigne ycy en Engleterre deins le terme pur qi fon capitain endentera ne leffa fon capitaigne la en le Service du Roy & en aven- ture de la guerre faunz ceo qil eit caufe raifonable monftre par fon capitain & par luy a le chief en le pays eiant le poair roial & fur ceo eit licence de la dit chifteyne tefmoigne defoubz fon feal & la caufe de fa licence. Et qi iffint mouftree de recorde & veigne faunz lettres teftimonialx de le chifteyn. come defuifdit deins fon terme de pardecea qe'les mairs baillifs & autres miniftres du Roy de quel port ou lieu en qi i! ou ils arrivount eient audlorite- de eux mettre en areft & de eux la garder tanqe de eux