A. D. 1444. Anno vicefimo tertio Henrici VI. C. 609 Cotton MS. queftez ou afcuns panellez fur ceo deftre fait, af- cuns Baillifs, Officers, ou fervauntz a afcun de lez officers fuifditz, en afcun panelle per eux iffint affaire, ne que null de lez ditz Officers et Minif- trez, per occafion, ou fouth colour, de lour office, preigne afcun autre chofe per eux ne per afcun au- tre perfone a lour oeps ou availle dafcun perfone per eux ou afcuns de eux deftre arreftuz ou at- tachez, ne de nulle autre pur eux, pur le leffer daf- cun arreft ou attachement deftre fait per lour corps, ou de afcun perfone per eux ou afcun de eux per force ou colour de lour office aref- tuz ou attachez, pur fyn, fee, fewet de prifon, maynpris, leffance a bailie, ou monftraunce af- cun eafe ou favour a afcun tiel perfone iffint ar- reftuz ou arreftier, pur lour regard ou profit, ft noun tiel come enfuift, fcilicet pur le Vifcount xx d. le Bail'if qe face larreft ou lattachement iiij d. & le Gaoler, fi le prifoner foit commis a fa garde, iiij d. Et que le Vifcount, Southvifcount, Clerk de Vifcount, Senefchall ou Raillif de fraunchife, Servaunt ou Baillif, ne Coroner, preigne per co- lour de ion' office, per luy ne per afcun autre per- fone a fon ufe, dafcun perfone pur la faifure daf- cun retourne ou panelle afcun chofe, et pur la co- pie dun panell iiij d. et que lez ditz Vifcountz, et toutz. autres Officers et Miniftrez avauntditz, lefferount hors du prifon toutz maners dez perfo- nez per eux ou afcun de eux arreftiers ou efteant en lour garde per force dafcun briefe, Bille, ou garraunt en afcun a£iion perfonell, ou per caufe denditement de trefpas, fur refonable fuerte dez fufficeantz perfonez eiantz fufficeaunte deinz lez Counteez lou tielx perfonez fount iffint leffez a bailie ou maynpris, de garder lour jours en tielx lieux come lez ditz briefs billez ou garrauntz re- quirent; tiel perfone ou perfonez qui fount ou ferrount en lour garde per condempnation, exe- cution, capias utlagatum, ou excommunicatum, fu- erte de peas, et toutz tielx perfonez qui fount com- mys a gard per efpecial commaundement dafcun J uf- tice, et vagerauntz refufauntz de fervir folonque la fourme del eftatut dez laborers, tauntfoulement ex- ceptz. Et que nulle vifcount, ne nulle dez officers ou miniftrez fuifditz, preigne ou face de prendre ou faire afcun obligation pur afcun caufe fuifditz, ou colour de lour office, fmoun tauntfoulement a lour mefmez, dafcun perfone, ne pur afcun perfone qui foit en lour garde per le cours de la lcye, forfque fur le noun de lour office, et fur condition que la dit prifoner appierge a le jour conteignuz en le dit briefe bille ou garraunt et en tielx lieux come ]e dit briefe bille ou garrant requiert. Et fi afcuns de lez ditz vifcountz ou autres officers ou miniftrez fuifditz preigne afcun obligvtion en autre fourme per colour de lour officez, qil foit voide. Et qil ne preigne pluis pur la fefaunce dafcun tiel obli- gation, garraunt, ou precept, per eux deftre fait, forfque iiij. d. Et auxint que chefcune de lez ditz vifcountz face annuelment im depute en lez courtz du Roi de fa Chauncerie, Bank du Roy, Com- mune Bank, et Lefchequer, de recorde, devaunt ceo qils retournent afcuns briefs, de refceiver toutz maners dez briefs et garrantz a eux deftre deli- verez;. Et qe toutz lez vifcountz, fouthvifcountz, clerks, baillifs, Vol. I. gaolers, coroner?, fenefchallx, ' any Bailiffs, Officers, or Servants to any of the Of- ' ficers aforefaid, in any Panel by them fo to be made; ' (3) nor that any of the faid Officers and Minifte. ■■;, ,, jj. 7 . r. ,c ; 1 by Occafion, or under Colour of their Office, fhall Dyer, f. irg. ' take any other Thing by them, nor by any other Per- Lntv " h 5*' ' fon to their Ufe, Profit, or Avail, of any Perfon by 5 Mod ' "S ' them, or any of them, to be arrefted or attached, nor
- of none other for them, for the omitting of any
' Arreft or Attachment to be made by their Body, or ' of any Perfon by them or any of them, by Force or ' Colour of their Office, arrefted or attached, for Fine, ' Fee, Suit of Prifon, Mainprife, letting to Bail, or ' fhewing any Eafe or Favour to any fuch Perfon fo ' arrefted, or to be arrefted, for their Reward or Profit, ' but fuch as follow ; that is to fay, For the Sheriff Fees for Arrefli ' xx d. the Bailiff which maketh the Arreft or At- "J Attach- ' tachment, Four Pence, and the Gaoler, if the Pri- j? c ", ts ' ' foner be committed to his Ward, Four Pence; (4-)'co D l 3 i6t ' And that the Sheriff, Under-Sheriff, Sheriff's Clerk, ' F ' 3 "' ' Steward or Bailiff of Franchise, Servant of Bailiff or Fees f *p '^j " ' Coroner, fhall not take any Thing by Colour of his '¥■£&*.*££&■ c Office, by him nor by any other Perfon to hiscro. El.76." ' Ufe, of any Perfon for the making of any Return 3 Leon. 208. ' or Panel, and for the Copy of any Panel, but ' ivd. (5) And that the faid Sheriffs, and all other ^^j^ ' Officers and Minifters aforefaid, fhall let out of Pri- ™^,. l ot * c ' ' fon all Manner of Perfons by them or any of them Latch 23, 143. ' arrefted, or being in their Curtody, by Force of any Plow. f. 60. ' Writ, Bill, or Warrant in any Aftion Perfonal, or ^t ^'^ ' by Caufe of Indictment of Trefpafs, upon reafon-" e al °" ' able Sureties of fufficient Perfons, having fufficient ' within the Counties where fuch Perfons be fo let ' to Bail or Mainprife, to keep their Days in fuch ' Place as the faid Writs, Bills, or Warrants fhall Carthew 3 oo. ' require. (6) Such Perfon or Perfons which be or lMod,22 7" ' fhall be in their Ward by Condemnation, Execu- ' tion, Capias Utlagat' or Excommunicatum, Surety of ' the Peace, and all fuch Perfons which be or mall be ' committed to Ward by fpecial Commandment of 2 Mod. '77- 1 any Juftice, and Vagabonds refufing to ferve ac- si £ ' 3 |° 7 ' ' cording to the Form of the Statute of Labourers, sau'nd. 161, ' only except. (7) And that no Sheriff, nor any ofi6i. ' the Officers or Minifters aforefaid, mail take or* Amfcrli 1M4 ' caufe to be taken, or make, any Obligation for any 2 ig eon-7 ' 107 > ' Caufe aforefaid, or by Colour of their Office, but', A 'nde.r. 267. ' only to themfelves, of any Perfon, n:r by any Per-Hob. 13. ' fon which fhall be in their Ward by the Courfe oftoto. 101. ' the Law, but by the Name of their Office, and uporfPy"' f j Il8 » ' Condition written, that the faid Prifoners fhall '^_ ^^ ^ ' appear at the Day contained in the faid Writ, B1II3 co.59. ' or Warrant, and in fuch Places as the faid Writs, 10 Co. 99. ' Bills, or Warrants (hall require. (8) And if any of£ r °- J, ac - 2S6 - ' the faid Sheriffs, or other Officers or Minifters afore- J".™. r * 3 ° 9 ' faid,- take any Obligation in other Form by Oo- Savi 'i g,, lour of their Offices, that it fhall be void ; (9) and Hob. 71. that he fhall take no more for the making of any fuch Obligation, Warrant, or Precept by them to be made, but Four Pence. ( 10) And alfo that every %S$g£ff of the faid Sheriffs fhall make yearly a Deputy in in thc King's the King's Courts of his Chancery, the King's courts. Bench, the Common Pleas, and in the Exchequer, of Record, before that they fhall return any Writs, to receive all Manner of Writs and Warrants to be delivered to them: (11) And that all Sheriffs, Un- der-Sheriffs, Clerks, Bailiffs, Gaolers, Coroners, Stewards, Bailiffs of Franchifes, or any other Offi- cers or Minifters, which do csntrary to this Ordi- I i I i ' nance -