A. D. 1452. Anno tricefimo primo Henrici VI. C. 4, 5. Ex Rot. in Tun: Lond. tcniers eient poiar denquerrer de toutz tielx attachcmentez faitz ou affaires hors dafcun des ditz countees de Weftmerl' Cumbr' ou Northumbr' ou ville de Novellchaftell et en ceo et fur ceo a fere & proceder come eux puiffent fere & proceder fur prefentments prifes devaunt eux en leur feflions de peas tournes ou lctes de trefpas ou affraies faitz encountre la peas du Roy. CAP. IV. The Remedy for him who having a Safe Conduct is robbed upon the Sea. 625 ITEM noftre dit foverayne Seignur le Roy par audtorite defuifdit ad ordeigne & eftablie qe fi afcun de fez fubgiettz attempt ou ofFende fur le meer ou en afcun port dedeins le dit Roialme foubz lobeifaunce du Roy encountre afcun perfone ou per- lbnes eftranges efteantz fur le meer ou en afcun port defuifdit per voye damyte liege ou treues ou par force du faufconduyt ou faufgarde du Roy en afcun manere & en efpeciall en attachant dafcun tiel eftraunge perfone robbant ou defpoillant de luy de nief ou afcuns autres maners des biens ou en- countre afcun autre perfone de fon liege poeple le Chaunceller dEngleterre pur le temps efteant come pur la deliveraunce dafcune tiel perfone iffirit at- tache deftre ewe et con«e pur reftitution affaire a chefcun tiel perfone enfi robbe ou difpoile de nief ou biens ou de la value ent eit auctorite appellant a luy afcun des Juftices de June ou de lautre bank fur bille ou billes du compleynt fait a luy en cell partie pur faire autiell proceffe hors de la dit Chauncellarie fibien encountre toutz tielx ofFendours a les amener en la Chauncerie du Roy illeoqes a refpoundre as parties iflint gvevees en ceft partie come encountre afcun autre perfone ou perfones as quelx mains afcun tiel perfone iflint attache nief ou biens ferra ou ferrount venuz come pur deliveraunce & refti- tution par eux affaires de mefmez les perfone nief & biens come femblera a mefme le Chaunceller pluis expedient & necefTarie. Et fur telle procefie enii fait hors de la dit Chauncellarie le dit Chaun- celler plus avant a proceder en cell matier fi le cafe enfi requiert par advis dafcun tiel Juftice de faire la perfone & perfones eftranges iflint greves davoir pleyn deliveraunce & reftitution dafcun tiel perfone enii attache et de toutz tielx niefs et biens et aufli de toutz leurs coftes expenfes & deperdes faitz & fuffrez par eux en ceft partie et tout maner dexe- cution fur ceo de faire hors de la dit Chauncerie en tiel fourme come femblera au dit Chaunceller plus expedient & necefTarie pur tiel deliveraunce & refti- tution deftre euez appellant a luy afcun tiel Juftice come devant eft dit. Ceft afte a commencer & prendre effect le primer jour de Maij Ian du dit Roy xxxij. ITEM our Sovereign Lord the King, by Autho-15 H. 6. c. 3. rity aforefaid hath ordained and eftablifhed, Th"at lS lu 6> '"• s - if any of his Subjects attempt or offend upon the 20 l1 ' 6 " " '" Sea, or in any Port within the faid Realm, under the King's Obeifance, againft any Perfon or Perfons Strangers, being upon the Sea, or any other Port atorefaid by way of Amity, League, or Truce, or by Force of the King's Safe Conduct or Safeguard in any wife, and efpecially in attaching of any fuch ftrange Perfon, robbing or fpoiling of him, his Ship, or any other Manner of Goods, or againft any other Perfon of his liege People ; the Chancellor of Eng- land for the time being (as well for the Deliverance of any fuch Perfon fo attached to be had, as to make Reftitution to every fuch Perfon fo robbed or fpoiled 2 r. 2 . f, ». of Ship or Goods, or of the Value thereof) fhall 3 Buliir. z8. have Authority, calling to him any of the Juftices of the one Bench or of the other, upon a Bill or Bills of Complaint to him made in this Behalf, to make fuch Procefs out of the faid Chancery, as Well againft all fuch Offenders, to bring them into the King's Chancery, there to anfwer to the Parties fo grieved in this Behalf, as againft any other Perfon or Ferfona to whofe Hands any fuch Perfon fo attached, Ship or Goods fhall come, as for the Delivery and Refti- tution by them to be made of the fame Perfon, Ship, and Goods, as fhall feem to the fame Chancellor moil expedient and neceflary. (2) And upon this Procefs fo made out of the faid Chancery, the faid Chancellor further to proceed in this Matter, if the Cafe do fo require, by Advice of any fuch Juftice, to make the Perfon and Perfons Strangers fo grieved to have full Delivery and Reftitution of any fuch Perfon fo attached, and of all fuch Ships and Goods, and alio of all their Cofts, Expences, and Loffes dif- burfed and fuffered by them in this Behalf, and there- upon to award all Manner of Execution out of the faid Chancery, in fuch Sort as fhall feem to the faid Chancellor moft expedient and neceffary for fuch Delivery and Reftitution to be had, calling to him any fuch Juftice as afore is faid. This A6t to begin and take Effect the Firft Day of May, the Two and thirtieth Year of the faid King.' r * ,. „, o Conpitnai fry. T4 Ed, 4. c. 4. CAP. V. No Cuftomer, Comptroller, &e. fhall have any Eftate certain in his Office. TEM qe come eftoit ordeigne par leftatute fait en le temps du Roy Richard fecund qe null fercheour gaugeour del vyne aulnour tronour poi- four colle£tour des cuftumes & fubfidies ou coun- trollour averoit eftate en fon office pur terme de vie ou terme des ans mes qe les ditz ofHcez demurroi- ent defoubz la governaunce du Treforer dEngle- terre pur le temps efteant auxi eftoit ordeigne par Vol. L " IT TEM, Whereas it was ordained by a Statute 1 " J. made in the Timeof King Richard the Second, " That no Searcher, Ganger of Wines, Auineger, " Finder 5 , Weigher, Collector of Cuftoms and Sub- 3 " fidies, or Comptroller, (hall have Eftate in his OfF.ce " for Term of Life, or for Term of Years, but that " the faid Officers fhall remain under the Government " of the Treafurer of England for the time being; (2) L 1 11 " and