Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/674

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C. 9.
Anno tricesimo primo Henerici VI.
A.D. 1452

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CAP. IX. A Remedy for a Woman inforced to be bound by Statute or Obligation.

This chapter is presented in both (Norman) French and English in the source document, only the English translation is provided here.

3 Inst. 60 ITEM, Whereas in all Parts of this Realm divers great Power, moved with unsatiable Covetousness, against all Right, Humanity, Integrity, and good Conscience, have fought and found new Inventions, and them continually do exeute, to the Danger, Trouble, and great abusing of all Ladies, Gentlewomen, and other Women sole, having any Substance of Lands, Tenements, or other moveable Goods within this Realm, perceiving their great Weakness and Simplicity, will take them by Force, or otherwise come to them, seeming to be their great Friends, promisg them their faithful Friendship, and so by great Dissimulation, or otherwise, get them into their Possession, conveying them in to such Places where the said Offenders be of most Power ; (2) and when any Women by such Means, or by any other Means be in their Government, the said evil disposed Person or Persons will not suffer them to go at large, and be at their Liberty, until that they will bind themselves to the said Offenders, or other Person or Persons to their Use, in great Sums, by Obligation or Obligations, as well simple as conditional, or by Obligation or Obligations of Statute-merchant, made before a Mayor or Bailiff, having Power to take such Recognifances.

II. Also they will many times compel them to be married by them, contrary to their own Likings, or otherwise they will levy the said Sum or Sums on their Lands and Goods, and put their Person or Persons in Danger, to their great Damage, which hath been, and is like to be an universal Prejudice to the Law of holy Church, and the Law of this Realm, unless due Remedy thereupon be provided. (2) said Lord the King, confidering the Premisses, hath ordained and stablilhed, by Authority of this present Parliament, That in all such Cases aforefaid, the Party bound may have a Writ out of the Chancery, containing all the Matter of their unreasonable Intreaty, directed to the Sheriff of the County where any such Offences were so done, or after shall be done, commanding him, that he, by Force of this Writ, make Proclamation in the full County, and in the next County-Court after the Receipt of the said Writ, that the Person or Persons contained in the said Writ shall appear at a certain Day and Place prefixed in the faid Writ, before the Chancellor of England for the time being, or otherwise before the Justices of Assise in the Counties where the said Offences were done, or else before some other notable Person to be assigned by the Chancellor of England for the time being ; (3) at the which Day and Place, if the said Parties appear, that then the said Chancellor of England, Justice, or other Person so to be assigned by the Chancellor for the time being, by virtue of this Ordinance, shall duly examine the said Parties upon the Premisses ; (4) by which examination, if they can find the said Obligation or Obli-